A real racer doesn't assume things... My car dead hooks with the drag radials, it's just a gutless wonder until 3000rpm because I don't have imrcs and i need a high stall converter.. I have a 3500 stall sitting in the garage...
Your car 60 foots like a stock car...
You claim "dead hook" but I dont buy it, as many of your tall tales/excuses go.
your 60 foots have always been crap, from when you were running street tires, to dragradials, nothing has changed...cept your sig file.
If you focused on getting the car "dialed in" and launching properly over some meaningless bragging rights MPH or ET... you'd be much better off.
The most important part of the dragstrip is the first 6 inches.. your far too focused on the WRONG END of the track.
so your 4.30'd dragradialed car wont beat my STOCK TURD to the 60 foot clocks? please deduct 2500 from your asking price, because your car is a turd just like mine.
A turd is a turd, your turd aint worth more than MY TURD.
I dont care HOW long your sig file is.