LVC Member
of course it has a prior salvage title but 26k miles?! I'm so pumped about this because the guy had this thing sitting for YEARS because after he did body work caused by the accident, he couldn't get it started. I spotted it and asked if it was for sale, at first he said no and then he said he'd take 4 grand (what he gave for the totaled out car years ago). I had actually gotten 3 grand out of the bank and set that as my personal limit. We worked out a deal for 3 grand plus an align 600E (big rc helicopter). I read up on LS's here all the time so I got her home and of course put in a new, properly vented battery... no luck yet. Naturally I check out the relays and started cleaning the corrosion off of the ones in the engine compartment, for about an hour... still no luck. I took one of the relays to ford and ordered 5 new ones because they rattle and they're not supposed to have moving parts, then started fiddling with moving relays around. Then I realized my navigator has 5 of the same ones and threw those in there, BAM! added power steering fluid and drove her around the neighborhood. The gasoline in it is like 7 or 8 years old and I'm pretty sure it's giving her fits but she runs smooth mostly. Going to get all the fluids changed and topped off tomorrow. Pics coming.