Feinstein going for another gun ban

The fact is a civilain AR15 is similar to a military weapon the same way a Honda Civic with a racing stripe is similar to a NASCAR racing car.

Um what? They share components! The civilian ones are what we use for law enforcement purposes.

Two letter all gun owners should pay attention too, and they are, "E.P."
That stands for executive privilege.
Obama is about to issue an executive order circumventing congress entirely to put a ban on some guns, and amunition.
Watch you news stations.
If he succeeds with this, there won't be much any one can do about it.

Executive privilege can not supersede the constitution or supersede legislation already passed by congress. It can only use the authority given to the president at some point by congress again, or in a different way. So let's pump the brakes on the fear train.

The most comprehensive executive privilege Obama could pull right now would be a reinstatement of the previous assault weapons ban.
The Fantasy of "Government Tyranny"

The best point Jon Stewart made in his epic breakdown-slash-takedown of gun enthusiasts last night, is his ultimate conclusion that they are motivated mainly by "imaginary Hitler," i.e., this ridiculous fantasy about the threat of "government tyranny" necessitating an armed population. The idea that such fears even justify unfettered access to guns, let alone formed the primary motivation for the inclusion of the Second Amendment in the first instance, is utterly absurd.
First of all, no one can explain or describe, for practical (let alone legal) purposes, exactly what "government tyranny" would look like, let alone how we would know it has occurred, who gets to define it or decide whether or not it has occurred and how it is to be decided, by what standard, etc. Neither can anyone explain or describe how exactly one would go about using a gun to either prevent "government tyranny" from occurring, or reverse it once it has occurred.
Second, "government tyranny" is, at least on some level, a contradiction in terms. When one considers what these words actually mean, government is not tyranny, and tyranny is not government. The word "government," as in the act and function of governing, implies lawful authority and accountability; "tyranny" implies unlawful, arbitrary and/or unaccountable rule.

But the main point is this, if any individual or group can decide, unilaterally and extralegally, by their own definition and their own standard, that "government tyranny" has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur, and by their own authority use their guns to threaten and/or murder everyone else's duly-elected representatives and duly-designated law enforcement officers, in order to prevent, reverse or destroy this condition of "government tyranny" that they and only they perceive, then this is not a free country. When the guns of a minority trump or nullify the vote of the majority (thereby placing that minority above the law), that doesn't prevent tyranny; that is tyranny.
What prevents "government tyranny" is not guns or armed citizens, but the system of government itself: three coequal branches, full representation, separation of powers, checks and balances, an independent judiciary, due process of law, habeas corpus, regular free and lawful elections, separation of church and state, and the complete absence of anything resembling a monarchy or hereditary royalty/noblility, an official state religion, or any other form of unaccountable authority. Every historical instance of so-called "government tyranny" that advocates of this position invoke took place in a nation that lacked any or all of these. There is nothing this government could possibly do for which there is not a lawful remedy, let alone that would require any citizen to be armed or use a gun. It would take outside intervention on a catastrophic scale, or unanimous, concerted lawless action by all three branches simultaneously and in their entirety, for the government of the United States of America to even begin to resemble anything that could reasonably be called "tyranny."
The genius of the Founding Fathers was not that they made sure the citizenry could arm itself against the government that the Founders themselves created, and destroy it in a bloody and lawless coup at the whim of anyone who felt inconvenienced by the law or by having lost the last election. Their genius lay in creating a self-correcting system, one under which armed resistance or revolution would never, ever again be necessary.


Government Tyranny is an oxymoron when applied to the model of the US
So what would this government tyranny look like :confused: and how would private citizens with guns be of any use against this mystery "tyranny" that gun owners themselves cannot come up with a plausible example of.:rolleyes: This "tyranny" sounds like the faith beyond reason definition of a "religion" to me
Merely restricting firearms or buying them back and destroying them is not "tyranny"
Um what? They share components! The civilian ones are what we use for law enforcement purposes.

Executive privilege can not supersede the constitution or supersede legislation already passed by congress. It can only use the authority given to the president at some point by congress again, or in a different way. So let's pump the brakes on the fear train.

The most comprehensive executive privilege Obama could pull right now would be a reinstatement of the previous assault weapons ban.

With all due respect, I think you are mistaken in your facts concerning executive privledge.
If he wanted to, he could issue an executive order baning all amunition.
He could issue an executive order stating that all guns MUST be painted red.
Obviously you need to read up on executive privledge and understand just how powerful it is.
When the guns of a minority trump or nullify the vote of the majority (thereby placing that minority above the law), that doesn't prevent tyranny; that is tyranny.

Like, when the government is the only one with the guns? :shifty:
Like, when the government is the only one with the guns? :shifty:

The government is not a minority with rights but representatives elected by the voters.
So tell me
what is this government tyranny you are so afraid of.
Other than spoiling some of your hobby fun by possibly not letting you own a fancy assault gun with 30 round clips you like to "constitutionally" target shoot cans or bottles with for cheap thrills, what "tyrannical" thing or scenario are you protecting yourself from or would be able to fight off were it to be attempted :rolleyes: by the government by your ownership of said assault gun.
Owning a gun only makes you powerful in a very narrow sense while still leaving you powerless in life otherwise.
What is the threat to the rest of your "freedom?"You are the one equating the government having all the guns as tyranny, so define it :D

Give me a realistic example of government tyranny germane to the argument.;)
With all due respect, I think you are mistaken in your facts concerning executive privledge.
If he wanted to, he could issue an executive order baning all amunition.
He could issue an executive order stating that all guns MUST be painted red.
Obviously you need to read up on executive privledge and understand just how powerful it is.

Well to be honest executive privilege is more of a resisting act where as the executive order is something that is mandated.

Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_order states this

"Until 1952, there were no rules or guidelines outlining what the president could or could not do through an executive order. However, the Supreme Court ruled in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 US 579 (1952) that Executive Order 10340 from President Harry S. Truman placing all steel mills in the country under federal control was invalid because it attempted to make law, rather than clarify or act to further a law put forth by the Congress or the Constitution. Presidents since this decision have generally been careful to cite which specific laws they are acting under when issuing new executive orders."

Checks and balances really do work my friend. As far as an executive order goes, only a reinstatement of the previous assault weapons ban is foreseeable. Although, they boy who just went into his high school and shot another student with a shotgun, which is not included in Feincrazy's weapon list should raise a little bit of common sense, I would hope at least.
Chris - they share components. They still aren't the same. One trigger pull, one bullet fired, no different than any other hunting rifle. A Civic and a race car also have radiators and spark plugs.

So far as any executive privileges, won't matter. When the roundup begins, it'll be incredibly easy to round up 545 government leaders and eliminate them. I also don't figure more than 20 percent of the military will back the government should this happen as the Constitution both allows for armed intervention against an overreaching government and does not allow the government to ban firearms as they are attempting. These insulated politicians are far less safe than they think they are, and we have far more power than they want to admit to.

Chris - they share components. They still aren't the same. One trigger pull, one bullet fired, no different than any other hunting rifle. A Civic and a race car also have radiators and spark plugs.

I can literally take the bottom receiver from the USMC issued M16, and pair it with the upper receiver from my civilian AR-15.

That is mind boggling that you think is like "comparing a honda to a NASCAR"
The government is not a minority with rights but representatives elected by the voters.
Sure, but your implication was that those with guns would be the ones to tyrannically overpower the will of the majority. So why is it plausible for the minority to be citizens with guns, yet implausible for the minority to be elected citizens with guns?

Other than spoiling some of your hobby fun by possibly not letting you own a fancy assault gun with 30 round clips you like to "constitutionally" target shoot cans or bottles with for cheap thrills, what "tyrannical" thing or scenario are you protecting yourself from or would be able to fight off were it to be attempted :rolleyes: by the government by your ownership of said assault gun.
"Assault gun" is a made-up term, so you would have to be more specific. Also, it is a magazine not a "clip" in your example. It helps your argument(s) to be knowledgeable of those things you are fighting against. Why is 30 such a magical number? Why not 20, or 10, or 5, or single-shot? Anyone set on doing damage and becoming proficient can easily learn to exchange a magazine in less than a second.

Owning a gun only makes you powerful in a very narrow sense while still leaving you powerless in life otherwise.
The same can be said for a fire-extinguisher...yet I have those in my home as well.

What is the threat to the rest of your "freedom?"You are the one equating the government having all the guns as tyranny, so define it :D

Give me a realistic example of government tyranny germane to the argument.;)
This is a typical argumentative twist that I see pulled in this debates; I did not equate anything. I simply presented a more specific definition of the scenario you provided.
I can literally take the bottom receiver from the USMC issued M16, and pair it with the upper receiver from my civilian AR-15.

That is mind boggling that you think is like "comparing a honda to a NASCAR"

I can pull the spark plugs from a Honda and install them into a NASCAR engine. Do you have free access to the bottom receiver of a USMC issued M16? Not legally. I see no reason why an AR15 should be illegal just because a part for a gun that is illegal for me to have will fit it.
This is a typical argumentative twist that I see pulled in this debates; I did not equate anything. I simply presented a more specific definition of the scenario you provided.

I can define the threat alluded to in the post you responded to. IN the 20th century, democratically elected governments banned private firearm ownership, then proceeded to round up and exterminate people deemed to be a threat to that government. 56 million people died as a result of this. Hitler, for example, was elected to be Chancellor of Germany. Hitler banned firearm ownership, then started breaking people down into specific groups, then started rounding them up. Because they had previously been disarmed, they had no way to fight back. Match this up to when a Massachusettes governor ordered colonial Englishmen to hand over their firearms, much as our current government did. IN that case the roundup was refused, the people were able to defend themselves and our nation was born. The Second Amendment was written, in fact, because the Founding Fathers recognized that our government might one day become tyrannical and require replacing by force. They codified that God-given right to maintain the means to defend ourselved from tyranny be it from a criminal demanding our money to a government demanding our lives. Hunting never was a reason for the Second Amendment.
Your argument has always lacked a solid point and was completely unrealistic.

Telco said:
the fact is a civilain AR15 is similar to a military weapon the same way a Honda Civic with a racing stripe is similar to a NASCAR racing car.

You implied that the civilian AR-15 and a military surplus M16 family weapon were drastic different. Not comparable in any way. Which is probably the most incorrect thing you could say about that comparison. The fact is they are completely similar. Defining their level of similarity as extreme would not be an unrealistic description.

And when you say this
I can pull the spark plugs from a Honda and install them into a NASCAR engine. Do you have free access to the bottom receiver of a USMC issued M16? Not legally. I see no reason why an AR15 should be illegal just because a part for a gun that is illegal for me to have will fit it.

You have completely missed the point. It wasn't the fact that placing the bottom receiver of a military surplus M16 onto my AR-15 would make it illegal. It was that the surplus M16 that you clearly just stated that is illegal is almost identical to the AR-15. So much so that one could interchange parts from the illegal weapon, with the civilian weapon and it would still be the....Same weapon. The even crazier part is you can take parts from the legal weapon, and put them in the illegal weapon, and still have a functioning illegal weapon, but somehow the parted out legal weapon is completely different?

Now tell me, the M16 is illegal because of the burst mode right? That assumption is just as bogus as saying "Smaller capacity mags will stop deter shootings". Anyone could kill anyone with an AR-15, just as easily, possibly even easier than an "illegal" M16, because they are almost identical.
Sure, but your implication was that those with guns would be the ones to tyrannically overpower the will of the majority. So why is it plausible for the minority to be citizens with guns, yet implausible for the minority to be elected citizens with guns?

"Assault gun" is a made-up term, so you would have to be more specific. Also, it is a magazine not a "clip" in your example. It helps your argument(s) to be knowledgeable of those things you are fighting against. Why is 30 such a magical number? Why not 20, or 10, or 5, or single-shot? Anyone set on doing damage and becoming proficient can easily learn to exchange a magazine in less than a second.

The same can be said for a fire-extinguisher...yet I have those in my home as well.

This is a typical argumentative twist that I see pulled in this debates; I did not equate anything. I simply presented a more specific definition of the scenario you provided.

The majority of Americans who want bans on assault weapons are thwarted by the current interpretation of the right to bear arms, an interpretation ironically brought about by the minority gun lobby cleverly jumping on the rights bandwagon in the 60's copying the tactics of the rights campaigns of various leftists.

To Wit
Hey, we want our "rights" too along with the gays and feminists getting theirs ;) and we assert that automatic and semi automatic military assault weapons like AK-47s and M16s qualify under the right to bear arms to protect us from tyranny:rolleyes:.

An assault gun is a military type gun designed to kill people at short to medium range with multiple rounds fired quickly like in a ground assault by soldiers.The pure military one's fire automatically while the civilian versions are detuned or redesigned to semi automatic fire where it's one bullet per trigger pull vs spraying the whole magazine(that clips in :p) with one held trigger pull.
You know all this.

The country has IMO matured and lasted over 200 years and has outgrown the Second Amendment regarding the unable to be defined modern government tyranny it allegedly protects against but the point is moot with all the military type guns already out there and the whole gun culture they promote.

It's too late, the gun lobby and gun manufacturers stroking the fragile male ego with Bushmaster "man card" AR-15s and such have already won.
A lot of Americans love their guns emotionally like a religion even patriotically and are willing to put up with the moral hazard of the occasional nut job atrocity or the more common careless storage or some variously caused domestic tragedy out of that love.
The culture has metastasized into this "normal"
All gun control can do is make it more difficult to get a new gun but it can't force anyone to give up their gun if they don't commit a felony.

It's sad really :( that so many people fell threatened and compelled to own guns in this country.
I don't see guns protecting us from a tyrannical government. No matter how well stocked your home armory is, it will not stop any government, especially one with access to the toys that the US military has, from oppressing its people. I'm all for conceal and carry, but I don't think it will help if a president decides to go the dictator route. It might slow it down, but a swiftly crushed rebellion will look a lot more terrifying than an one day Regime change. These arguments about Fancy rifles and 30 clip magazines are just smoke and mirrors. While anyone who cares is too busy worrying about their "protection" being taken away, something they can feel and believe directly affects them, they will take away the things that seem irrelevant at the time, more important rights, quietly.
Your argument has always lacked a solid point and was completely unrealistic.

You implied that the civilian AR-15 and a military surplus M16 family weapon were drastic different. Not comparable in any way. Which is probably the most incorrect thing you could say about that comparison. The fact is they are completely similar. Defining their level of similarity as extreme would not be an unrealistic description.

And when you say this

You have completely missed the point. It wasn't the fact that placing the bottom receiver of a military surplus M16 onto my AR-15 would make it illegal. It was that the surplus M16 that you clearly just stated that is illegal is almost identical to the AR-15. So much so that one could interchange parts from the illegal weapon, with the civilian weapon and it would still be the....Same weapon. The even crazier part is you can take parts from the legal weapon, and put them in the illegal weapon, and still have a functioning illegal weapon, but somehow the parted out legal weapon is completely different?

Now tell me, the M16 is illegal because of the burst mode right? That assumption is just as bogus as saying "Smaller capacity mags will stop deter shootings". Anyone could kill anyone with an AR-15, just as easily, possibly even easier than an "illegal" M16, because they are almost identical.

Just want to elaborate a bit further.

The most popular rifle used by our armed forces today is the M4 carbine, which is not full auto. It can fire semi or burst mode only.

Even the M16A2's were burst only. The original or the A4's are the only full auto AR15's.

And yes you can swap parts between all carbine or all full size rifles and they will all work inside of each other. The weapon is more deadly in semi mode, as the burst mode brings up the barrel and you lose the sight picture. Full auto is even worse.

A Honda civic and a NASCAR don't have similar components. These rifles do. almost the exact same components actually.
Chris, I get the point you are making, but I don't think you are getting the point I am making. As a one pull one shot weapon the AR15 is no different than any other rifle. It would have to be illegally modified in order to make it anything more than a single shot semi-auto.

A mag cap ban would do no good either, as a magazine can be swapped in 2-3 seconds with just a little practice. All it would mean is carrying a few more magazines. I used to have a 30.06 rifle with a detachable magazine that would be far more lethal than an AR15 would be as it would fire further and hit harder. While I never had a 30 count magazine for it, a new mag could be swapped in as fast as you can for an AR15.

Incidentally, the M16A1 was a full auto weapon. This was what I had in basic training. The drills let us open it up with 10 rounds on full auto once, and they aren't easy to hold on target on full auto. The 3 round burst is what makes an M16A2 illegal as it fires more than one bullet for a single squeeze. After I left basic everything we were issued were M16A2s, which we never were allowed to fire on the 3 round burst. In my field (telecommunications) the only time we actually handled our weapons was on range day.

So far as the military goes, if they go against US citizens on a gun ban issue, they'll be violating their oath to uphold the Constitution and I don't think as many active duty members will go along with that as you might think. I was in when Clinton ran the 1994 ban through, and none of us in my unit supported it. Had it come to a confiscation, none of us would have acted on orders to confiscate either. Like it or not, the Second Amendment says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED even though it already has been with the full auto ban.
Chris, I get the point you are making, but I don't think you are getting the point I am making. As a one pull one shot weapon the AR15 is no different than any other rifle. It would have to be illegally modified in order to make it anything more than a single shot semi-auto.

What is the difference between the M16 and the AR-15 again? Oh yeah, the burst mode. We've already established that the armed forces stopped using the burst mode, and we still don't use it today. Soldiers, in theater, are using this same weapon on semi auto to kill people on a daily basis. On semi auto, because it is more effective that way.

Then some mentally unstable guy can go and buy this same weapon at a gun show and not have a background check done, because he is an occasional user.

Like it or not, some individuals can not handle the 2nd amendment. Either they are unstable, mentally incompetent, or have criminal ambitions. Forbidding the second amendment from people like that, does not bother me one bit.
So, 04', we should NOT trust the government enough to legislate morals to us (ala Christian Conservatives), but we SHOULD trust them enough to take away the ultimate check against their overreach?

How do you square that, logically?
Then some mentally unstable guy can go and buy this same weapon at a gun show and not have a background check done, because he is an occasional user.

The "gun show loophole" is almost non-existent.

Like it or not, government is foolish, self-absorbed, power hungry, appeals to the lowest common denominator in society and consistently proves that it cannot be trusted enough to have an unchecked monopoly on force. Considering the recent fiscal cliff dealings, any argument against that fact I take as almost self-evident proof of idiocy (specifically, of the highly useful kind for would-be tyrants).
What is the difference between the M16 and the AR-15 again? Oh yeah, the burst mode. We've already established that the armed forces stopped using the burst mode, and we still don't use it today. Soldiers, in theater, are using this same weapon on semi auto to kill people on a daily basis. On semi auto, because it is more effective that way.

Then some mentally unstable guy can go and buy this same weapon at a gun show and not have a background check done, because he is an occasional user.

Like it or not, some individuals can not handle the 2nd amendment. Either they are unstable, mentally incompetent, or have criminal ambitions. Forbidding the second amendment from people like that, does not bother me one bit.

I was making a point about legality as well as functionality. More than on e bullet per pull is illegal, one per pull is legal. Once again, my old 30.06 was more lethal, but legal, because it's a 1 pull one bullet weapon and as it was magazine loaded, no difference on capacity. Therefore, an AR15 shouldn't be illegal to own just because it has the same appearance as a military weapon. Banning a weapon based on appearance is ludacris.

So far as keeping them out of the hands of criminals and the insane, no problems there but the proposed solution is to treat us all as potential insane criminals by allowing nobody to possess them. THAT I have a major problem with. I am not insane, nor have I committed any crimes. Therefore, I am a responsible adult who should not be restricted from owning firearms for whatever reason I may want. When I go nuts or commit a felony we can talk again.

None of that addresses the main problem, which is that private firearm ownership is the final check against government overreach, which is the whole purpose of the Second Amendment to begin with. You may scoff at the idea that our government might overreach, but more than 56 million people who were murdered by their governments over the last 100 years after their governments took away private firearm ownership would disagree.

The "gun show loophole" is almost non-existent.

Like it or not, government is foolish, self-absorbed, power hungry, appeals to the lowest common denominator in society and consistently proves that it cannot be trusted enough to have an unchecked monopoly on force. Considering the recent fiscal cliff dealings, any argument against that fact I take as almost self-evident proof of idiocy (specifically, of the highly useful kind for would-be tyrants).

This too, shows that we MUST maintain an effective means to take the government back by force. There's a proposal right now that would give the President the sole decisionmaking power about whether to raise the national debt limit whenever he feels like it. There's another proposal to make it legal for a sitting President to serve unlimited terms. With the current sitting President, this is a plan to spend money today that children who won't be born for 500 years will have to pay. Disagreement with keeping a means to check the government shows a severe lack of understanding on why we have a Second Amendment to begin with.
The majority of Americans who want bans on assault weapons are thwarted by the current interpretation of the right to bear arms, an interpretation ironically brought about by the minority gun lobby cleverly jumping on the rights bandwagon in the 60's copying the tactics of the rights campaigns of various leftists.
The majority of stupidity in America is brought about by the current interpretation of the First Amendment, which was never intended to include the internet, television, or satellite telephone texting, none of which the Founders could have envisioned.

An assault gun is a military type gun designed to kill people at short to medium range with multiple rounds fired quickly like in a ground assault by soldiers.The pure military one's fire automatically while the civilian versions are detuned or redesigned to semi automatic fire where it's one bullet per trigger pull vs spraying the whole magazine(that clips in :p) with one held trigger pull.
You know all this.
Civilian versions are not called assault rifles. Fail.

Also, it's interesting that you focus on rifles that use magazines, which comprise less than 1% of gun deaths each year, yet fail to address gang shootings with handguns. Why do you hate black people?

The country has IMO matured and lasted over 200 years and has outgrown the Second Amendment regarding the unable to be defined modern government tyranny it allegedly protects against but the point is moot with all the military type guns already out there and the whole gun culture they promote.

David Koresh and dozens of women and children who perished in Waco
Randy and Vickie Weaver and children
The City of New Orleans
The Battle of Athens

It's interesting that you hate the gun culture, considering you know nothing about it. Sort of like Christianity, eh champ? :rolleyes:

It's too late, the gun lobby and gun manufacturers stroking the fragile male ego with Bushmaster "man card" AR-15s and such have already won.
Despite the FACT that handguns kill far more people each year than rifles, and despite the FACT that ninety-nine point nine nine percent of gun owners NEVER commit crimes of violence, you and your statist overlords think that the rational response is to take away ALL guns from the ninety nine percent. It's the stupidest idea ever, and only makes sense when taken in context with the covert agenda of taking away guns.

Only uninformed imbeciles believe that banning guns actually reduces crime. The opposite is actually true. But you know this, don't you? You just refuse to acknowledge it because you have an agenda.

It's obvious that it really grates on your nerves that millions of Americans didn't bother to ask your sanctimonious permission before purchasing firearms. The gall of some people!

Your sardonic, condescending tone indicates that you are unable to have a logical, rational discussion about this. You use absurdities and emotional appeals, none of which actually address the problems that so-called 'gun control' is ostensibly supposed to prevent. In fact, it's rather clear that a closed-minded lefty like yourself, who by the way hails from liberal Canada, is incapable of learning anything once the mainstream media talking points have been embedded into your alleged brain. You've already made it clear that you're incapable of looking at the facts, or even of recognizing a fact.

A lot of Americans love their guns emotionally like a religion even patriotically and are willing to put up with the moral hazard of the occasional nut job atrocity or the more common careless storage or some variously caused domestic tragedy out of that love.
Or maybe they just want to protect themselves. What do you have against women protecting themselves against rapists?

Banning guns will not prevent violent crime. Ask the Brits. Ask Chicago. Your acceptance of the premise that the problem is guns is equivalent to saying that drunk driving accidents would be prevented if we just banned cars.

The culture has metastasized into this "normal"
All gun control can do is make it more difficult to get a new gun but it can't force anyone to give up their gun if they don't commit a felony.
False. Registration always leads to confiscation. Ask the Jews circa 1938. It is a fact that criminals don't obey laws. Why else would the last several mass shootings have occurred in so-called 'gun free zones?' Why haven't the shooters ever attacked a police station or gun show? Why don't they see the gun free zone sign, smack their fist into their palm, and say, 'Aw shucks, I was gonna kill some peeps, but this sign prevents me! Guess I'll go somewhere else!'

The only people a gun law affects is law abiding citizens, simply because they are the only ones who will obey it. The purpose of more gun laws is twofold: To punish law abiding citizens and to create more criminals.

Again, gun control laws make it harder to obtain guns but do NOTHING to prevent crime.

I can read your mind even now. You're whining, "but what about the children? we have to do something!"

It's a fact that you cannot PREVENT crime. Laws only punish crime. Good and evil can both exist in a free society. But in a tyranny, only evil exists.

It's sad really :( that so many people fell threatened and compelled to own guns in this country.

Your hero Diane Feinstein who loaded up on CCW guns when she felt threatened.

It's sad really, that politicians don't trust the people enough to allow them to protect themselves, but the politicians themselves can get guns whenever they want.
The majority of stupidity in America is brought about by the current interpretation of the First Amendment, which was never intended to include the internet, television, or satellite telephone texting, none of which the Founders could have envisioned.

Civilian versions are not called assault rifles. Fail.

Also, it's interesting that you focus on rifles that use magazines, which comprise less than 1% of gun deaths each year, yet fail to address gang shootings with handguns. Why do you hate black people?


David Koresh and dozens of women and children who perished in Waco
Randy and Vickie Weaver and children
The City of New Orleans
The Battle of Athens

It's interesting that you hate the gun culture, considering you know nothing about it. Sort of like Christianity, eh champ? :rolleyes:

Despite the FACT that handguns kill far more people each year than rifles, and despite the FACT that ninety-nine point nine nine percent of gun owners NEVER commit crimes of violence, you and your statist overlords think that the rational response is to take away ALL guns from the ninety nine percent. It's the stupidest idea ever, and only makes sense when taken in context with the covert agenda of taking away guns.

Only uninformed imbeciles believe that banning guns actually reduces crime. The opposite is actually true. But you know this, don't you? You just refuse to acknowledge it because you have an agenda.

It's obvious that it really grates on your nerves that millions of Americans didn't bother to ask your sanctimonious permission before purchasing firearms. The gall of some people!

Your sardonic, condescending tone indicates that you are unable to have a logical, rational discussion about this. You use absurdities and emotional appeals, none of which actually address the problems that so-called 'gun control' is ostensibly supposed to prevent. In fact, it's rather clear that a closed-minded lefty like yourself, who by the way hails from liberal Canada, is incapable of learning anything once the mainstream media talking points have been embedded into your alleged brain. You've already made it clear that you're incapable of looking at the facts, or even of recognizing a fact.

Or maybe they just want to protect themselves. What do you have against women protecting themselves against rapists?

Banning guns will not prevent violent crime. Ask the Brits. Ask Chicago. Your acceptance of the premise that the problem is guns is equivalent to saying that drunk driving accidents would be prevented if we just banned cars.

False. Registration always leads to confiscation. Ask the Jews circa 1938. It is a fact that criminals don't obey laws. Why else would the last several mass shootings have occurred in so-called 'gun free zones?' Why haven't the shooters ever attacked a police station or gun show? Why don't they see the gun free zone sign, smack their fist into their palm, and say, 'Aw shucks, I was gonna kill some peeps, but this sign prevents me! Guess I'll go somewhere else!'

The only people a gun law affects is law abiding citizens, simply because they are the only ones who will obey it. The purpose of more gun laws is twofold: To punish law abiding citizens and to create more criminals.

Again, gun control laws make it harder to obtain guns but do NOTHING to prevent crime.

I can read your mind even now. You're whining, "but what about the children? we have to do something!"

It's a fact that you cannot PREVENT crime. Laws only punish crime. Good and evil can both exist in a free society. But in a tyranny, only evil exists.


Your hero Diane Feinstein who loaded up on CCW guns when she felt threatened.

It's sad really, that politicians don't trust the people enough to allow them to protect themselves, but the politicians themselves can get guns whenever they want.

You seem to protest too much.
You are also embodying onto me with everything you hate, making a strawman out of me saying I am your generic "lefty".
Lighten up.
The gun side has already won.
What do you expect when a lifehating nutjob steals his gunloving mother's guns, shoots her in the head and then goes on a rampage and massacres 6 year olds in a classroom with an AR 15 just to show us people how much contempt he has for life and human beings in general.
We're talking about closing the barn door after the animals have escaped.
Gun control is not going to amount to anything.
This will blow over just like every other time.
My mechanic buddy who works on my Camaro grew up with guns and has 6 assault rifles.
We've had some fun squeezing off a few rounds.
My wife's late ex was an unstable mentally ill person who had an assault gun he probably shouldn't have but luckily never hurt anyone before passing away at 42.
Guns are all some people have to feel powerful about in their lives.
She does not want any guns around.
My bias here is that I grew up in a civilized place without a gun culture and have never felt threatened to the point of needing or wanting a gun.
I also don't hunt so it's easy for me to be for gun control.
Guns are like fireworks.
Where they are allowed there are always people getting hurt and having accidents. it's a statistical certainty.
You still haven't come up with a plausible example of this government tyranny you fear so much.
And that's all we really need to know about you.

You get your 'news' and 'facts' and 'learning' from Jon Stewart.


Actually I don't watch Stewart or Maher much anymore but you probably get all your news from Fox News which is incorporated as an entertainment channel that also brings us Family Guy and the Simpsons.
They know just how to play you.

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