EXCELLENT!! Blacking-out the star and having the rest (or vice-versa) "glowing" would look very nice!
looks good!
how come your key looks diff than mine??
How about getting emblems for the key?? :shifty: Mine haz come off over the years.
Not very high on the priority list but we'll see. I thought it might be cool to make a piece that would make the fob a part of the key, all one piece. It might be good if done well.
How about getting emblems for the key??.
......, all one piece. It might be good if done well.
That looks wonderful!
The LED had been done before on other cars and would look nice. I am going to DIY one for my Subaru but here is a Mitsubishi one I found.
I would like to see what you are doing with the glitter paper, any progress on that version of the mold?
You can mold indentations into the emblem that allow for room for an LED. It will take extra material to achieve the perfect light disbursement etc., though.
Ask soopa what he used for his emblem project, he had some micro LEDs that seemed to fit nice, and I bet that in combination with indentions molded into the back of the emblem, something very professional could come of it.
Just will take practice.