Daniel's Silver Frost LSC#1 Progress

The housing should sit flush and it should easily bolt up. Your TC is NOT seated all the way. Hope you didnt hurt the pump. Drop the trans and re-seat the TC.
How have I been missing this thread? Anyway, glad to see you got it that far Daniel. Drive it over when you get it on the road. I started on the stereo install last night and quit around 3:30am and today I feel like I have a hang over. The only thing I accomplished was running the 2 gauge wire from front to back. All down hill from here. I might be done tonight, late since I don't have 2nd grade homework to deal with tonight.

Did you get the other car yet? If you don't, let me know.
The housing should sit flush and it should easily bolt up. Your TC is NOT seated all the way. Hope you didnt hurt the pump. Drop the trans and re-seat the TC.

That is what I am going to do today! When I put the tc in, it popped in once then I turned it a little bit and it popped in further! So I could have sworn that it was seated all the way!!! But I am going to try it again. What made me take it back apart was when I was trying to turn the crank to put all of the tc nuts, I could'nt get it to turn! Man it had me scared thinking that my motor froze up some how! But then I took the bellhousing bolts back out and it turned freely! I knew that if I could'nt turn it than the starter definitely would'nt be able to! But thanks for the advice, that is what I will be doing today!!

How have I been missing this thread? Anyway, glad to see you got it that far Daniel. Drive it over when you get it on the road. I started on the stereo install last night and quit around 3:30am and today I feel like I have a hang over. The only thing I accomplished was running the 2 gauge wire from front to back. All down hill from here. I might be done tonight, late since I don't have 2nd grade homework to deal with tonight.

Did you get the other car yet? If you don't, let me know.

Oh I will be driving it over there! We will have our Huntsville/Madison Meet! lol Just the two of us! Well hey I seen that there is a new LS guy on here from Huntsville! Yeah I know what you mean about working so late, I have been working on my car until 2 or 3am every night! It is alot cooler at night so that is when I have been working on it! Well on the other car, I am getting it! Have the cash in my safe right now! I am just waiting on her to get a replacement title in the mail because she lost her other one! But I found some bad news about it when I went and looked at it a couple days ago. I don't know how I missed it the first time but it is not an LSC! That sucks but it is still a perfect looking Mark Viii!!! It has all of the options. Even has the heated seats just like my LSC!!!
I would still get it anyway too because one can be converted over to look like a LSC on the outside. Some mouldings and a little matching paint here and there and you're done. For that price, I wouldn't care if it was an LSC or not.

Yeah, we can have a two car meet lol. As far as LS's, I meet up with one of them at almost every red light I stop at. Those cars are everywhere around here. I found a Gen 2, well, I passed by it. It's setting in a parking lot over here in Madison on a back road that leads to walmart. It's white and it had Lincoln wheels on it that looked like snowflakes but they weren't flakes. Never seen them before. I meant to take a pic of it on my way back through but forgot about it I didn't look at it good enough to notice if it was an LSC but I don't think it was. Clean car though. I saw a 94 black on black on Madison BLVD just the other day. Daniel, the car looked mint. If I hadn't been stuck in a drive thru, I would have chased him down and made an offer but I couldn't.

I'll see it again hopefully. I swear this car looks like it's new.
I started writing this earlier but got side tracked, lol!!! I seen a gen 2 White LSC the other day and when I cracked the lady about selling it, she said "What car? My white car out there? No way!!" It looked brand new and only had 44k on the clock! She said she had just bought it from Ray Pearman Lincoln Mercury about two months ago and has fell in love with it!!!
Well I went to try and drop my tranny again last night but my transmission jack is'nt working! My brother has my floor jack and it was too late last night to go and get it from him. So I just took out my factory in-dash cd player and installed my double din touch-screen unit! It has navigation/dvd/cd/mp3/sd card/ipod/tv-tuner!!! I did not get to finish it because I had the wrong harness! I had half of the right one. I still have to get the part for the speakers since the car has a factory amplifier! Walmart or the auto parts stores do not have the right harness! So I am going to have to find the right one. Does anyone know which harness it is that I am going to need? Like the brand/part #/contents of kit?
Thanks LVC,
Well I got the transmission out tonight and the torque converter did slide in another click! Well I thought I had it all the way in, I guess I did'nt unless it popped out a little bit while I was trying to line up the tranny! That is a pretty hard task by myself! But I'm a beast and wont be denied! I have'nt put it back in yet, that is for the morning! Any suggestions on how I should attempt it this time to ensure that the TC does'nt pop back out? Either way I will figure it out somehow!! So far everything I have done on this car has been done twice. I had to put the rear-end in the car, then had to do it again trying to get the axles seated! The engine went in and stayed in but, all of the stuff on the manifold and the valvecovers and the wiring harness have been taken off and put on atleast twice. Now the tranny is back out and going back in tomorrow! I did'nt want know how to take apart the u-joints in the driveshaft so I took down it apart from the irs differential and had to lower the housing a couple inches so to get it out of the tranny! Oh well this is my first go round and I have learned alot! The only thing I did'nt have to do twice is the indash install! Oh here are some pics of that!




HMMMM I am pissed!!! As I said above I took it all back down and was going to put it back in today! Well I get it back in and bam the damn thing will not turn again so that I can put in the torque converter nuts!!! It is driving me nuts! I tried to keep it nice and level and kept my eye on it through the little hole in the bottom of the case and it did not look like it moved any!!! I only have the top two and bottom two bellhousing bolts in! It will not be too hard to take down again tomorrow! My transmission jack sucks! I wish I had the money to buy one of those nice ones that you can tilt by screwing in and out the plastic handles! Oh well it is what it is!!! I really need to get this tranny worked out because I am ready to crank this bad boy up and it is the only thing holding me back!
Just set the TC all the way in the trans, line the studs up with the flywheel, mate trans to block, secure top and bottom of trans to block, then install nuts on the TC..replace remaining trans bolts/starter

I've had one slip out on me before, I was lucky enough to be able to use a long screw driver, and push the TC back into the trans pump without having to fully drop the trans again, good luck

Just make sure to manually try and turn the motor before bolting everything back up
Question: If I have everything bolted up should I be able to turn the engine with a big ratchet and a socket on the crank pully bolt? I can turn it real easily if I back all of the bell housing bolts out!!!! As soon as I tighten the bell housing bolts up it gets to where I can't turn the engine over to install the nuts on the torque converter! I have'nt put everything back together and tried to turn it over with the starter. But I am just figuring that if I can't turn it with my hands and a wrench than the starter will not turn it! Let me know your thoughts!
You still don't have the torque converter in all the way. If the engine spins freely before tightening, and the torque converter spun freely in the bell housing, then when you put the two together it'll still spin with moderate force....as long as the torque converter is all the way in...
HMMMM, I am Happy!!! lmao Last night I was pissed, but tonight I am happy!!! I got it taken care of! I guess I was trying too hard! I say that because while I was laying under my car trying to get the tc to seat all the way my buddy called my cell. As I was laying there talking to him I was spinning the torque converter with my free hand and not even really paying attention to it, then out of the corner of my eye I seen it pop in about another half inch!!! <----I felt it too!!! But, I was like hell yeah!! You gave me some luck calling my phone!!!! So I got that all back in and almost everything else done on the car tonight. I will be driving it tomorrow after about two or three hours worth of work!!!
Well for an update I got everything hooked up today! The first start did not happen though! For some reason I am not getting any fuel to the fuel rail! I can't hear the starter coming on either!!! I did'nt have time to check any of the fuel pump relays! Or Better yet not enough light!! Tomorrow I will try to work out all of the kinks and get it going!
Well the fuel pump will not kick on for some reason! Does anyone have any ideas why the fuel pump will not kick on when I turn the key? I know the fuel pump works because I just took it out and hooked it to a battery with jumper wires! Please help I am trying to get it going tonight! I was about to get a fuel pump from the junk yard but they did not get it out before they closed so I got a refund from them! Good thing because I tested mine and it worked. I just don't know why it will not get any power when I turn on the key! I replaced the relay, but it still is'nt coming on! Any ideas???
make sure the fuel cutoff switch in the trunk is ok. Is the engine trying to turn over? or nothing..um...Is the pats working ok.
make sure the fuel cutoff switch in the trunk is ok. Is the engine trying to turn over? or nothing..um...Is the pats working ok.

Looks like you hit it on the head! I can't believe I overlooked this sh!t!!! I feel soooo dumb! I took my tank down and fiddled with the pump all day long, this after waiting on the pump at the junk yard all day! Well I asked my brother to come over bring his car with him so I could put his fuel pump relay in and look in his owners manual (since I can't find mine) to look for any fuses related to the fuel pump! Well he says "You know there is a fuel cut off in the trunk right?" Duhh, I said "Well fock, I forgot all about it! Let me look at it real quick. Yeah, I see it and it is unplugged:(" Don't ask me how I forgot about the cut off back there but I did! So, problem solved! Car crunk right up(well after the computer read the engine while I turned it over for about two or three minutes)!!! I was so tired from taking apart the gas tank and pump for no reason, then installing it! That I did not even want to hook up the exhaust so I could drive it to a carwash and clean the car up. I will be doing that as soon as I wake up in the morning!!!!

Thanks for all of the ideas and advice I have gotten since I started putting this car back together! Since someone else took the car apart and half or more of the bolts and nuts and wires were gone, it would'nt have made it back together with out LVC and all of you out there that have helped me save another LSC!!! Thanks yall! :D


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