G.W. Bush service documents

barry2952 said:
You make it sound like Bush is the perfect President. You see, I used a capital "P" because I respect the office but I don't respect the man.
I don't know if this Country has ever had a perfect President. Don't know if it is even possible. But I do appreciate your effort to show respect for the office of President of the United States.

barry2952 said:
I believe he got there on the coat tails of his father's name and service to our country. His nickname was "The Chosen One" for crying out loud.
President George W. Bush beat an incumbent Vice-President. President Bush was a little known, but very popular Texas Governor before running for President. I would say based on the defeat of George H.W. Bush in 1992, that maybe his name was more of a detriment than a credit. What the American public saw was a plain speaking, likeable guy with convictions and a sense of purpose. That is why he was elected President.

And as I recall, Kerry's fellow Yale mates used to play kazoos to the tune of All Hail the Chief when he walked down the hallway. It is Sen. Kerry who claims to have been the "Chosen One" as he admits he has dreamed of politics and the Presidency since he was a young lad and was destined to be President. So I think you have things a little backwards. But feel free to try again.

barry2952 said:
I don't believe for a moment that GB is running the country.
Who IS running the Country then? His daddy and the evil Carlyle group? Maybe the CIA? After all, it is John Kerry who now thinks the CIA is the greatest, most informed agency in the world, [flip-flop]. Why, because they produced a cautious report on Iraq last week? Sen. Kerry has no shame.

barry2952 said:
I don't think that these forged documents amount to anything, just politics as usual. I think that you and your ilk are hanging your hat on a distraction.
"You and your ilk". Such disdain. Tisk, tisk.
Are you embarrassed that the Democrats and the liberal media were flat caught with their pants down? Remember, it took a couple of stains on a blue dress*owned* to get Clinton to perform a mea-culpa. Now it looks like it took some forged documents to finally nail down the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and their watchdog, the liberal media. I shamefully admit it is such fun watching all of this.

Lastly, if you call purposefully trying to alter the outcome of an election with lies, forgeries and false innuendos, hey, more power to you. We obviously agree to disagree.

I can smile because I understand the pain all liberals are experiencing as a man they hate more than their own sad lives looks to be moving towards re-election by one the greatest margins of victory in recent elections. So I feel your pain.:rolleyes:
More good news for liberals...

Thanks, Dan: Gallup Finds Trust in Media at New Low

By E&P Staff Published: September 23, 2004 11:00 AM EDT

[snip]found that just 44% of Americans express confidence in the media's ability to report news stories accurately and fairly. [snip]

On the other hand, 39% currently say they have "not very much" confidence in the media's accuracy and fairness, while 16% say they have "none at all." [snip]

The partisan divide goes something like this: 59% of Democrats express confidence in the media, 31% of Republicans do so and 44% of Independents feel that way.

Of the entire sample, 48% perceive the media as "too liberal," 15% as "too conservative," and 33% find it "just about right."

Humm, I wonder why the Democrats express such confidence? Could it be that over 80% of today's press claims to have a liberal bias?
Hey you CBS/Kerry backers, I just wanted to say...

I told you so.

That felt good. :biggrin:

j/k - I just did NOT believe the coincidence.
I noticed all the people that were originally fighting the inevitable gave up.

The link to the DNC and Kerry Kamp are sure to follow.
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I beg your pardon. I did not give up thinking that Bush is the worst President in my 52 year memory.
Nice one liner.

We're all entitled to our opinions. That is what I love about this country. Freedom of expression, and disagreeing with your neighbor without wanting to kill them. Not so over in the sand box. That's the big difference as I see it.
That's where we agree. This is the greatest country in the world but I don't think it is our duty or responsibility to bring democracy to the world. I believe that most of the world will come around to democracy on its own. We rose up against our oppressors and created a democracy. Doesn't it have more validity when they do that themselves?

Why can't GWB admit that Iraq is a mess. What GWB has done in Iraq is shameful. He was unprepared for what happened because his ego got in the way.

GWB says he wants smaller government, but it's bigger than ever. The increase in the national debt will haunt all of us living today, forever. GWB has had 4 years to implement the plans he has for the next four years. What's he been doing for the last 4 years?

You keep calling me and my ilk Liberals when, in fact, I am not. I'm a fiscal conservative, a moderate on social issues and a flaming Liberal when it comes to the rights of women and gays.

I don't feel secure yet I believe that we are spending more on security than health, education and welfare combined. What's wrong with that picture?

How can you keep ignoring that 9-11 happened on GWB's watch? I know that the planning and training took place on Clinton's watch but GWB ignored a number of reports, from his own advisers, that he should have taken seriously. Bush planned on attacking Iraq long before he took office. I believe that this distraction is what blinded the Presidency to the clear threat of Osama.

I still say that you are hanging your hat on some documents that may prove to be fabricated. I think that you are ignoring the facts that GWB was absent from his duties during Viet Nam and has only addressed that issue with silence. What rational person wouldn't think that GWB got some favorable treatment to keep "The Chosen One" out of harm's way.

I'm 52 and I was 1-A during a year of Viet Nam. To this day, I am not sure I would have served. I live a half hour from Canada and I was scared. Luckily, my number was 135, but they got way too close for comfort. I probably would have chosen GWB's path but I would have been proud to have taken Kerry's.

I will freely admit that my vote for Kerry is in reality a vote against Bush.
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barry2952 said:
That's where we agree. This is the greatest country in the world but I don't think it is our duty or responsibility to bring democracy to the world. I believe that most of the world will come around to democracy on its own. We rose up against our oppressors and created a democracy. Doesn't it have more validity when they do that themselves?
It is absolutely our responsiblity to defend Democracy and plant it wherever and whenever we can in this world. Can I point out Japan, Germany, Poland, Russia, South Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. etc. where we have engaged fascism and communism, and prevailed. Are we now going to argue that every one of these countries are not better off? Please...

barry2952 said:
Why can't GWB admit that Iraq is a mess. What GWB has done in Iraq is shameful. He was unprepared for what happened because his ego got in the way.
Bush followed the advice of the US military and intelligence community. It is so much fun pointing the finger instead of figuring out the problem. Kerry will be a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully, that won't happen.

barry2952 said:
GWB says he wants smaller government, but it's bigger than ever. The increase in the national debt will haunt all of us living today, forever. GWB has had 4 years to implement the plans he has for the next four years. What's he been doing for the last 4 years?
The national debt is as small or smaller as a percentage of GDP as the last 20 years. I am not happy with the spending , but I also recognize the investment that was needed to pull us out of the recession and survive 9/11 intact. If I lost my job, I would probably take out a loan to continue making my house payments, instead of just throwing up my hands, and saying take it. That is what we did. We made an investment, and if Congress keeps the tax cuts intact, the economy will continue to grow like it has the last 3 years and treasury receipts will again catch up to expenditures.

barry2952 said:
You keep calling me and my ilk Liberals when, in fact, I am not. I'm a fiscal conservative, a moderate on social issues and a flaming Liberal when it comes to the rights of women and gays.
First of all, I do not think I have ever used the term "ilk" to refer to any group. Maybe I have, please point it out to me. 2nd, pick a side. riding the fence will not help this country get anywhere. The country need a clear victor so people can clearly see if either process, Liberalism vs Conservatism, is best for this country and its people. I'm fiscally conservative, I'll agree to most social issues, I want (and women already do) have equal rights, gays, just leave me alone. I don't get it. It is a personality disorder that is treatable, but we just choose to ignore that fact.

barry2952 said:
I don't feel secure yet I believe that we are spending more on security than health, education and welfare combined. What's wrong with that picture?
One nuclear bomb blast in a major city and you can forget all about health care, education and welfare. You guys just don't get it. I don't know what it is about turning the other cheek? Do like having your life in danger and the lives of your friends and families?

barry2952 said:
How can you keep ignoring that 9-11 happened on GWB's watch? I know that the planning and training took place on Clinton's watch but GWB ignored a number of reports, from his own advisers, that he should have taken seriously. Bush planned on attacking Iraq long before he took office. I believe that this distraction is what blinded the Presidency to the clear threat of Osama.
The highlighted line from your quote says volumes. Bush inherited a recession, Bush also inherited poor intelligence. Madelline Albright was the WORST Secretary of State in the history of the United States. But I can see that you cannot give Bush credit for the fact that we have not been attacked again. Not even a car bomb. Not even a kid terrorising a school with a gun.

barry2952 said:
I still say that you are hanging your hat on some documents that may prove to be fabricated. I think that you are ignoring the facts that GWB was absent from his duties during Viet Nam and has only addressed that issue with silence. What rational person wouldn't think that GWB got some favorable treatment to keep "The Chosen One" out of harm's way.
Wake up. The documents are fabricated. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to any reasonable person. The Kerry Kampaign, the DNC and liberal media attempted to discredit the President, and attempted to sabotage an election. People need to go to jail. Simple as that.

Why are you so unhappy that George Bush "only" served 4-1/2 out of his 6 years. Kerry served 1-1/3, and lied about a 1/3 of that. Then he went AWOL for the last 4! Do want to get into that? I will. The guy is despicable in my eyes. We can start another thread and I can post all the glowing reports about Bush as a fighter pilot and all the hundreds of hours he put in flying missions over the Gulf of Mexico. You seem to forget that we were in the midst of cold war and it was imperative that all of our forces were at heightened alert for a possible surprise strke. We can always get into Bush's service later if you would like.

barry2952 said:
I'm 52 and I was 1-A during a year of Viet Nam. To this day, I am not sure I would have served. I live a half hour from Canada and I was scared. Luckily, my number was 135, but they got way too close for comfort. I probably would have chosen GWB's path but I would have been proud to have taken Kerry's.
I guess your lucky that wasn't a bridge you had to cross. I regret not serving my country. There was no draft. I should have volunteered. I am sure I would have turned out to be a much better person for the experience. I am going to encourage my sons to sign up, even if that means they will be put in harm's way. This country has protected me and my family. Generations before me have made extreme sacrifices that allow me to sit here and pontificate. For that, I am extremely grateful.

barry2952 said:
I will freely admit that my vote for Kerry is in reality a vote against Bush.
I am sorry you feel that way. IMHO, Kerry is unfit to command the row boat sitting in my back yard. Terrorists will attack us with impunity with John Kerry in office, because there will be no repercussions. Part of me wants him to win, so people will finally have a clear cut view of the difference between conservatism and liberalism. I just can't do it because I don't want innocent Americans to die because we were viewed as weak.
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