Well this officially is the most pointless thread I've read through on LVC. A classic example of the law of diminishing returns.
Thanks a lot for resurrecting it
Well this officially is the most pointless thread I've read through on LVC. A classic example of the law of diminishing returns.
Doing massive engine work to a non-computer controlled engine is relatively easy. On one as computer dependent as the LS is, good luck! The computer (which controls the whole electrical system; Ask the One Lap of America car guys) has a very limited range of adjustment, even with the Xcalibrator. Don't forget you'll have to do something with the transmission...
The reason the OLOA guy's did the extent of the mods to piggyback the PCM and electrical is mainly because they didn't have nearly as much control of the stock PCM as what we do now. There have been allot of developments since they took a crack at it. I am not saying it will be easy but it is surely doable without gutting the car.
As they were Ford engineers with Ford support, I would wager they had more "control" than we do now.
At the upper limit of 'street-ability', you can have about 450 HP, NA for $12,000-$15,000. The engine will be somewhat touchy, and since my estimate doesn't include suspension work, you'll need to spend extra to get any use from your project.yeah, i understand, but it will be garage kept...onlu driven on accaisions...plus me and the car has been thru alot, it needs to be rebuilt, so why not go nutz with it of you can?...
after its done it we like a pussy black hole...sucking them in like a SC...
why do you people doubt?...
Porting and polishing has been done to at least one set of LS V6 heads, so it can be done. The guy who did it didn't get a chance to install them, though, as he had other problems that resulted in an engine replacement, so we don't know if it will make any difference.
To the OP, I think you have the right idea: Go big or go home. More power to you if you can git 'er done.
well quik. remember the nitrous backfire? it broke a valve retainer which we replaced from one of my extra sets of heads. few weeks later a ticking sound made me pull the valve cover. a few of my mechanical bucket tappets were chewed up and the cam was scratched a little.once again went to my extras and replaced the tappets. used a magnet to fish the metal out and thought we had pieced the trashed tappets back together thus removing all the metal. wrong! some metal shavings made their way through the oil and a few weeks later while racing a buddies m5 i blew the front passenger side piston and rod out the side of the block. my buddy checked it out and says i starved it for oil and had the bearing spun and the load blew it out. it was pretty crazy throwing oil under the tires at over 120mph. got pretty loose on me but made it through. put a used motor in that i paid 700 for, now were back in business
Audi RS-4, wagon.yes, they are ramblings...what would you do?...