Daniel's Silver Frost LSC#1 Progress

Hey Sapper!!! Did you say a while back that you have to unplug the a/c compressor until I get it charged or it will burn it up? I can't remember and I can't keep my eyes open long enough to search through any threads to find out. I will just check this when I wake up and head over there and if there is'nt anything, I will search than!!! Thanks though!
You don't have to unplug it. His had another issue that kept his comp from shutting off. You will be fine as longb as your pressure sensors work right.
Glad my idea worked for ya.

I once had a problem w/mine being knocked by a loose 2 liter bottle in the trunk.. Took 15 minutes to figure out on the side of the road what it was.. Checked it right before i was gunna call a tow truck. phew!
Well this is an ongoing thing I guess! Me posting problems that I am having with my car! I have had it running since yesterday but I had a leaking brake hose, on the caliper! So I had to go get one of those before I could bleed the brakes and let it off of the jack stands! Well when I installed that line, I started to bleed the brakes! I did the passenger front first, since that was the one I replaced the line on. When I got to the back passenger side I looked under the car and seen a puddle of fluid under the car! It was on the driver side about where the back of the door is! I did'nt even look under the car because I did'nt have room to work on it where it was. Does anyone know where I would be able to get that line from or if it is possible to fix with a flaring tool and some new pressure fittings? Any advice would be greatful I am ready to drive this car, bad!!!

So I just let the car down so I could move it using the emergency brake!!! Well when I put it in gear I did'nt get anything! None of the gears are even doing anything! It is not changine the idle or anything! I had a message that is popping up that says "gear display data error" ? When I put my transmission in and was hooking up all of the accessories to it like the shifter cable and plugs, I noticed that the black box that goes around the gear shifter lever on the tranny did'nt have any bolts in it! I found two that would fit in it and put them in. Does anyone know whether or not that box would make it not engage into any of the gears? The tranny is supposed to work, it was the one that was in the car when the motor blew up!!! But it has sat for about two years!!! Anyone have any suggestions, just let me know!

Thanks, Daniel
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Also, I need to know how many quarts of oil the tranny holds! I just talked to my brother and he said that his held 13 when he put in his new transmission and I swear the dumb arse biotches at autozone told me 5! LMAO I knew it held way more than that! I even told them that sounds crazy because I know a turbo 350 holds 14! WTF Someone enlighten me on this please! I should snap on them and tell them that they messed my transmission up and make them give me some free fluid! LOL
A 4R70W holds about 12-13 quarts. If you are only dropping the pan you'll need 5-7 quarts to refill. You'll still have 5-8 quarts in the trans that didn't get changed.
Thanks man but my trans was completely empty! I just put it in the car and the tc was empty when I put it in!
I am also having trouble with my alternator!!! I forgot to hook up a ground from the block to the inner fender well! Does anyone think that might affect the alternator? What is that ground for? I have the ground on the front of the timing chain cover that goes to the ground wire on my wiring harness for the negative side of the battery terminal!!! Also does the ground from the inner fender well go to the block or the motor mount top bolt??? Thanks!!!

P.S. If anyone is interested in helping they should check out the last four posts that I have put up! They are all from tonight! Again thanks!!!
Thanks man but my trans was completely empty! I just put it in the car and the tc was empty when I put it in!

if its empty keep filling it till its full. That would explain why its not going into any gear. Your 8 quarts low..

As far as the ground goes..Its there for a reason..It got cold outside quick or i'd run out there and take a look.. If you dont have the oem wire you can use some 8ga wire often used for car audio. Home depot sell wire by the foot. Get some of that and acouple terminals.
Wait, did you install the TC completly dry? You aint gonna like this but you need to pull the trans again and fill the TC up with fluid then put it back on. May as well replace the trans pump while its out since I bet its fried or close to it. Jamed in a few times from an improperly seated TC then run the engine for a while (which runs the trans pump) on a completly dry trans.

The data error is you forgot to plug something in.

The ground kinda matters when everything is running but if your timing cover is grounded to the chasis then that other ground dont matter.
Wait, did you install the TC completly dry? You aint gonna like this but you need to pull the trans again and fill the TC up with fluid then put it back on. May as well replace the trans pump while its out since I bet its fried or close to it. Jamed in a few times from an improperly seated TC then run the engine for a while (which runs the trans pump) on a completly dry trans.

The data error is you forgot to plug something in.

The ground kinda matters when everything is running but if your timing cover is grounded to the chasis then that other ground dont matter.

????? DAMMNNNNNNN!!!! So there is'nt any way to fill it up through the dip stick??? :q:q:q:q!!! Well Laser I know you know better than I do so I will be doing that tomorrow! How do you change the trans pump and how much and where can I get one tomorrow? Thanks man!
Well now that I think about it the pump may have not been turning cause the TC was empty. Not positive on that and hopefully someone who knows will chime in.

Also I was being a dick on the pump. If its bad now (which is quite possible) then that means the trans needs a rebuild. Where its at in there requires extensive trans knowledge and the inside of auto trans scares me so even I wont mess with it. I have seen several rebuilds and there is just so much crap in there that has to be done a specific way...... one day I may have the balls to try a rebuild.
Really a new trans is much cheaper..... well a JY or Jamie trans anyway.

I guess you could fill the TC, reinstall, top off the trans and fire it up. See if it buzzes kinda like a bad power steering pump but quieter. If it does then the pump is bad.

Did you replace the input and output shaft seals on the trans? If not then now is the time to do it.
I actually just worked at am Aamco for a few weeks removing and installing a few transmissions. One of the worst I ever did there was a Mercury Milan Duratec 24 valve V6. Freakin bellhousing bolts were under so much crap :mad:

The guy I handed the trans off to tore it down and rebuilt it in 2 days and aside from some specialty tools it was amazingly simple :cool:

Of course he had a nice PC with all the rebuild directions but still...
I really appreciate all of the help! I actually have had some luck I think! I filled the tranny up with alot of fluid (7 more qts on top of the 5 I put in yesterday) and the car started pulling and shifting just fine! I don't know how honestly, like I said This is my first install! But I have some different problems now! I went to the junkyard and got "two" alternators because they said I could return the one that does'nt work and get my money back! One of them is from a 98 LSC and one is from an 01 Crown Vic??? Don't know if the latter will work or not, but it looked identical!!!! Well I have put both of them in today and they both do not work!!! WTF, Oh Where, Oh Where Can I get an alternator at without ordering one??? This sucks, I am tired of "ordering" stuff!!! You can't even get a bolt for our cars w/o ordering it!! Well I am going to be looking for an alternator on craigslist and so on! Does anyone know if there are any other cars that the alternator will work off of? If so let me know!
Thanks, Daniel
did you do anything about the alt ground wire? Take all 3 alt's to a pep boys autozone ect and have them tested. If they are putting out 14v+ there fine and its all in the wireing... Make sure all gound points are bare metal..Glad to see adding more fluid helped..
Test your excitor wire. When the key is in the on position the outside two wires should have 12+ on them. If not then its your wires.
Test your excitor wire. When the key is in the on position the outside two wires should have 12+ on them. If not then its your wires.

Okay, I am going to check that in a few minutes. Do you know if the Crown Vic Alternator will work? Thanks Laser, and everyone else out there helping me!

Daniel, I bought an alternator once from Oreilly's and they didn't have one for a <ark but they cross referenced the numbers and I ended up with one that was for a Crown Vic. Keep in mind that this was for my 94 I had and supposedly it was a 130 amp alt. I think a Crown Vic alt would fit the car but you would need to take the original in and let them walk back and forth to the back and I'm sure they'll find one to match. The store I went to was the one down on Jordan lane / HWY 53 on the right.
I have a good one for a Crown Vic on the car now! It tests good off of the car, but it is not charging on the car! I don't know what my problem is! I tested the wires, one of the ones on the plug had the same amount of juice that the battery does. The other one that has the ring terminal on it that goes next to the plug also had the same amount as the battery. There is three prongs on the alternator where the plug goes, but there is only two wires on the plug? I wonder why the hell its not charging! The guy said he tested it under the settings for a Mark Viii and it tested good!
I also put in a new thermostat and tightened the heck out of the bolts! When I put it on the car it started leaking, sure enough! I was thinkin about putting some gasket maker between the two halves of the housing! Has anyone had to do this before?
I have a good one for a Crown Vic on the car now! It tests good off of the car, but it is not charging on the car! I don't know what my problem is! I tested the wires, one of the ones on the plug had the same amount of juice that the battery does. The other one that has the ring terminal on it that goes next to the plug also had the same amount as the battery. There is three prongs on the alternator where the plug goes, but there is only two wires on the plug? I wonder why the hell its not charging! The guy said he tested it under the settings for a Mark Viii and it tested good!
I am sorry, I must not have been clear enough before. The plug for the alt that looks like it should have three wires but in fact has two. That was the plug I said you need to make sure has 12+ on both terminals that have wires when the ignition is in the on position. If one has power (refrence signal) yet the other does not (charge signal or excitor wire) then the alt will never turn itself on. If there is no power there then the wire is broken or you have a bad fuse/relay that you need to find in the main fuse bix under the hood.
I also put in a new thermostat and tightened the heck out of the bolts! When I put it on the car it started leaking, sure enough! I was thinkin about putting some gasket maker between the two halves of the housing! Has anyone had to do this before?

Its statements like that which really make me wish you had someone there with you. DO NOT PUT GASKET MAKER ON THERE!!! What you did wrong was put the o-ring around the outside flanged part on the bottom half of the housing. This is a tricky job while on the car and more so for a novice. You have to get the thermostat in the upper housing (with the spring pointing upward) and then get the o-ring in the hole then get the lower housing on there without dropping the o0ring out or pinching it between the housing cause it slipped down on the flanged part.
I went ahead and took the whole t-stat housing out. I brought it home with me. I put it on out of the car too! What I did was put the o-ring in the top half then put the thermostat in on top of it. Then I bolted I put the battom half back on and bolted it up. I guess from your description that I had the oring and thermostat in the wrong order?
Also about the alternator Bill! I have been thinking about a fuse or relay all day when I was messing with it! I checked the wires on the plugs to see if any were broke and did not find any! But I will be looking for the fuse/relay! Is there any advice on finding the fuse/relay and do you know how to test a relay to see if it is good? Thanks man I believe you just solved my problem! That is if the alternator from the Crown Vic is ok to run on my car!
Yes, you had the o-ring on the wrong side.

Not sure which fuse location it is though for the alt or which relay it is.

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