ITS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and louder than hell!!!! open kooks will do that lol we knew it was gonna be loud when we primed the oil system all we hurd was blub blub blub blub lol
pic 1: yup the dipstick broke the dipstick lol
pic 2: how it was orentated in the pan
pic 3: still messy just wanted to make sure everything worked
pic 4: can you hear it? i still can
pic 5: like the masking tape over the holes in the intake tube (NOT finished)
pic 6: purrrdy
pic 7: as you can see there is a LMS maf, but torques
big ole 9 incher (air filter) didnt fit in the bird platform so a nice little 7 inch works just fine
pic 8: more masking tape even have a bag over the fresh air intake
pic 9: good pic of tri-color paint job
all thats left is cosmetic for the most part
and as soon as i can figure out how to post it i have a vid of the first try starting it and it fired the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!