Check Out Brittany's Ls 22" Blades && Kandy

my god....that poor poor car

she should not be allowed to bear children and pass on the stupid gene....[/QU

Yeah well hopefully you arent as stupid as you sound....talking about a 3 year old.....but i guess thats about your level.nerds i swear!!!!
Had you not typed like that on your page poeple would've been like "its hers, as long as she likes it" or not my style ect. it's the typing that pissed poeple off, well me anyways. Just trying way to hard.
Am I the only one that thinks the pink looks like a bad photoshop?? There is something about it that doesn't look real.

Maybe I'm just hoping beyond hope.

oh its real....its just the glare from clear coat.....ill post some better pics for all your friends to hate on.
Had you not typed like that on your page poeple would've been like "its hers, as long as she likes it" or not my style ect. it's the typing that pissed poeple off, well me anyways. Just trying way to hard.

if me typing a certain way bothers you then yall need help....thats rediculous!what does that have to do with anything.i guess if my car looked like all you guys it would be great.well we all have lincolns and trust im not the only one with one like this.i dont reall like kits on the LS but i wasnt downing you all!
if me typing a certain way bothers you then yall need help....thats rediculous!what does that have to do with anything.i guess if my car looked like all you guys it would be great.well we all have lincolns and trust im not the only one with one like this.i dont reall like kits on the LS but i wasnt downing you all!

Its your car, do what you want with it. No matter what you do, you'll always have haters or people suggesting things you should do on it that you don't agree with, but that's the beauty of customization; the car becomes truly yours. Personally, 22"s on the LS isn't my style, but it's your car and not mine and trust me I have seen much much much worse things done to an LS. I don't think they were reacting as much to your car as much as they were the ghetto fabulous grammar.
Yo... that thing is pho sho!! U down with that snoopy?? thats a dope Lincoln...keep it real homie being realistic...that thing is ugly as :q:q:q:q!!
Someone posted before researching the thread:shifty: :D .
I know. I was just breakin' balls :D

I got a wife that bust my balls enough. Thank you. At least she trying to be different. Beats the hell out of being like everyone else.
Am I the only one that thinks the pink looks like a bad photoshop?? There is something about it that doesn't look real.

Maybe I'm just hoping beyond hope.

At first I thought that too. Its not thou.
Something to point out. If everyone thinks its SOOO ugly, why is it 3rd out of 1014 Lincoln LSes?????

Just an observation.:rolleyes:
I got a wife that bust my balls enough. Thank you. At least she trying to be different. Beats the hell out of being like everyone else.

It's all good, dude. :D

Something to point out. If everyone thinks its SOOO ugly, why is it 3rd out of 1014 Lincoln LSes?????

Just an observation.:rolleyes:

Because that's CarDomain for ya. :D
Something to point out. If everyone thinks its SOOO ugly, why is it 3rd out of 1014 Lincoln LSes?????

Just an observation.:rolleyes:

because alot of guys with pretty cars don't have pretty girlfriends (IE the honda guy somebody made a post about a few weeks ago)
Also shows you what kind of crowed needs to depend on Car Domain for that boost in self esteem.
Also shows you what kind of crowed needs to depend on Car Domain for that boost in self esteem.

Congrats 2000 posts Werner

The newer people that are part of cardomain get ranked really high and then after a few weeks they fall off the list.

This is everyone's response it seems like on cardomain.

5 stars ***** fo' show fo' show you doing your thang girl. Check out my guestbook and rank me up playa!
Well thank you sir, it did look pretty:p with all those 0's.

5 stars ***** fo' show fo' show you doing your thang girl. Check out my guestbook and rank me up playa!

Pretty much they just lie and kiss ass hoping you do the same for them and one day it will pay off ( what it pays I dont know ) and they will be on top or close to it.;)
call me old fashioned but i hate wiggers. why do suburban white kids worship some ghetto uneducated mindset and lifestyle. and yes you can do what you want but you better be ready to deal with the consequences, flashy paint , neon tubes, chrome all over and alot of bass are for people lacking attention and need therapy. my opinion and thats all that matters to me. keep it clean and simple and real enthusiasts will appreciate it. its all in the details. the fact that its number 3 just shows how many stupid people are out there and maybe thats why other countries hate us.
yea, when I joined and put my car up I was on the top for abit out of all the cars, now I have no idea where I am, nor do I care cause after all, its cardomain.
call me old fashioned but i hate wiggers. why do suburban white kids worship some ghetto uneducated mindset and lifestyle. and yes you can do what you want but you better be ready to deal with the consequences, flashy paint , neon tubes, chrome all over and alot of bass are for people lacking attention and need therapy. my opinion and thats all that matters to me. keep it clean and simple and real enthusiasts will appreciate it. its all in the details. the fact that its number 3 just shows how many stupid people are out there and maybe thats why other countries hate us.

I guess you hate my LS then. Body-kit, chrome rims, LED lights. I have most of what you listed. You think I need therapy?:rolleyes: My wife thinks I do for other reasons thou.:lol:

My LS is clean and simple. Clean enough, I have people thinking most of my stuff is factory. Or best yet, had a guy think my LS was the "new Continential"....:lol: ..Before I could currect him. He drove off. The local Lincoln dealer is going to think the guy is nuts.

Your definition of "real car enthusiasts" is WAY different then mine. A REAL car enthusiasts can appreciate the car/work of another whether or not they like or not. I have seen cars that were sweet as hell. But painted some horrible color or had ugly interior. It may take away from the look, but not the work. I can and do appreciate a ride on its merit/work not its owners taste. Guess thats why I can judge a car show and you wish you could.
love the last sentence Rollin ;)
well rollin ive seen your car im in st louis. you came to my work before. nothing out of the ordinary that everyone in the world doesnt have. i wouldnt say leds, chrome rims, different headlights,stick on body kit, more gay woodgrain and painted accents entails alot of work. not impressed. theres plenty of cooler lses in our area than yours, we just have better things to do then sit around all day at a car show hoping for some pointless trophy. car shows are gay. cars are for driving and thats why i mod mine, for my personal driving experience, and it gets driven hard, not to go to a car show and have other people tell me its cool. ive had plenty of people try to get me to take mine to a car show(especially when they see yours at one) and plenty of people at the racetrack think mine is some special version because its so stock like appearance. but i could care less. i dont pop my hood or open my doors for anyone but myself. and everyone can have an opinion. try fabricating your own stuff and going through trial and error for years until you get it right then i could appreciate it, not just slapping on cheap accessories that the average joe will like. i guess im more into driving and horsepower anyway, do whatever you want i know you think because you have trophies it muuust be cool. my friend won numerous trophies with a completley stock altima. theres a class for every car and thats why some win. its stupid. you wouldnt want me judging a show cause i dont like anything but id never waste my time going to one anyway
I like his car minus the body kit. Don't know whats on the inside though.
maybe ive just outgrown that crap. when i was 10-16 it might of been cool. not at 29 though. if your lucky you just might make into the new fast and furious movie or nail some young kid your trying to appeal to. old people trying to be cool is funny

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