Dedicated LVC Member
Link to article please?
My glock and Ruger want to read it too.
My glock and Ruger want to read it too.
Link to article please?
My glock and Ruger want to read it too.
This wont pass. Gun ownership is part of the American psyche, weather politicians like it or not. Criminals have no regard for laws, creating another one will not be any different. Politicians that preside over states know if they support an "**** you and your guns and your whole lineage or guns" ban they can kiss there asses goodbye. They know this.
If you own guns or not, you know that right now you can purchase one to defend yourself, just having that ability in itself is a right. Taking such a critical element away from the constitution is political suicide. Next election the opposing candidate can be a homeless guy that says "I disapprove of Senator ****Stick's decision to take away firearms from the American people, and he would probably win.
Obamacare, meh. Gay rights, meh. The economy, meh. Those are all issues that cause quite an uproar when they are debated. Yet, they don't hold a candle to what the reaction would be with a weapon ban that is so offensive and comprehensive that it even forbids passing down grandfathered in weapons. You would seriously see state government's publicly opposing the idea, like slavery.
Honestly, if they go after high capacity magazines like drum mags...Hell even if they go after 30 round mags and limit me to 10 or so I wont be too upset. Will that make any difference, no not at all, but I feel like that is about as far as this will go.
10 round magazines, or constant media onslaught demonizing guns, and bill after bill, after bill calling for gun reform until one is achieved....Your choice. I for one tell you that the latter, continuing over time, is more dangerous to our rights.
Listen I am not promoting any erosion of my constitutional rights, but you have to be a realist. She is a bat **** crazy woman who threatens the constitutional right of all of us to own firearms. It's no secret she wants them all to be outlawed, but she knows she can't do that so she tries for her definition of "Assault Weapons". She will be unsuccessful but if her really constricting and inclusive bill gets chopped up and watered down to the point where it only affects our magazines, that's a win in comparison.
10 round magazines, or constant media onslaught demonizing guns, and bill after bill, after bill calling for gun reform until one is achieved....Your choice. I for one tell you that the latter, continuing over time, is more dangerous to our rights.
Also, if you want to make football references look at the whole picture. You consider each bill passed that limits our gun ownership abilities as a "first down". Well that 1994 legislation has been expired for some time now, and well, they haven't been able to bring it back since. So in reality, they have made no gains because the defense has pushed them back. Food for thought.
Also, I will reiterate, I would be surprised if anything other than possible small magazine legislation passes.
Even CNN thinks so.
This should be moved to the Any thing goes section it has nothing to do with LS's
If the guns go, we become subjects to a govenment that both wants the little people to ride subways and bicycles and thinks confiscating things that they don't like is acceptable. One day you go outside and find your LS is gone, when you call the cops they tell you that the car was confiscated and crushed, and they will be having the cost to tow and crush deducted from your paycheck. If you don't say "Thank you sir, I'll stop worrying about it then." they ship you off to a reeducation camp. So it is related, in a bit. I did note in the first page that it was in the Anything Goes section, but this is important enough to run in other places.
If the guns go, we become subjects to a govenment that both wants the little people to ride subways and bicycles and thinks confiscating things that they don't like is acceptable. One day you go outside and find your LS is gone, when you call the cops they tell you that the car was confiscated and crushed, and they will be having the cost to tow and crush deducted from your paycheck. If you don't say "Thank you sir, I'll stop worrying about it then." they ship you off to a reeducation camp. So it is related, in a bit. I did note in the first page that it was in the Anything Goes section, but this is important enough to run in other places.