Dedicated LVC Member
barry2952 said:Actually that response was aimed at Fossten. His post berating me was removed by the administrator. I have no bone to pick with you.
As was your post calling me names. Get over it and move on.
barry2952 said:Actually that response was aimed at Fossten. His post berating me was removed by the administrator. I have no bone to pick with you.
barry2952 said:Actually that response was aimed at Fossten. His post berating me was removed by the administrator. I have no bone to pick with you.
fossten said:Americans emerged as the most critical of the news media's balance, with 69 percent disagreeing that the media reports all sides of a story.
A similar proportion, 68 percent, thought the media covered too many "bad news" stories.
MonsterMark said:Of course the media is projecting the landslide that is to become of the '06 elections. Big bad Bush will finally bring down the Republican party.
Alas, the economy will be strong, our society will remain safe, people's retirement funds will have rebounded, most people will have jobs, and as a result, Republicans will retain control of the House and the Senate, and add to their levels in the Governor and State Houses.
Despite the best efforts of the media nobody trusts.
I try to be positive on a daily basis. I don't look for the negatives but I will point them out time to time.95DevilleNS said:You are one positve guy and I mean that as a compliment.
barry2952 said:Just so David doesn't get confused again this information comes from Bryan's favorite pollster,
Thursday May 04, 2006--Forty-one percent (41%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.
Direct your lame comments at Bryan, barry. I don't give a crap what you think.barry2952 said:Just so David doesn't get confused again this information comes from Bryan's favorite pollster,
Thursday May 04, 2006--Forty-one percent (41%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.
MonsterMark said:But thanks for the compliment. It is appreciated.![]()
fossten said:The practical impact of this revision is modest in the current environment. The new approach will result in the President's reported ratings being a point or two lower than they would have been under the old system."
MonsterMark said:I told everybody that Rasmussen was the most accurate pollster. I also told you, he, like Zogby has become infected by the liberal media bias.
We had a thread about it. How Rasmussen was posting 'hate Bush' stuff. I think I even *owned* Johnny over the negative ads posted next to Bush poll numbers on the site.
So this only confirms that Rasmussen, like many other pollsters before him is starting to twitch and manipulate his polling data. Too bad. Guess I'll have to find another pollster willing to tell the truth.
barry2952 said:(CNN) The same was true for a question on handling national security: 46 percent said Clinton performed better; 42 percent picked Bush.
Joeychgo said:You make a a good point in that we have not been attacked since 9/11 and people may not be giving Bush credit for that.
We dont know if we would have been attacked, but its a valid assumption that we would have. Maybe not on our own soil, but we would have.
But, we also lose soldiers nearly every day in Iraq to Al Qaida insurgants. Does that count as a terror attack, like the USS Cole?