Daniel's Silver Frost LSC#1 Progress

Yeah, my bad! Did'nt post that anywhere? I could have swore I did! Guess not! I know what it is, I said I was going to change it! Just did'nt post when I was done with it!!!
I am going to pick up a fuel pump from a guy that put a brand new one in his car and a few weeks later wrecked it!

I wish I could find Terry's number because he wanted me to pick up the wheels for him! I had it in my other phone but I lost that phone a few days ago! But anyways if anyone has it, PM it to me!!!

I'm leaving in about thirty minutes!!!
Updates on my progress/problems!!

Well I put a newer fuel pump on the car today! It was only on a the other car for three weeks before the car got wrecked!

It helped out a little bit! Now it is not doing it all the time, only when I punch it! When I go WOT it will act like it is bouncing off of a revlimiter at 3100 rpms in first gear? In second gear at WOT it will act like that at 4500 rpms? This :q:q:q:q has me stumped!

So far I have done the following!

Put on a brand new IAC
Put on a brand new Fuel Filter
Put on a basically new Fuel Pump
Had codes pulled and they are 1401, 1409
and two more that I cant remember the numbers because I lost the paper that I wrote them down on, but they were the o2 sensors bank 2 before and after the cat! Don't remember what it said about them though!
I am going to have them checked again tomorrow!!

It just misses so hard its like it is trying to slam my face into the steering wheel!!! Before I changed the fuel pump it would be like it was sucking the fuel system dry and I would have to work/pat the pedal until I could get the system filled back up. Now it reacts the same way but not nearly as bad.

This just started doing this after I took the intake off and put it back on but I have sprayed the hell out of carb cleaner around the intake and it is not changing the idle at all! I am going to double check tomorrow and see if there is anything that I left off or unplugged when I put everything back together!
Thanks for the help fellas!!

Does anyone know what that other plasic thing is on top of the gas tank that the plug from the fuel pump plugs into? I accidently broke off that little square box when I was trying to unplug the fuel pump! I super glued it back onto the gas tank, right where it was! But I don't know what it is or what it does so I don't know if it worked right by doing that or not! Any info on that part would be helpful!!!

Okay guys,

Here are my codes, get ready for them because there are six of them!


I argued with the guy because he said that my egr delete is my problem! I remember being told that deleting it will only throw the codes but not cause the car to run different! I really need an x-cal or something to turn that off.
Daniel, is that you trying to call me? I don't recognize the number and if I don't recognize it, I try not to answer it but if it's you, then ok lol. I have been in and out but just looked at the phone and seen it.
Yeah thats me trying to call you. I was about to go meet up with that guy and wanted to see if you wanted those wheels? Just let me know. I am going at six!

P1401 Differential Pressure Feedback Electronic Sensor Circuit High Voltage

P1506 IAC Over Speed Error

P0320 Ignition Engine Speed Input Circuit Fault

P1151 Lack Of Upstream HO2S Switch, Sensor Indicates Lean, Bank No. 2

P0161 Downstream HO2S Heater Circuit Fault, Bank No. 2
Yeah thats me trying to call you. I was about to go meet up with that guy and wanted to see if you wanted those wheels? Just let me know. I am going at six!

I was gonna get them but that same azzhole state trooper that gave me a illegal window tint ticket for "leagal" window tint got me again for speeding lol. He just don't leave me alone and he even asked me about that damn tint sticker again. He cruises up and down 65 in between Cullman and Decatur. Officer McCollum is his name and his car has no lights on the top. I asked him to check my windows again with his meter but he didn't want to this time. He said if he did, he would feel obligated to ticket me again. I think he knows his meter was messed up that day and he knows I will ruin another one of his days off "in court" if he did ticket me again. I think he'll lay off me now but anyway, I had forgotten that I had this ticket for $180.00 so I don't need to be buying something that I really don't need and already have a set of. I appreciate you asking though. I'm gonna save this number so I'll know it's you next time.
Yeah, that's cool! They are perfect looking rims too! But go ahead and save that number because that is my home number! I have a home number and my cell and my wifes cell!! But anyways I met up with that guy yesterday and got that fuel pump from him and tonight I am going to get the rear neon! I am trading him two 3.8l superchargers because he has two V6 mustangs in his back yard!

That guy has all kinds of cars! There was a fairly new Pace Car Corvette, '72 Vette, '10 Camaro SS, the '98 Cobra that he put the engine out of the Mark Viii into, a 1930's Hudson "Rat Rod", '65 Chevrolet P/U W/ BBC in it, an '80 something Silverado with a nice motor, and a Chevrolet Conversion Van W/ 22inch rims on it, LMAO!

He had an apartment above his garage slap full of car parts! Stock stuff and Hot rod stuff!!! There were about ten engines laying around too!
He is about to Super Charge that Mustang with a Kenne Bell and sell me the intake in about two months! He had the Mustang Heads laying in his garage and I did'nt know if they would make any difference or be worth trying to get them off of him!!!

P1401 Differential Pressure Feedback Electronic Sensor Circuit High Voltage

P1506 IAC Over Speed Error

P0320 Ignition Engine Speed Input Circuit Fault

P1151 Lack Of Upstream HO2S Switch, Sensor Indicates Lean, Bank No. 2

P0161 Downstream HO2S Heater Circuit Fault, Bank No. 2

How did I miss this? Well hey man I appreciate it! I already had the descripion of them, just dont know what is causing each one and what they would make the car act like! But thanks again though!
I can tell ya I had the 1409 EGR VACUUM REGULATOR CIRCUT MALFUCTION and it didn't affect how the car drove at all. Just had to get the light out to pass inspection in NJ. Had to replace the fuse in the fusebox in the engine compartment to fix that one was all.

That will at least get one of the codes fixed possibly :confused:
I can tell ya I had the 1409 EGR VACUUM REGULATOR CIRCUT MALFUCTION and it didn't affect how the car drove at all. Just had to get the light out to pass inspection in NJ. Had to replace the fuse in the fusebox in the engine compartment to fix that one was all.

That will at least get one of the codes fixed possibly :confused:

Well the thing is, on that one I deleted the EGR! So anything that was related to it I just went ahead and left it unplugged because that is what people on here said was the best thing to do!!!

So the Vac line to the EGR, I just capped off and the little silver box on the back on the motor with the two hoses coming off of them I just left unplugged!
It's starting to seem like all I can do is come up with better examples of what my car is doing, because I sure the hell can't come up with WHY it is doing it!!!

All of the other examples I have posted in the past day or so have been under acceleration and when it starts jumping and acting CRAZY I let off of it.

So today I got the balls to stay in it and say I take off and get to about ten mph and put the pedal to the floor it will get to about 3000 rpms and start bouncing then it will pop a little through the exhaust then the rpms will just go to redline w/o the car actually pulling!

That is what happens when I keep in it, whenever it does what I was explaining before! I am basically starting to get pissed and getting to where I am trying to blow this piece of :q:q:q:q up whenever it does this, which is everytime I accelerate past half pedal!!!

At first I was'nt aggrevated and would let off of the pedal, now I am like "fugg it, blow up biatch"! Next I will just keep it to the floor when the gear "goes away and it starts to redline, After the initial bouncing and jerking!!! Just to see what it will do then!!!
That is coming sometime tomorrow!!!
Daniel, if it's not too hard for you, I would hook up the EGR just to see if that helps any. You said you had the valve mounted to the back already, unless something is wrong with it, I'd use it personally. At least hook it up and put it to the test. I just now woke up from having a bitch of a headache. Remember I told you I didn't feel too good earlier?

Another thing just to test out would be to remove the exhaust or loosen it from where it mounts just past the 1st set of 02's and drive it loud for a little bit and see how it acts. My 94 done the same thing but only after it heated up. I was told after it blew up that I had a stopped up cat. 3rd cat
At first I was'nt aggrevated and would let off of the pedal, now I am like "fugg it, blow up biatch"! Next I will just keep it to the floor when the gear "goes away and it starts to redline, After the initial bouncing and jerking!!! Just to see what it will do then!!!
That is coming sometime tomorrow!!!

That doesn't sound like a good idea to me...

I can definitely understand the aggravation though.
Didnt you jam the trans together several time the wrong way? Cant really know without seeing the car cause you saying what it does aint helping but you could have hurt the TC or trans pump. Sounds like you are having lockup issues and a trans that aint getting the right pressures. Then again with your descriptions it sounds like a lot of things.
Didnt you jam the trans together several time the wrong way? Cant really know without seeing the car cause you saying what it does aint helping but you could have hurt the TC or trans pump. Sounds like you are having lockup issues and a trans that aint getting the right pressures. Then again with your descriptions it sounds like a lot of things.

Bill, I'm right here within 15 minutes from him and I haven't even seen the car lol. Not that I could figure out what it is even if I did see it and ride in it. I don't want to be responsible for another explosion. Mine drove me insane doing that sh!t until I finally blew it up by accident. Now it's a done deal. No more worries about it. I think he has another transmission that he could put in if I'm not mistaken. It could be a number of things making it do what it's doing.
I have another transmission! It has been fine for a couple weeks now though!

And Terry I don't have the right exhaust manifolds or an egr tube to hook the egr back up!

But another thing that is funny is that the fuel pump helped it out alot!!! Now it only does it when I get to the halfway point with the pedal! It was doing it when ever I touch the gas pedal!

On another note like I said I have been driving the car for about two weeks now and it was driving fine, just kept getting hot on me! I took the intake off and fixed that problem and now it is acting all kinds of crazy! I have sprayed two cans of carb cleaner all around the intake vac hoses and brake booster and it does not stumble one bit.

If I let the car sit there and run for about three minutes it will just shut off too! So I don't fuggin know!

I am going to fix all of my o2 sensors, buy a tuner next week, get a throttle position sensor, fuel pressure regulator and see what else there is!

Does anyone have any idea what that Black box with the plug is on top of the gas tank? The one that the harness off of the fuel pump has the extra plug for? Because I broke that off of the gas tank when I was trying to unplug it, but I super glued it back on and it sits on there perfectly! I don't know what it is or what it is for so that is why I did'nt get a new one!!!

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