cruel and unusual

Sure, as long as it's proven. But again, we didn't know while she was alive.
barry2952 said:
I agree with almost everything you said but I have to ask if you will be convinced of her condition, one way or the other, based on the outcome of the autopsy?

Shouldn't science rule in this case?

NO! some of the most depraved, disturbing, vile thing done to human beings have been done in the name of science. Science has no morals, no respect for indviduals, and no bearing on the main issues of this case, ie does the government or a doctor have the right to end someones life, and to do it in such a manner. It is reminisent of the Nazi and Japanese medical experiments on living prisioners during WW II that were "ignored" by the allies so they could share in the results.
It's very interesting the autopsy was conducted by a person friendly to the court, then the body was cremated with unseemly haste.
DCF: Terri Schiavo Not Abused, Exploited

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - State investigators found no evidence that Terri Schiavo had been abused or exploited by either side of her family, according to documents released by Florida's Department of Children and Families.

The agency investigated 89 complaints dating back to 2001, when Schiavo's feeding tube was removed for the first time and the legal battle surrounding her right-to-die case intensified.

The calls alleged that the brain-damaged woman was being mistreated by her husband and her parents for financial gain. One complaint alleged that Schiavo's parents were selling videos of her through a Web site; another said Schiavo's husband wasn't spending money intended for her rehabilitation.

But investigators said they found no evidence that either her husband or parents were exploiting her, and often noted in their records that they found Schiavo well cared for on their visits to her Pinellas Park hospice.

The agency released the records Friday under court order.

Schiavo, 41, died last month after her feeding tube was removed for the third time, ending a bitter court battle between her husband, Michael Schiavo, and parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, over whether she would have wanted to live in a vegetative state.

The repeated allegations of abuse were based partly on bone scans showing Terri Schiavo suffered fractures and statements she made to family and friends that she was unhappy in her marriage.

Schiavo's husband has denied harming his wife. His lawyer said the fractures resulted from osteoporosis caused by the woman's years of immobility and complications of her medication.

Robert Schindler declined to comment there on the release of the DCF documents. An attorney for Michael Schiavo did not immediately return calls.

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