yes.. definitely a "sticky"!!!! +100. Anyone who reads this thread,,, and is thinking about using aftermarket parts... needs to go back up to post #79. Just because an aftermarket part "claims" it meets or exceeds OEM, (Original Equipment Manufacturer), specifications... doesn't mean it actually does.
To further explain:
After a vehicle is in production and on the road for a few years,,, problems arise with certain parts on the vehicle that are noted by the dealers service department... and passed on to corporate people higher up the manufacturers food chain. Many parts are re-designed slightly... to a different specification, dimension, material, or tolerance. The LS water pump proves this. You'd be surprised how many times I have called up my buddy at the Ford dealer,,, and he tells me a part has been superceded with a different part number. Why is that??? A slight design change in the part.
So... the aftermarket parts manufacturers may be having parts built to the "original" OEM standards,,, but they don't have the specs on the latest design change in the part. This means that whatever caused the original part to fail the first time,,, may cause the aftermarket part to fail in the same way.
I started working on cars and small engines with my dad at age 10. That was over 30 years ago. I remember when you could walk into a parts store... and buy a name brand aftermarket part made in the USA,,, and know that you were getting a good replacement part for a reasonable price, (because most aftermarket parts manufacturers were building the factory parts at the time). That started fading in the 90's,., and has all but disappeared today. Most parts are made overseas now,,, especially in china or third world countries. If I buy an aftermarket part anymore,,, it's USA made... or at least from a very prominent manufacturer that has been around in the USA for decades. Many times now,,, I buy parts from dealers... just because I know the quality control on parts is more strict.
The old addage "you get what you pay for",,, is never more true that now... especially with auto parts.
I'll get off my soapbox now.