This coming from a guy who posts passages from Jonathan Wells'
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, yet worded just slightly differently. Or in the case of one passage, almost verbatim,three separate times
and your point is....what?
Using some articles to help make and/or clarify a point in your argument is the same as reposting someone elses argument to make your point? That is a huge leap.
My point against hrmwrm is that he wasn't making the argument, but just cutting and pasting another argument in its entirety to counter an argument I had made. There is very little time and effort (let alone thought) that goes into posts like that.
I am still making the argument in all those posts you cite, though you seem to wanna overlook that. All the other sources are simply to help explaining my point, and help strengthen it. There is no unneccessary info in those posts, it all helps to strengthen the rebuttal that
I am making. Parts of other works are drawn from, and used by me to convey a point, or series of points, and to make those points easy to understand. That is a key fact that cannot be overlooked.
You implyed "hypocracy" in the point I was making in regards to hrmwrm is inaccurate and thus invalid, as well as irrelevant to the point. My point was that hrmwrm
wasn't making the argument in those posts, someone else was. In the post I am specifically responding to, hrmwrm is cutting and pasting at least one whole article, and whole passages from another that are making his argument for him. Hrmwrm doesn't take the time to find the relevant parts of those articles, breakdown key terms or concepts to make it easily understandable, and ultimatley make his own argument, using parts of those articles to strengthen his own argument, he simply uses the articles to make his argument. That is a key difference. Again, in that last post of his I responded to, only 3.9% of the words in it were his own thoughts; the rest was direct quotation of another source with a lot of info that needed to be broken down (and wasn't) and a lot of info that really wasn't neccessary for this debate, and thus irrelevant to it. There also was no summary of the point the article being uses makes (which I typically do, on a point by point basis, usually).
Ask yourself this, do you have any doubt that I fully understand the argument being made in my post? Can you say the same for hrmwrm? Who takes the time and effort to make sure their points, and agruments are spelled out clearly and conveyed in a way that is easy to understand and makes sense? Who doesn't?
Your post, Tommy, is an ad homenim attack, because it attempts to change the focus of the debate from his actions to my actions. Even if my actions were as devious as you imply, it doesn't change the facts of his actions.