Concrete side rail= 1, Lincoln LS= 0

Oh yeah, I never got a direct answer to my question. I understand the part about if the cost is over 80% they'll total it out but what about the stuff the shop sees that the insurance appraiser doesn't see.

I just want to have all of my bases covered for Monday.

Also, this is just a question. I'm not crying, bitching, or whining I just want to know if anybody out there has experienced this with there car repair.

Just trying to get informed.
Yes, I T-boned an elderly man that shouldn't have been driving (sorry, thats another story) My 2001 Blazer was pretty beat up, the appraiser came and took a look, after about 30 minutes of playing with his laptop he had an estimate number, I then went to the bodyshop, actually 3, and got quotes. Once I decided on a shop and the truck was pulled apart they found more damage with the 4x4 crap and whatnot. They called the insurance company and reported the extra damage. The insurace company can send an adjuster out to look at the new found damage and add it to his estimate, or they can take the bodyshops word for it. In my case they trusted them and paid me more.

Unfortunatley I don't know what your options will be should the damage amount take your car into the "totalled" zone. They will probably pay you the value of the car and offer you a buy back deal. Because after you total it and they pay you, the car or whats left of it is theirs. Hope that makes sense.
Thank you! Thats what I was look for. I really felt that the handling was off. It may just the the alignment being off but who knows? We'll see what comes out of it.

I don't regret getting the Gap insurance that's for sure!
Was that a joke? Cause you're still here :confused: , or was it just you about the getting mad part

I was saying it was me. not RollinLS that fought with Werner...he made a bunch of nasty racial remarks to me via PM, the mods would do nothing about it since it was in PM, therefore I posted his hatred...he denied it for 3 days or so, then disappeared....
Hey Lucky, learn to spell. hore would be spelled Whore.

while you are waiting on your phone call from your agent, feel free to use!!

Hey you didn't capitalize the first letter in your 2nd paragraph. You're a dip:q:q:q:q. Also your grammar blows.

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