car audio help


New LVC Member
Dec 21, 2010
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Anyone know how to add an amp and subs to a factory deck and factory amp i need to know what wires and where they are to tap into to hook up an amp for my 12s
Same as with with any need a line output converter and an amp wiring kit.

The type of kit depends on how many amps and how strong the amp is....i run 4 gauge wire and installed my loc in the trunk next to the factory amp.
so there is no way to hook up the subs and still have my factory amp hooked up
The way i told you.

You install a line output converter and it runs off a speaker connection in the rear. You dont have to take anything away, just add this module and then wire the aftermarket amp to it and the subs.

Im running my factory amp still.
so i just splice the rear speakers before the amp into the loc and the hook the amp up as normal
so that hooks up between the radio and the factory amp or between the factory amp and the rear speakers
Its designed to take the input before it goes to the speakers but should work either way.

The factory amp isnt very strong, it wont matter.
I used this little gem as the trigger for my amp......


It piggy-backs (basically) off one of the speaker wires. I spliced into the wires for the rear speakers to run a couple of speakers under the rear deck, where the stock subs live. The factory HU has no problem with the added draw due to the amp I installed. I ran the amp wiring for the speakers the hard way; from the front at the back of the HU.
quick question wat if i dont have the rear deck speakers.. can i just hook up loc to rear pillar wires to rear door????? or is the wiring there for rears in deck to tap into
You are correct, but I would image the signal would be clearer as a posed to an amplified signal..

it would, but before the amp would just be the signal, if you where to hook a standard LOC up to signal wires, it would knock the strength of the signal down way too far and the amp would be wasting its time boosting the super weak signal back up.

you could however solder RCA connectors directly to the signal wires coming out of the radio as they go into the fact amp, and then just plug them into the aftermarket amp and just not use a LOC

then again, you could just solve the problem by building a proper system, and just getting a radio that actually has the outputs that you need.
quick question wat if i dont have the rear deck speakers.. can i just hook up loc to rear pillar wires to rear door????? or is the wiring there for rears in deck to tap into

two things,

first, yes the wiring should be there, tucked up on the left side of the trunk (at least it has been there for the couple of LS's that i have worked on with out fact subs) but this will be the pure signal, so you wont be able to tap a LOC into there

second, yes you can tap the LOC into the rear speaker wires in the B pillar before they run into the door boot, BUT you will have to run wires to both B pillars as the wiring for each speaker is nowhere near each other. however, you would be best to tap the LOC in behind the factory radio, where you could get both sides at the same location, along with an ACC signal to turn the amp on with, ALSO since then you would be running the rca's back from the radio location, if you ever decided to step your game up and get a real radio, the cables would already be there ready to get plugged in.
ok but i cannot get a clear answer anywhere on what colors are what i had the radio out and everything laptop open in front of me with 5 or six different tabs open each having its own color for these wires (L+R rear) however i cannot find em
ok but i cannot get a clear answer anywhere on what colors are what i had the radio out and everything laptop open in front of me with 5 or six different tabs open each having its own color for these wires (L+R rear) however i cannot find em

What year is your LS?
01 sport i have the alpine 6 with 2 centers and and 4 door speakers(soory if im being redundent)
Left rear = White/violet and Gray/white
Right rear = White (solid) and Gray (solid)
hahahahahahaa should i wait till gas goes up another 2$ or now??????? no seriously its almost like a bucking and i realize this is car audio help however with almost 6,000 posts under ur fan belt and me being completly green i could use the advice before i drop my rear end on the road....i have two lil ones and need a safe car.......its almost like a bucking from rear

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