Connecticut Tragedy

Mother was not a school teacher! She was a survivalist, divorced from her millionair husband. Her house was stocked with alot of canned foods, guns & hundreds of rounds of ammo. No problem with guns & ammo if stored in a safe with trigger locks! I agree some respnsible person or persons in each school should armed, concealed weapon! These tragedies most often happen in places where weapons are banned! Free fire zone for the disturbed!
Why is the tool to blame? Why not blame the whack-job that pulled the trigger? I challenge ANYONE to put a loaded gun on their kitchen table, safety off and see what happens. Yell at it, curse it, call it names, throw things at it and see what happens. Guns don't "go-off". People pull triggers that discharge the weapon. How many law enforcement personnel have a plethora of guns in their houses? How many of those are used for nefarious purposes?

It's sad that emotions take over in these types of tragedies and not reason.
Why is the tool to blame? Why not blame the whack-job that pulled the trigger? I challenge ANYONE to put a loaded gun on their kitchen table, safety off and see what happens. Yell at it, curse it, call it names, throw things at it and see what happens. Guns don't "go-off". People pull triggers that discharge the weapon. How many law enforcement personnel have a plethora of guns in their houses? How many of those are used for nefarious purposes?

It's sad that emotions take over in these types of tragedies and not reason.

I think its jealousy.

Just because someone isn't allowed to own guns, they choose to hate on others that do. I have multiple weapons, and they are always locked. I don't use trigger locks because they slow down access to the weapon should i need to use it quickly, but i do have one next to the bed locked just in case.

People are nuts and always will be. We need to focus on stabilizing people mentally, and if they cant be stabilized they should be put away to protect the rest of society. If this kid has these many issues, he should not have been in general population.
Schools are going to need armed security guards on duty.
Schools must be in lock down mode as soon as attendance is in affect.
Schools should not post signs outside that state "Visitors Welcome"
Schools should have locked doors and a "Visitors must reports to ..." signage.

It's what todays times has come to unfortunately.
Schools are going to need armed security guards on duty.
Schools must be in lock down mode as soon as attendance is in affect.
Schools should not post signs outside that state "Visitors Welcome"
Schools should have locked doors and a "Visitors must reports to ..." signage.

It's what todays times has come to unfortunately.

all the schools (in my area anyways) and the CT school have all these... (armed officers vary)... This kid shot out a window to gain access.
Words (signs) won't stop ANYTHING! I routinely ignore the sign that says I can't go faster than 65 (or whatever) mph.
Why, with over 500 murders per year in Chicago, does no one there call for more gun control? Could it be that their overly restrictive laws....

In Chicago, gun owners are required to have a Chicago Firearm Permit, which costs $100 and must be renewed every three years.[21] Before getting the permit, the resident must complete a training course that includes at least four hours of classroom training and one hour of range time. Each gun must be registered with the Chicago Police Department at a one-time cost of $15 per gun, and an annual registration report must be filed every year.[22] Gun possession is permitted only inside a dwelling, not in a garage or on the outside grounds of the property. Only one gun at a time may be kept in a usable state.
.....don't work?
G-Rell,, I deleted my post,, and moved it to your hypertexed post, but FYI, I couldn;t find it without yout link
but FYI, I couldn;t find it without yout link

because it is in the general discussion section and lot in the LS section.

Its a little off the beaten path for sure, probably 1/3 - 1/2 of the members ever step out of either the Mark or LS section ever, let alone regularly...
G-Rell,, I deleted my post,, and moved it to your hypertexed post, but FYI, I couldn;t find it without yout link

all good. as loud said, its out there...

It really doesn't matter guys, There will always be sick/ disturbed people out there that find new ways of doing awful things. Not matter what knee jerk reaction policies / plans we make...

at least until the San Angeles is created and Simon Phoenix is frozen away...

Side note.. a co workers wife died yesterday due to (what seems like) a texting driver... she was a school teacher and was retiring this year... be careful out there boys
Agreed, But as a result of finding the general section I spent several hours last night reading new stuff, which was nice because the LS section was rather quiet.
at least until the San Angeles is created and Simon Phoenix is frozen away...

I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".

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