Getting ready for winter..


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 4, 2007
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It's getting to be that time of year again...

Ok, this is the first winter the mark has seen in my 4yr/14k mile ownership. It's time to get her ready for it.
My plan is to put a couple coats of wax on the lower sections below the trim and on the inside of the door on the lower portion where salt can build up. I waxed it a little bit ago so i'll just focus on the lower sections. I still sorta consider this half assed. We'll see...
Other then that all I can think of is to put on my oem winter wheels(2 newish tires/2 fair) and a oil change to get me through the winter months(Only drive 25 miles a day)

Does spraying white lith grease on the rubber door moldings really work? What's the trick to help keep the windows from freezing up?

New Battery/Alternator and Wiper blades in the spring/summer
Bda is still holding up as it should
Engine and trans in good shape
Thick Rubber floormats,scraper are ready
Tool kit, emergency kit/cables, spare fluids ect
Sub box in truck so it has wieght

Forgetting anything?

What do you guys do before the deep freeze starts?
Can't help you, my Mark will remain parked under the car port. My 4X4 Frontier will get the call for winter duty.
Can't help you, my Mark will remain parked under the car port. My 4X4 Frontier will get the call for winter duty.

Lucky, I sold my winter car last year.:(

This can be for any car really, just wanted to see how you guys prepare for the changing of the seasons.
Winter. Pft. I've got maybe a week of the white stuff... but everything closes down so I play in it with my truck. :D
Lucky, I sold my winter car last year.:(

This can be for any car really, just wanted to see how you guys prepare for the changing of the seasons.

After the 32 inch snow and 4 feet on the ground two years ago I decided I needed something I could get to work in if they did not plow my road right away. We had an 8 inch snow last year which in and of itself was no big deal, but it was a very heavy wet snow that started as rain and it brought trees down and absolutely paralyzed area roads. Cars and trucks were stuck on the roads and many had to be towed out of the road because they could not move.
my mark doesn't fear snow and ice. i wash often enough i'm not scared. (except for the rust it already has. which started before i got it. :()
i just have weight in the trunk, ice scraper, and watch my speed on slick roads.
i've tried before, but i never had luck keeping the doors from freezing.
i usually just body slam the edge of the door to break the ice. then open it normally.
Winter prep.

Where I live a lot of road salt is applied in winter and you either apply oil under spray annually as maintenance or sacrifice your car to the rust gods. I put the Mark away for the winter but my Townie gets sprayed religiously every year. I use silicone spray in the window tracks and on the rubbers to prevent sticking and protection.
Be sure your brake lines get a coating of oil as they're susceptible to rust. The link has some good info if you're interested in the discussion.
My winter routine this year was.

Open Garage door.
back the VIII in to the bay.
close garage door
Call insurance agent and remove from the policy.

Its been in there for 2 weeks and wont come out till April.
There are some huge caverns for salt and snow to get into in the subframe etc on these cars (by the rockers etc) so I'd suggest a good rust proofing spray as well...
Check the antifreeze to make sure it well... wont freeze ;) Oil change, check fluids etc etc...
With cars I drive in the winter in addition to rubber mats, I usually get some thick plastic to cover the entire floor area in the passenger and drivers area under them right up to the firewall etc. Makes clean up easy and keeps the carpet much nicer...
Scraper, brush are essential of course, I'm spoiled with my remote starter, and I swear by a good set of winter tires...
flip your floor mats over and go to a good car wash with the under carrige spayers once a week if it snows alot
It's on lowered coils, which should be interesting with the snow as well. double:(
damit jim. i just though about something that salt is going to f with my already deteriorating rear air bags wonder if i should rubb em down with some vaseline :)
how does the ride feel on those? i just did the arnott airbags on the front, not impressed at all.
how does the ride feel on those? i just did the arnott airbags on the front, not impressed at all.

If you're talking about the lowered coil kit not great at all. It's lowered with all the crappy characteristics of a standard height coil kit imho. My plans are to get Tokico perf shocks f+r in the spring and see if that fixes it. The shocks in the kit were WAY to soft.

It was the one aas used to sell that I got new locally(former member) for a steal of a deal. My airbags/susp was actin' a fool at the time so I had no other choice.
i heard factory airbags are the best option for our cars. then either lower the leveler or get a level switch.
Everyone has their own opinion. No bags for me. And when I did have them it wasn't anything special. I like the idea of having bags but from a $$ aspect it just wasn't feasible for me... I was faced with getting 2 new :q:q:q:qty front arnott's(already had bad luck w/ them) or getting a new lowered kit for 250 bucks. I chose the kit.

And yes Chris, I'm looking forward to the tokico's:)
Spray oil inside the doors and rockers
Just remember all that salty snow melting off you windows into you doors
What kind of oil are we talking about? So once I get "xxx" oil I'll just spray/apply it to the inner door, brake lines and whatever else I think needs it?
Even used oil is better than no oil. I used to save tranny fluid for this purpose. There is some dispute about acids in used oil and of course the environmental aspect. Krown and Rustchek products are cherry scented Fluid Film is lanolin based...wet wool scented? All of these are available in aerosols at most hardware stores like TSC if you can find them near you.

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