95DevilleNS said:
The format has greatly changed since the 1940's Fossten. Enemies today are not the same as enemies of yesterday; carpet bomb the entire Middle East and then what? Sure you killed a terrorist here and there for every ten-thousand poor non-political bastards (and their families) you just killed, while the greater terrorist threats are hiding in Sweden or training in Southern Algeria.
LOL which post should I reply to?
I noticed that once again you are more sympathetic to the "
poor non-political bastards" in the Middle East than you are to the ones who died on 9/11.
Deville, you can't be that naive. The children in Middle Eastern schools are being taught to be the terrorists of tomorrow. As long as those countries have the capability and money to procure weapons and attack us, they are a threat that needs to be neutralized. Nowhere did I advocate genocide, that was your word. But if we sufficiently reverse their ability to make money and weapons, we will be safe for decades. It's very simple. I know many of those people didn't choose to be born over there, but it can't be helped. It's either us or them. Using diplomacy and bowing and appeasing DOESN'T WORK WITH FANATICS.
I don't know what you mean by "format." We carpet bombed cities in WWII KNOWING that we were killing civilians, and INTENDING to do so. The idea was to beat the bad guys into submission. One of the most effective ways to do that is to kill their citizens. They certainly didn't hesitate to kill ours on 9/11, and yes I'm talking about Iran and Syria and any other country who was complicit in harboring terrorists.
However, you certainly hit on an interesting point. The enemy of today isn't the same as the enemy of the 40's, EXCEPT that they want to destroy us. Our lack of ruthlessness is what I'm concerned with, not our tactics. We are so freaking PC in war nowadays we get beat up in the media if a bullet accidentally hits a nonmilitary building. That's absurd and needs to stop or we'll NEVER be able to win a war.
The fact is that if today's media had been around for WWII, we would have surrendered to Japan after Pearl Harbor. You need to understand that war is bad, and people die in war, but it's UNAVOIDABLE. Fighting war in a minimalist fashion is how we lost in Vietnam, and it's going to happen again until we grow a pair and start smashing things.
As far as carpet bombing the entire Middle East, that wouldn't be necessary and I never said that's what we should do. I do think that if we truly steamrolled Iran, the rest of the countries like Syria and Saudi would sue for peace. But we don't have the balls to do something like that, thanks to the Democrats and the media.
So don't worry, Deville, the United States won't win any wars for a while, at least until we get good and pissed off over two or three BIG cities going up in a mushroom cloud.