Prob wont do much now but oh well. I filed the claim on paypal,2 weeks and no comunications.
So I searched out Stacy Barna on FB. Said she is married to Aaron Barna. His profile is private, and he denied a friend request from me. This is the profile pic:
If you filed a claim on paypal on the 23rd(two weeks from the 7th) then he shouldn't have been able to withdraw funds from the account unless they sided with him. If they had sided with him they'd let you know. This should mean that all moneys put into that account since then should be in there still.
Keep us updated on what paypal tells you.
I filed it on the I posted that on here. They are awaiting to hear from him, he has until the 17th to respond. Does paypal put a hold on the account when there is a claim?
If any of you payed through Postal Money Order and complain to the police, he's going to court and possibly jail. Just a heads up, almost happened to me cause I shipped everything, it was returned and the wife put it in the trunk of my other car and neglected to tell me.
I'm just hoping he didn't pull the money out beforehand. He is most likely lurking around here without signing in.Yes.
I'm just hoping he didn't pull the money out beforehand. He is most likely lurking around here without signing in.
Well I am going to Spam the :q:q:q:q outta those two stealing bastards facebook page email every single one of their friends let them know what type off ppl they are
I contacted all both Barna and Webbs family on face book stating all that is happening. Hopefully all his/her family arent all crooks
dear paul aaron barna,
hope you are reading this. I just wanted to say i hope you liked my phone calls today it was skinda hard having to call every 15 mins since 5 a.m. I also hope you dont mind i wanted it to be a suprise but im sure you have already figured it out. I put your number on craigslist for male seeking males so not only have i been calling you a few others have too ;] they seem to really like your post on there idk i also made sure to leave the link to your facebook on it as well just so that they can see the asswhole that you really are. Hope all is well
p.s f*ck yourself
yours truly,
stallone 81