What is that supposed to mean? That doesn't make sense.JohnnyBz00LS said:Oh, I see. Well THAT explains your......, uh...... "strong convictions" against Kerry. :Bang
What is that supposed to mean? That doesn't make sense.JohnnyBz00LS said:Oh, I see. Well THAT explains your......, uh...... "strong convictions" against Kerry. :Bang
:eek2:Punisher said:Yea like the swift boat guys have made no money from this lol.
Show me one guy that HAS been paid anything.Punisher said:Thats 1 person, out of what? you said 250? Come on now thats like saying no one in america smokes weed cause you know someone who doesnt!.
To what are you referring to?JohnnyBz00LS said:WHAT? I guess Cheney is not a part of the Bush adm or the GOP?
Kbob said:What is that supposed to mean? That doesn't make sense.
Kbob said:To what are you referring to?
I had a hunch you may have thought that. No problem.JohnnyBz00LS said:My bad, I mis-read MonsterMark's post, I thought he was saying that he was giving HIS royalties away..... implying he had a hand in the publication of that pile of toilet paper....... which would explain.....blah blah blah ........ when in reality he was quoting the nincompoop who authored the pile of toilet paper...... who gave his royalties away.
The reality of this situation is, a money trail from this pile of toilet paper to the SBVs will never be found. Remember how proficient they are at hiding their trails.
Where did they question Kerry's service in the military? They did not. They questioned everything else, but NOT his service in the military. That's not the same, so quit arguing that it is.JohnnyBz00LS said:I'm referring to this outright lie:
Did you not see the speeches at the RNC? You still think the SBVT have (or "had") no connections to the GOP?
MonsterMark said:Man, Oh, Man, Oh Man. When will the madness stop.
CBS News is a fraud, Kerry is a fraud. I think that the 40% of the Country that supports Kerry are in denial and proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that people on the left will vote for anybody with a (D) next to their name, and will ignore everything else. Tough language for sure, but I am tired of all the press coverage on Bush's service. He has been the President for 4 years now. We can all judge his fitness to serve based on this record. Kerry, on the otherhand, has not served yet and should be scrutinized way more intensely.
In all honesty, I couldnt care less about either of their service records during the Vietnam era. Both have marks against them. I care about the issues, the ones the right AND left wing media arent covering. Listen to NPR for facts with allmost no bias. Whew!
Hey, NJDooWopper, thanks for participating, all viewpoints are encouraged. Even shills for the NPR.NJDooWopper said:In all honesty, I couldnt care less about either of their service records during the Vietnam era. Both have marks against them. I care about the issues, the ones the right AND left wing media arent covering. Listen to NPR for facts with allmost no bias. Whew!
That is a very entertaining statement. Listen to the extreme left for facts. Uh huh.NJDooWopper said:Listen to NPR for facts, with allmost no bias.
NJDooWopper said:Listen to NPR for facts with allmost no bias. Whew!
Yes, please read up on Ben Barnes and Bill Burkett. Even a fair minded liberal would have a hard time backing up these schmucks.Kbob said:Ben Barnes is the best witness money can buy. He's so deep in the Democratic party and the Kerry camp that it's not even funny. He's a joke and he wouldn't have been in that 60 Minute piece if there wasn't something else to show that he wasn't a complete fool (the forged documents). So in the words of 60 Minutes striving to be fair, why aren't they doing a piece on the Swift Boat Vets? The answer is obvious, the unsubstantiated allegations of anyone, whether it be one (Barnes) or 250 (Swift Boat Vets), is (I repeat) meaningless and useless in valid reporting and all reputable media organizations and reporters know this.
MonsterMark said:http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/9/22/154637.shtml
[font=Courier, Times New Roman]Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004
Gillespie Implicates Kerry's Campaign in Document 'Crime'
Just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter, CBS's latest scandal involving Democrat operatives Dan Rather and Mary Mapes grows even more sizzling.
Here's what GOP chairman Ed Gillespie had to say today during a conference call, with subheads provided by us:
See what the Dems do! Out of one side of their mouths they say they want to have a debate on the issues, all the while they are loading up on their character assassination strategies.
Many questions still remain. Was a crime committed? I believe so. Obviously, forgery is involved. But the Texas Legal Code also says it is a third-degree felony if one "makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record" or "makes, presents, or uses a governmental record with knowledge of its falsity."
Did the Kerry campaign know about the existence of the documents in question in advance of the CBS report? A chronology of events indicates they did.
Bill Burkett says he made multiple contacts with the Kerry campaign in August, sending an e-mail newsletter on August 21 saying he talked to Kerry campaign seniors on Friday, August 20. The Kerry campaign told him they wanted to "counterattack," and he says he "gave them the information to do it with."
'Down and Dirty'
Bill Burkett says he contacted the Democratic National Committee and laid out a rationale for using what he termed "down and dirty tactics against President Bush."
We know that the Kerry campaign devised a strategy to attack the president’s National Guard service that began the same night the Republican National Convention ended, with Senator Kerry attacking the president’s Guard service on the night of September 2.
Two days before the "60 Minutes" report aired, Howard Wolfson, a strategist dispatched to the DNC by the Kerry campaign, joined the DNC to head up "Operation Fortunate Son."
On Wednesday, September 8th, the day of the report, the DNC officially launched "Operation Fortunate Son" and "Texans For Truth," funded by a Kerry supporter, announced an advertising campaign.
Sen. Harkin, the 'Liar'
On Thursday, the day after the "60 Minutes" report, the DNC distributed an ad that had clearly been prepared in anticipation of the CBS News report, and cited the documents at a DNC press conference where Senator Tom Harkin called the president a "liar."
One might argue that these steps were taken without advance knowledge of the existence of the documents and this is all coincidence, but that strains credibility.
Mapes' 'Liberal Beliefs'
CBS has apologized for airing the story based on discredited documents, but has not issued a retraction. One of its producers contacted the Kerry campaign to encourage them to talk to one of her sources who could be helpful to the campaign. Whether this was done as part of an agreement with the source to go public or as a friendly tip, it is entirely inappropriate. Yet CBS News allows to continue in a news-gathering and reporting capacity a journalist who, according to yesterday’s Associated Press "makes no secret of her liberal beliefs" and has unquestionably provided opposition research to one of the presidential campaigns.
Sumner Redstone, Kerry's Money Man
This demonstrates a serious lack of judgment separate and apart from the lack of judgment demonstrated in running a report based on discredited documents. Did this producer’s own political viewpoint cloud her judgment? Is CBS News’ decision to neither suspend nor release the producer in question a result of judgment clouded by Viacom and CBS owner Sumner Redstone's role as a Kerry fund-raiser or Viacom President Tom Freston’s public support of John Kerry for president?
Other questions that should be answered:
<LI>1. We know that CBS put the Kerry campaign in touch with Burkett, but who put Burkett in touch with CBS in the first place? Was it someone at the Kerry campaign, or the DNC?
<LI>2. Who were the seniors other than [former] Senator Cleland that Burkett spoke to at the Kerry campaign on August 20? Lockhart wasn't a part of the Kerry campaign on August 20, and neither were McCurry, Begala, Carville or Greenberg.
So, who spoke with Burkett on August 20, and to whom did he provide the information for a "counterattack"?
<LI>3. Did the Kerry campaign or the DNC know about the documents before the CBS story broke? If so, from whom did they learn of them?
Another Question of 'Character'
The centerpiece of the Kerry campaign’s "character-based critique," Boston-speak for character assassination, is based on a discredited news report that was based on the criminal activity of someone who mocked up and forged documents. What’s that say for the character of the Kerry campaign? CBS should act now to assure its viewers that it understands the gravity of its producers’ actions, and the Kerry campaign and the DNC should answer these questions, abandon its character assassination campaign and focus on the issues relevant to the American people in this election.
I am not going to take it,so more mud slinging here we come. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
It is easy to bash, I'll admit it. The left makes it so easy to do.Punisher said:Yea its much easier to just Bash... :biggrin:
Bucks sucks!! Just thought id help ya kick off your bashing....
Way to go, Punisher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in over-coming it. I'm proud of you. :woowoo2:Punisher said:Yea its much easier to just Bash... :biggrin:
Bucks sucks!!
Kbob said:Way to go, Punisher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in over-coming it. I'm proud of you. :woowoo2:
I'm not hiding behind anything, much less lies and misconceptions. On the contrary, I simply try to see through the lies and misconceptions. I understand that you think that that's a "problem" and you hope I "over come" it, but you can give that dream up. If I offended you by replying to your joke with a joke in kind, I'm sorry. I realize you are highly sensitive and I will avoid any joking around with you in the future.Punisher said:Cant say im proud of you yet though, your still trying to hide behind lies and misconceptions. Maybe 1 day you will find out your problem and over come it.