Daniel's Silver Frost LSC#1 Progress

sounds stupid but maybe if theres no back pressure maybe it trigged the switch in the trunk again..idk
loose wire? i dunno. but ive personally drained tanks by just unhooking it at the fuel filter and turning the key on a few hundred times
Daniel, I know where a whole fuel tank and a new fuel pump is for a 97 for $100.00

Deal is, if you go get it, you gotta bring me the rims and tires back lol. I'll give you the money for the rims and tires. I just really don't have a way over there to get them. I also want the Neon but everything is already off. It just has to be paid for and brought back from Decatur. Let me know if you're interested. PM me.
Thanks Ford nut, they are a pain in the ass!!! The two speed crap and all of it being ran by two different systems is crazy!

No problem.
Follow rayner601's advice from that thread .
should have +12v on white wire out of inertia switch to fuel pump driver module.
at fpdm, the br/w and pk/bk go to fuel pump, bk goes to ground, white comes from the inertia switch, and the other 2 come from the PCM. Unplug the connector at the tank and at the fpdm and ohm the br/w and pk/bk wires to see if that is ok...other than that it may be the fpdm. might have someone slap the bottom of the tank while cranking it to see if it will fire up
Check and see if your pump is getting juice.
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Daniel, I know where a whole fuel tank and a new fuel pump is for a 97 for $100.00

Deal is, if you go get it, you gotta bring me the rims and tires back lol. I'll give you the money for the rims and tires. I just really don't have a way over there to get them. I also want the Neon but everything is already off. It just has to be paid for and brought back from Decatur. Let me know if you're interested. PM me.

I am going to get it today when the guy gets off of work at three. If you want I will pick them up for you!!! I know which one you are talking about!!!
I am going to get it today when the guy gets off of work at three. If you want I will pick them up for you!!! I know which one you are talking about!!!

I'll let you decide what he means when he says "very little curve rash" ;) I'll take that neon though just to hold onto it.

Let me know if the rims are really clean or not though. I bet the tires are bald for the price.
Well I got my car running today, woo hoo!!!

Terry, I am going this weekend to check out that guys stuff though! I will let you know before I go so I can pick up whatever you want me to pick up.

Thanks for all of the suggestions guys! I found out that I had a loose wire in my trunk at the FIS! Don't know how but maybe when I put my jack back there I was moving a bunch of stuff around in my trunk and moving the carpet around on that side and I had to have pulled the wire out of the plug.
But like I said thanks for all of the suggestions!!!
told ya it had to be that again...Well i was sorta right.

And you meant fss right?
told ya it had to be that again...Well i was sorta right.

And you meant fss right?

I thought it was the Feul Inertia Switch? But oh well it is something like that. I call it the "fuel pump cut off button"! lol

But anyways, Man it never ends! Once I get everything taken care of though, it will be alright. Now something is making me jerk. I mean really jerk. It is stalling out for a split second about three times back to back then it will pick up. And this will happen when I try to give it some acceleration and when I am cruising at any speed. It just cuts off on me sitting at a red light! Before that started I was low on power anyways!

I sprayed a whole can of carb cleaner around my intake and I did'nt get any bogging down! So I don't think the manifold gaskets are leaking anywhere!!!

The check engine light is on and has like two codes for my o2 sensors, I bought one about three weeks ago and will get the rest in a couple days! Then there is a code for something else that has to do with the fuel emissions! And another with some kind of air meter emissions!

I am running the car w/ an egr delete and Air injection delete but I have'nt had it tuned! I was told a few times from a few diff. people that it will not make the car run bad just throw a code until it is turned off in the tune.

I am not expecting anyone to have any advice on the codes since I did'nt write them down and you all don't know what they are! I am just updating on everything my car is doing! Starting to wonder if my alternator is doing it! It is a crown vic alternator but it tested good under the Mark Viii settings at autozone!!
when ur pretty much building the car w/o the original motor and possibly wire harness your going to have some bugs..It sucks but it happens..Once your get them all sorted out you'll be very happy.

O' and fss is the same thing, fuel shutoff switch..I was thinking what fis was..I had a brain fart.lol

As for the jerking ima have to say something with the trans..Obv check the fluid..
when ur pretty much building the car w/o the original motor and possibly wire harness your going to have some bugs..It sucks but it happens..Once your get them all sorted out you'll be very happy.

O' and fss is the same thing, fuel shutoff switch..I was thinking what fis was..I had a brain fart.lol

As for the jerking ima have to say something with the trans..Obv check the fluid..

Yeah man, that is my thinking on it! Once I get it worked out I will be cool!!


It's not a transmission type of jerk! It is an engine type of jerk!! Dead spot, type of jerk!

I took my throttle body off, for no reason because I was'nt paying attention to what I was doing when I was pulling off the intake last night! I slapped it back on w/o a new gasket since it is just a few weeks old anyways! Maybe its getting air into it! I will try some things tomorrow!

I am just getting to where I am running out of time to get this car right! Here in about a week I will not have any time to work on the car so I need to have everything pretty much worked out bye then! (fingers crossed)
More like a surging?

Don't know really, like its not getting gas. Kinda like it drops dead for a split second then picks up, the is dead, then picks up, then is dead, then picks up! It all happens back to back!! And I cannot run it out. I definitely cannot go WOT because it does it so bad!!!

This happens under a load. It is like it stutters!!!
Hey Daniel,

My Yukon did that AFTER I dropped the tank out of it and stirred all the crap up and sent it to the fuel filter. If I put my foot into it it would almost die until I let off and then it was fine. If I wanted to get up to highway speed I had to do it slow. Try a fuel filter can't hurt can it?
Hey Daniel,

My Yukon did that AFTER I dropped the tank out of it and stirred all the crap up and sent it to the fuel filter. If I put my foot into it it would almost die until I let off and then it was fine. If I wanted to get up to highway speed I had to do it slow. Try a fuel filter can't hurt can it?

You are probably dead on! Atleast dead on with my thoughts, because that is what I have been thinking ever since last night and planned on doing that first!

Thanks for the thoughts because that just made me feel better about my first choice!

Well I went and took the MAF sensor off of my brothers car and it still did the same thing! So I know the MAF sensor is good!

I am starting to think it is the fuel pump! It acts like it is vapor locking or some sh!t. Like it is not getting fuel. And whenever it dies out, and I try to start it immediately after, it will not start. If I engage the key to the on position for about five seconds and turn it back off, then back on for five more seconds it will start right up!! It is like it is not getting enough fuel. It seems like I have to fill the lines back up before it will crank and the pump is running so weak that it takes a second. The motor seems like it is sucking all of the fuel out of the lines and the pump cant keep up.

I will change the pump tomorrow!

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