Bryan, you need to take a deep breath. Don't let these wacko media ideologues get you riled up and saying things you don't really mean. I think you are incorrect in assuming that most Americans are stupid. Everybody reading those exit polls on election day thought Kerry was going to run away with the election, but they were proved wrong, weren't they? Look what happened. The silent majority went out there and whipped the Dems' arses.
Keep in mind that Bush doesn't have to run again. Also bear in mind that this is the worst case of sour grapes in history, fueled by the Drive-by Media. In addition, the polls are a reflection of the country's mood due to gas prices and Drive-by Media-caused guilt over how badly the country must be doing just on their say-so. Personally, I'm not all that happy with Bush right now, since he's offering amnesty to 12 million illegals, so if the pollsters called me, I'm not sure how I'd answer.
For all these reasons and a few more, current job approval polls are
meaningless. Unless you think polls can impeach a President, you have nothing to fear from these polls. They are designed to depress and discourage us and fool the sheeple.
Joey, even a lie when repeated enough becomes truth. I've documented numerous occasions where the media lied about Bush or the Republicans. They have waged a nonstop war of demagoguery since January of '05, and I've proven it. The latest is this so-called datamining of "TENS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS" phone records. Now it's turning out that USA Today's article was FALSE. What do you say to that?
Everybody knows that Democrats try to make lemonade out of the lemons they got in '04. Barry's just trying to salvage some vestige of solace even though his hated, worst-case, object-of-loathing BuSh got elected instead of the Traitor. It's just like the election in Ohio where what's-his-name only lost his local election by 4 points and the Dems claimed VICTORY! You guys leave barry alone.

He needs this "daily affirmation" in order to remain sane, and he's doing it right here on this forum:
(cue Stewart Smalley aka Al Frankenstein)
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people hate Bush!"