FINALLY HAVE AN LS AGAIN!!! This one comes with a good story, 26k miles, and only $3k


LVC Member
Jul 30, 2013
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of course it has a prior salvage title but 26k miles?! I'm so pumped about this because the guy had this thing sitting for YEARS because after he did body work caused by the accident, he couldn't get it started. I spotted it and asked if it was for sale, at first he said no and then he said he'd take 4 grand (what he gave for the totaled out car years ago). I had actually gotten 3 grand out of the bank and set that as my personal limit. We worked out a deal for 3 grand plus an align 600E (big rc helicopter). I read up on LS's here all the time so I got her home and of course put in a new, properly vented battery... no luck yet. Naturally I check out the relays and started cleaning the corrosion off of the ones in the engine compartment, for about an hour... still no luck. I took one of the relays to ford and ordered 5 new ones because they rattle and they're not supposed to have moving parts, then started fiddling with moving relays around. Then I realized my navigator has 5 of the same ones and threw those in there, BAM! added power steering fluid and drove her around the neighborhood. The gasoline in it is like 7 or 8 years old and I'm pretty sure it's giving her fits but she runs smooth mostly. Going to get all the fluids changed and topped off tomorrow. Pics coming. WP_20130730_001.jpgWP_20130730_002.jpgWP_20130730_004.jpgWP_20130730_005.jpgWP_20130730_006.jpgWP_20130730_007.jpg






also, i do have the grill, all wheels, and center caps. the changed body sections are ready for paint
Excellent find my friend and welcome to LVC.

sounds like you know what you are doing ... lots of help here for ya as well.

One thing - It's been sitting on grass all these years, be sure to have a look at all the underneaths including brake/fuel lines.
Cars don't like sitting on grass/weeds for too long before starting to rot out. Be sure to check it all over and change all those fluids.

Dump that fuel and get a new fuel filter in there ASAP.

Many congrads, good find, well worth the time and money to get it up to par.

----EDIT: Amazing the corrosion on the relays already.
very nice ,cant wait to see this baby in its glory again,

Salvage LS owner with 180k miles
2nd owner
My Gen I was a salvage LS as well. I traded it after 7 years of ownership.
also, i do have the grill, all wheels, and center caps. the changed body sections are ready for paint

Great find! As budget allows a lot of preventive maintenance & cosmetic work, but with baby mileage good for 10 more yrs.! V6 or V8?
Good deal. I got my buddy a '88 turbocoupe a couple years ago for $500 without brakes, PO couldn't get them to work and the car had sat for 6 years. Same deal, couple used relays for the accumulator pump and all was happiness.
That 600E was somewhere between $600-$1000 depending on WHICH 600E it was. The Pro kit is $1000.

Hopefully it doesn't need anything major other then fluids and filters and some relays. Good luck :)
v8, i put some newer tires on it today, recharged the a/c and some other stuff. i've tried selling that 600e, can't find a buyer around here and i haven't been flying it so it's been collecting dust. car runs great so far! got some photos of the undercarriage, none of the bushings have any play in them - yet. i expect there will be some work going on down there soon.
Nice find dude! Are in Salina Kansas? I'm in Junction City currently. Well I hope all goes well with your restoration. I have a lot of body work then paint to do on my 03.
Nice find dude! Are in Salina Kansas? I'm in Junction City currently. Well I hope all goes well with your restoration. I have a lot of body work then paint to do on my 03.

actually I'm in Missouri at the moment, and I'll be moving to Salina in the next week. I expect to be driving this LS through Junction City on my way to Salina this weekend. Check your schedule!
Looks like the driver's airbag blew! That won't be cheap......
Looking like a few parts here and there, some trim and paint, she be like new again.
underneath doesn't look bad at all as far as rust goes, what is there is to be expected for a car of this age.

old Hornets nest red flag alert!
Any suspension parts with torn boots need to be replaced, and it looks like you have plenty.
I Had two gen I LS's in the past and I loved em'. But this LS sounds different and I honestly don't know if it's because of the hp difference in the two generations, the different exhaust configuration, or what? But I've been feeling like something rotted out somewhere and now when you "get on it" a little it sounds quite "throaty" and mean... but I can't help thinking there's some corrosion/rust in the stock exhaust. or w/e...
Any suspension parts with torn boots need to be replaced, and it looks like you have plenty.

What he said. You might as well throw stabilizer bar end links all the way around, front tie rods, and lateral link/toe link/ whatever ford is calling it today in the rear. Then you'll need an alignment. On the upper control arm if the ball joint still feels good then you can just put an aftermarket boot on it. You can find them in the fix-it stuff. Might as well check the lower ball joint too while you are in there. I'd also try knocking the rust off the shocks and seeing how bad they are just for fun. Throw some paint on 'em too.

Probably looking at $300 for the end links and what-not. Hopefully the ball joints feel good :)

That exhaust sounds fine. It's very quiet under normal but when you get on it it has a decent throaty/european tone. The exhaust is one of the real differences between gen1 and gen2. Ford did a lot of work on the gen2 exhaust setup. My '06 has a little grumble under acceleration with the stock exhaust that I don't notice with other Gen2's.
absolutely man, but this will be interesting because she sat for seven(ish) years, and started rolling yesterday. When I play with the torn boots etc, they fall apart, and though it's VERY early, there is still no play in any of the joints. I'm very curious about how this will all play out.(suspension-wise_)

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