The majority of stupidity in America is brought about by the current interpretation of the First Amendment, which was never intended to include the internet, television, or satellite telephone texting, none of which the Founders could have envisioned.
Civilian versions are not called assault rifles. Fail.
Also, it's interesting that you focus on rifles that use magazines, which comprise less than 1% of gun deaths each year, yet fail to address gang shootings with handguns. Why do you hate black people?
David Koresh and dozens of women and children who perished in Waco
Randy and Vickie Weaver and children
The City of New Orleans
The Battle of Athens
It's interesting that you hate the gun culture, considering you know nothing about it. Sort of like Christianity, eh champ?
Despite the FACT that handguns kill far more people each year than rifles, and despite the FACT that ninety-nine point nine nine percent of gun owners NEVER commit crimes of violence, you and your statist overlords think that the rational response is to take away ALL guns from the ninety nine percent. It's the stupidest idea ever, and only makes sense when taken in context with the covert agenda of taking away guns.
Only uninformed imbeciles believe that banning guns actually reduces crime. The opposite is actually true. But you know this, don't you? You just refuse to acknowledge it because you have an agenda.
It's obvious that it really grates on your nerves that millions of Americans didn't bother to ask your sanctimonious permission before purchasing firearms. The gall of some people!
Your sardonic, condescending tone indicates that you are unable to have a logical, rational discussion about this. You use absurdities and emotional appeals, none of which actually address the problems that so-called 'gun control' is ostensibly supposed to prevent. In fact, it's rather clear that a closed-minded lefty like yourself, who by the way hails from liberal Canada, is incapable of learning anything once the mainstream media talking points have been embedded into your alleged brain. You've already made it clear that you're incapable of looking at the facts, or even of recognizing a fact.
Or maybe they just want to protect themselves. What do you have against women protecting themselves against rapists?
Banning guns will not prevent violent crime. Ask the Brits. Ask Chicago. Your acceptance of the premise that the problem is guns is equivalent to saying that drunk driving accidents would be prevented if we just banned cars.
False. Registration always leads to confiscation. Ask the Jews circa 1938. It is a fact that criminals don't obey laws. Why else would the last several mass shootings have occurred in so-called 'gun free zones?' Why haven't the shooters ever attacked a police station or gun show? Why don't they see the gun free zone sign, smack their fist into their palm, and say, 'Aw shucks, I was gonna kill some peeps, but this sign prevents me! Guess I'll go somewhere else!'
The only people a gun law affects is law abiding citizens, simply because they are the only ones who will obey it. The purpose of more gun laws is twofold: To punish law abiding citizens and to create more criminals.
Again, gun control laws make it harder to obtain guns but do NOTHING to prevent crime.
I can read your mind even now. You're whining, "but what about the children? we have to do something!"
It's a fact that you cannot PREVENT crime. Laws only punish crime. Good and evil can both exist in a free society. But in a tyranny, only evil exists.
Your hero Diane Feinstein who loaded up on CCW guns when she felt threatened.
It's sad really, that politicians don't trust the people enough to allow them to protect themselves, but the politicians themselves can get guns whenever they want.