getting rid of it..

i said poisoning cats cause he was going to lay out a bowl of antifreeze and give it to a cat thanks... cause the cat slept on his hood (no i am not talkin about a hood wit my homies)
R-BONES said:
it has more problems than most cars, and we burn that haze around here... wait u dont know about that cause u too busy suckin dlck ay? fu<k wit me homie...
Thats awesome. What is that? How old? Ohhhhhhh, your 16 yrs old and livin with mommy & daddy. Thats ok, we were all little kids at one time. But now that i know your a 16 yr old pot smoker i have much more respect. Dont you have S.A.T. tests soon? I dont think the marijuana is gonna help in that department. But i guess school isnt important when your a full blown "G" huh? And your intelligence shows because an '05 Range Rover is a waaaay more reliable and less expensive car to maintain. Good luck homie. Your a joke, everyone who hasnt seen it yet go to this clown's photo gallery and check out his picture. He's throwing signs for "I'm an idiot".
R-BONES said:
actually i did... and im 16... 17 in like 3 weeks... who are u to say i didnt... cause i can scan my recipt if u want... i paid 15,500 cash...

LOL 16 and paid cash,, thats amazing since u been able to work legally in Mass for maybe a year?

You need to relax, your given us a bad rep here in the Boston Area.

Your all right bout this car,, if you get a good one and treat it well it will last long time,, but if you get a bad one and beat on it and race it and shove 10 people in it and do all the shiiit I read about on here than yes your cars gonna fall apart.

Its not a race car,, its a Luxury Car with some small balls, thats all.

How many guys you see rollin Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Infinities, Cadys are out laying rubber, racing, beating f*** out there cars?

Yet most the LS crowd here, drives the same Luxury yet beats it to death thinkin its a race car.

And if your trying to be a Baller, rollin slow and relaxxed so you can be seen is whats up!!
R-BONES said:
actually i did... and im 16... 17 in like 3 weeks... who are u to say i didnt... cause i can scan my recipt if u want... i paid 15,500 cash...
Hey homie, you can sure bargain a good deal. Paid $15,500 cash for a '02. Can i use you next time i wanna buy a car. So how long ago did you buy your LS? Seeing that you'll probably get $10-11K MAYBE for your LS now, i'd say you lost money on your car homie.
I used to have problems with the coils, but I figured out that was because the dealership was doing a shotty job on them. I finally just told them I'm tired of dealing with these coils, clean all the oil out etc. and replace the half shafts. I haven't had the slightest problem with it in over a year and a half. I do have to agree, the way you drive the car reflects on how much for repairs you'll have to pay in the long run. After the coils got replaced I went easy on it, and it's been smooth sailing since then.
With the name calling and the swearing shows a real lack of vocabulary to express yourself. You show a real lack of maturity.

As far as putting percentages out there, I bet you don't know how to do the math to come up with a percentage.

A lot of self serving statements being made to justify your own choices. Any major purchase, do you home work then you might know what your getting into.
why the f*ck are you clowns hatin on r-bones? cuz you can't buy a range rover cash? who cares if he can by one cash? jealousy has got you all. in the beginning he even said...''maybe this isn't the best place to say this, but i think LS is sh!tty reliability.'' i could by a range rover cash, i bought my car cash, 10 G's and i didn't go to my bank to get the money, i went to the shoebox full of benjy's. but yea, i'm not 21? i go buy beer with my fake ID...and i've been buyin cigars since i was 13. plus when you're a full blown ''G'' school isn't important. the main reason for an education is for a good job to achieve a high salary. by the way i'm in college and i'm rollin up that haze too.
eastcoast27959 said:
why the f*ck are you clowns hatin on r-bones? cuz you can't buy a range rover cash? who cares if he can by one cash? jealousy has got you all. in the beginning he even said...''maybe this isn't the best place to say this, but i think LS is sh!tty reliability.'' i could by a range rover cash, i bought my car cash, 10 G's and i didn't go to my bank to get the money, i went to the shoebox full of benjy's. but yea, i'm not 21? i go buy beer with my fake ID...and i've been buyin cigars since i was 13. plus when you're a full blown ''G'' school isn't important. the main reason for an education is for a good job to achieve a high salary. by the way i'm in college and i'm rollin up that haze too.

and this is why you and banginLS are my 2 fav members on here... haha

these people just hatin they that workin 9-5 to0 barely get by when i ride my 20s burnin haze my 2ct vs1 diamonds in my ear... gettin more bitches then nick lachey and they hatin...
R-BONES said:
and this is why you and banginLS are my 2 fav members on here... haha

these people just hatin they that workin 9-5 to0 barely get by when i ride my 20s burnin haze my 2ct vs1 diamonds in my ear... gettin more bitches then nick lachey and they hatin...
gtfo lol
ha ha

:eek2: it really is k-fed! that's funny!

Now just shut up and go do your chores. It really is a shame having to listen to a little kid complain about a car his parents bought for him.

Show a little respect for the members on this forum that are here to help each other out insted of b*tching about stupid sh*t.
i have lived wit my cousin since i was 12... no one buys me anything if u know where dorchester is... ask yourself if you would come here then shut the fu<k up and know i get money i dont go to school someone can shut the hell up bout that SAT shlt and fall back
JPsBored said:
LOL 16 and paid cash,, thats amazing since u been able to work legally in Mass for maybe a year?

It was drug money from dope deals and pimpin' wit da homies. If he lives in Dorchester (armipit of the Boston area), its definitely true. He's either a foster child or a crack baby.
for all you haters, if you're not hating disregard this post..

if you can't read the english mans handwriting it says..
recieved from corey schaible the sum of $9.750 for the purchase of a 2000 lincoln ls.

if you wanna see my title let me know its got my name on it also.

reciept resize.JPG
eastcoast27959 said:
for all you haters, if you're not hating disregard this post..

if you can't read the english mans handwriting it says..
recieved from corey schaible the sum of $9.750 for the purchase of a 2000 lincoln ls.

if you wanna see my title let me know its got my name on it also.

This is bogus! You wrote that on a piece of scrap paper, and scanned it. Nice try, slick.
Alright wangsta's and "old folk" this thread was started to either give support on whether or not he should sell his car because of the problems it's been having. It's not a contest to see who has more cash in a shoe box or who is dealing drugs at age 16 to buy a car, you sound like idiots.
You're concerned about reliability and you're buying a Land Rover? :eek:
ToddG said:
This is bogus! You wrote that on a piece of scrap paper, and scanned it. Nice try, slick.

na i wouldn't try that hard. if i didn't have most of the reciepts for my car on my comp, i wouldn't have bothered. i'm done with this thread because i'm not tryn to cause ruckus, and i know this is not what lvc is about.
It is now obvious to me after reading the idiocy on this thread why our civilization is in jeopardy (wonder if the "homie" idiots will understand this). I actually believe now that every illegal alien entering this country from Mexico and other South American countries, are actually raising the average IQ of the population of this country.

It is no surprise to me now that most of the kids who think/speak/write like this make it to prison instead of making it in life. On the other hand, less competition for me...

Kelleyo said:
It is now obvious to me after reading the idiocy on this thread why our civilization is in jeopardy (wonder if the "homie" idiots will understand this). I actually believe now that every illegal alien entering this country from Mexico and other South American countries, are actually raising the average IQ of the population of this country.

It is no surprise to me now that most of the kids who think/speak/write like this make it to prison instead of making it in life. On the other hand, less competition for me...

But the problem is they can vote.
is it true that felons can NOT vote? Can't remember, I think it used to be that way....

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