Dedicated LVC Member
Tranny took a dump in my truck today thing only has 30k, you can hear the parts rattle in the tranny haha thank god for warranty truck needs a whole new tranny!
Thanks for jinxing me! Ford won't warranty it, quoted me 13k for a new tranny so I'm trading it in lol.
They will not warranty it at one year old and 30k miles? That sounds like nonsense! They would have to prove that somehow your mods caused the failure. :shifty:
That sounds like the adult thing to do. Just put some good used tires on it and find some not burned used trans fluid then take it to a different dealer or call ford home office and raise hell with them. Don't screw yourself by having the truck repoed.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to fix the truck than buy a brand new car? Or just get a 1000 beater till you can get the truck fixed? Maybe I'm cheap but that seems to be a better thing to do wither the money than dropping 25k into a new car.