Concrete side rail= 1, Lincoln LS= 0

Oh man, so sorry!

WOW I know that sucks. Just missed a deer myself. A big buck standing in the shadows of a tree right in the center of my lane near midnight. Jumped hard on the brakes, the screeching tires spooked it just in time. The deer bounded off to the right. I was counting the costs as I hit the brakes. You can probably do a decent job on the wheel with some clear coat. But the body is gonna need some serious work. Best Regards. :eek:
Hey Lucky, learn to spell. hore would be spelled Whore.

while you are waiting on your phone call from your agent, feel free to use!!

racing car driver.jpg

car jousting.jpg
I watched a common sense-less cop smoke a deer at about 60 one night. I was DD'ing for some friends, and was on the way to pick them up from the bar at about 1:30am. I saw the deer come out into my lane from the ditch on my side of the road. I had plenty of time to slow down and move onto the shoulder. The cop was coming the other direction, saw me drive a little erratic, and must've been too focused on what I was doing, and not concentrating on the deer crossing into his lane. Hit the deer head-on. The deer hit the hood, the windshield, then flew straight up into the darkness. I never saw it land. The cop was too embarrassed to turn around and try to stop me. I laughed my ass off while I was driving away.
I post on here, you should already know that being a professional drive is a prerequisite to post!

Question: How much damage was done with hitting that deer at 70mph. Totaled or what?
It's not that big of a deal so it couldn't have been that bad, right?
everytime I see your avatar, all I hear is Dave chappelle

"its good fu%^ing beer" "it'll get ya drunk"

"I'm not yelling...this is how I fu&^ing talk"
Didn't we all come to the conclusion that #1FordFan was indeed JWerner2?
He got mad at RollinLS, and hasn't been back since.
Well if he is not on here then I guess it's safe to tell my story.
He had a Mclaren grille for sale/trade a while back and we came to an agreement to trade it for my silver LSE grille. He claimed he never got the grille I sent. He did offer to send me the Mclaren anyway but I told him I wanted to make sure he got his grille first. Long story short after a few weeks I let it die and chalked it up to a lost package. Maybe he really never did get it, but I have been shipping things for quite a long time and never had any problems out of UPS. About a month later he all of the sudden has a silver LSE grille on his car in his signature. I asked him about it and he said he bought it at a local dealership...
Does that strike anyone elae as strange?
definatly sounds strange....I don't know enough about him to know if he is a crook, but it definatly sounds like you gave your grille away...

damn, I would have paid you for it...:D
Well if he is not on here then I guess it's safe to tell my story.
He had a Mclaren grille for sale/trade a while back and we came to an agreement to trade it for my silver LSE grille. He claimed he never got the grille I sent. He did offer to send me the Mclaren anyway but I told him I wanted to make sure he got his grille first. Long story short after a few weeks I let it die and chalked it up to a lost package. Maybe he really never did get it, but I have been shipping things for quite a long time and never had any problems out of UPS. About a month later he all of the sudden has a silver LSE grille on his car in his signature. I asked him about it and he said he bought it at a local dealership...
Does that strike anyone elae as strange?

Does it strike me as strange? yes. Is it a smoking gun? no. Maybe the dude really wanted an LSE grille, and when the attempt to get it from you failed, he went to the dealership. Normally UPS is really good about tracking, and would be able to tell if the package was signed for. The difficult part is, did UPS deliver to the right address? I've signed for packages at work here before when I was no where near the packages. I've looked afterwards, and have had a package for another business. We are nice enough to call or deliver the package ourselves.

It's up to the individual who to place the blame on, and whether to give teh benefit of the doubt.

Or he could've just stole the damn thing from you, and lied his ass off. I personally wouldn't want the bad karma over something as trivial as lying about receipt of a used grille, but who knows how other individuals are.
Well if he is not on here then I guess it's safe to tell my story.
He had a Mclaren grille for sale/trade a while back and we came to an agreement to trade it for my silver LSE grille. He claimed he never got the grille I sent. He did offer to send me the Mclaren anyway but I told him I wanted to make sure he got his grille first. Long story short after a few weeks I let it die and chalked it up to a lost package. Maybe he really never did get it, but I have been shipping things for quite a long time and never had any problems out of UPS. About a month later he all of the sudden has a silver LSE grille on his car in his signature. I asked him about it and he said he bought it at a local dealership...
Does that strike anyone elae as strange?

im gonna have to man up on this was me, i stole the grille, blame it all on me.....i rerouted the grille to my house....n then i sold it to the dealership n they in turn sold it to him.....end of story....
I figured I would give the whole situation the benefit of the doubt and I just let it go since he was a reputable guy on here. That was almost two years ago anyway. But since someone brought him up (in a negative way) I figured I would ask why he wasn't on here anymore. I thought maybe he had another transaction fall apart, maybe that would shed some light on my old situation. But from what I have gathered he left over a verbal dispute?
I do remember Jwerner and Outkast going at it in a few threads and a few weeks after he disappeared, but I dont think he left cause of that.I dont remember reading any verbal dispute that would make him leave, unless it was over PM's. I still find it weird that he just disappeared since he would be on everyday.

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