fossten said:
I can't believe what I'm hearing. You don't think we're already at war with Islam? After all you've read of the Koran and all that you've seen and heard?
I believe that we are actively in a fight with a significant significant section of Islam. I think it's best to refrain from having to fight each and every Muslim individually though.
Brute force is necessary, but indiscriminant use of force will complicate things. To oversimplify the problem is often just as bad as under estimating it.
All the recent terrorist attacks on the west have been by muslims. All the threats from the middle east are from muslims. This has been going on for decades and it isn't going to go away just because some of us want to put our heads in the sand. Muslims around the world want to see us destroyed along with Israel. You may not believe we are at war with Islam, but Islam is at war with us.
This statement is not untrue- BUT- in it's essence it says that a genocide needs to take place and the religion of Islam needs to be purged from the Earth. I'm not ready to make that claim. Nor do I even know how something like that would be executed.
Flattening Iran will not make us safer, it would likely just result in nuclear Pakistan falling to the radicals. Perhaps that could trigger a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.
The dominoes are all lined up right now- rather than knocking one over, if possible, it's best to find a way to remove a few important ones from the middle and prevent the cascade.
Furthermore, I have heard Ted Kennedy and his ilk express dismay at the possibility that we might further anger the terrorists..
Worrying about offending terrorists is absurd. However, we don't want to convince EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM around the world that we are at war with them and that we intend to persecute them.
The military could kill a million of the enemy, and it wouldn't mean anything. But, a handful of terrorist with bomb belts could absolutely bring our economy and way of life to a halt.
As far as my solution, if we take away the ability of the middle eastern countries to hurt us, in other words smash their industries and take away their livelihood, the other nations will sit up and take notice.
Or, more likely, the street populations will become even more radical and motivated. The other countries in the region will be destabilized. Iran will be taken over by even more radical elements, with even less to lose. And I can't even speculate as to how the Muslim populations in Europe would respond. So, how do you contain the chaos?
To clarify, I've never said military action against Iran is wrong. I am simply saying that "flattening" the country, destroying it's infrastructure, and then leaving it to starve will NOT make us more secure. We can't just walk away from that.
This is preventive medicine, and it's not a pleasant prospect for the squeamish, but it's them or us, and I vote for us.
But massive uses of force that sound good but lessen our security are not a good vote.
Any strike would need to be very calculated and involve a strategy for stabilizing it afterwards. The world is too small right now to just blow up a place and walk away, secure that the oceans will keep us safe.