God is Only a Theory

For the Worm: Read and try to comprehend that Isaiah 40:22 let us know 2800+ years ago that the Earth is a sphere.Hebrew word translated circle in Isaiah. Did your profs or teachers EVER let you know that God told us that long ago the Earth is a sphere? No......they would not tell you that even if they had known it. It's all about ridiculing the word of God today,man. It was predicted and you're doing your fair share.Congrats! don-ohio :)^)
still don't see where a day isn't 24 hours. you only tell me a day is as a thousand years to him.
i'd say his days must really drag on.
and you have evidence for your creation theory don-o?
you have evidence outside of your mythology book?
refers to a period of time that may well be better spoken of as a gazillion years.
a gazillion years would be named whatever you would call a gazillion years(if such a term exists. if not, then a gazillion years is a gazillion years.) a day is still 24 hrs on earth. it is timed so that our "day" coincides with 1 full revolution of the earth around it's axis.
but of course, if you put a descriptor on it, like a god day, then you'd still have to prove god to prove there is such a thing.
otherwise, it's the same as a lord of the rings day. or an avatar day. just a figment of YOUR imagination.
have a good valentines KS.
For the Worm: Read and try to comprehend that Isaiah 40:22 let us know 2800+ years ago that the Earth is a sphere.Hebrew word translated circle in Isaiah. Did your profs or teachers EVER let you know that God told us that long ago the Earth is a sphere? No......they would not tell you that even if they had known it. It's all about ridiculing the word of God today,man. It was predicted and you're doing your fair share.Congrats! don-ohio :)^)

you read and try to comprehend. i don't have the time for your mythology.
(you know the christians skinned hypatia for trying to say the world was round and the earth revolved around the sun?so the bible didn't tell anybody it was a sphere.)
oh, and don-o
TRUE Christians didn't attack anybody,Worm.They are prohibited from warfare. Did you learn ANYTHING from Isaiah? Nah,didn't think so.
don-ohio :)^)
so george bush wasn't a christian?
guess if he was a christian, he wouldn't be a war criminal like he is.
guess fossten isn't a christian either. he was a soldier.
thanks for that don-o.
it's funny because fossten thought he was a christian and catholics weren't. and here it was him all along.
Read the Bible, and Jesus' instructions.........NO,you can't go to war, and when Armageddon comes,NO Christian will need to fight. It's God's(and His son Christ rides the white horse to conquest) battle against ALL nations. don-ohio :)^)
Since The Revelation is an allegory, trying to take what's said there at face value will lead you off from the important things into less-than-worthwhile supposition.

Of course,Jesus doesn't need a literal white horse to attack the nations................but he WILL annihilate all his Father's enemies at Armageddon.THAT is not a story......that has been substantiated all thru the Bible.The wicked will indeed perish soon,as this world deteriorates into gross immorality.
Revelation WAS written in `signs' given by Christ thru an angel to the Apostle John.
`Just as it was in the days of Noah,so the time of the Son of Man will be.' As Peter said, they will ridicule and take no note. Their pride will be their undoing.
Look in Ezekiel and see the illustration of the `man with the inkhorn'. Who got the saving mark from his inkhorn? Those that were SIGHING and GROANING over the detestable things being done in the city. If we are not speaking out against the things condemned by the Bible's Author,God Almighty,then we will not receive that saving mark either. don-ohio :)^I
but you still haven't proven any truth to it don-o.
the only thing in written history outside of the bible is a mention of israel in 1208bc from egyptian glyphs.
since they supposedly started history, i'd expect to find a little more.
some proof for an actual supernatural power would be amazing.

that has been substantiated all thru the Bible.
sorry don-o. you can't use the bible to prove itself. see my post 29 again and you'll understand the logic.(or lack of it from your side)
otherwise your just spinning a yarn.
The proof is the prophecy contained in the Bible, and the wisdom contained therein. Daniel's prophecy concerning Alexander the great is so accurate that Bible scoffers like you have to claim it was written later.
I would not want to be you,little man, when you try to justify not heeding the warnings the Bible has given us. We are all little men to God and Christ and the holy angels. The difference in men is that some,like in Ezekiel really care about the detestable things going on that God condemns. Those are the ones who will be marked for survival into the new Earth,where Revelation says.`death and pain will be no more' and `the former things have passed away'.... and `LOOK! I am making all things new!'. don-ohio :)^)
I would not want to be you,little man, when you try to justify not heeding the warnings the Bible has given us.
not worried don-o. never gonna happen. just like it hasn't happened for the last 2000+ years.
another year, another excuse as to why it hasn't happened. you should try and find corroboration outside of the bible. might gain some actual credibility in your words.
i won't hold my breath. you won't find any.
but, hey, good luck in your delusion.
God created ALL this and he will say how mankind will live in the future, to man's benefit. He has been patient,but the end is very near for the wicked who will not obey God's basic commandments.
We all fall short,but some of mankind revel in opposing God's righteous ways. don-ohio :)^)
real interesting don-o. almost believe it if yours wasn't such a minority thought.
God's righteous ways.
always sounded more like a cantankerous bastard to me. righteous would be a stretch.
but, hey, if it gets your dick hard, all the more power to ya.
you should probably look to post 29 again.
You are not making any sense and you're being obnoxious. Not gonna throw these pearls if you act like a swine,Harm.
One try and I'll let you think on it................ Satan the devil has convinced people like you, whether you are aware of it or not, that God is cruel. Satan is the one who is cruel, but thru secular,so-called,as the Bible puts it,knowledge, you have been overreached with demonic lies. Now you believe the lie and Satan has won in your case. don-ohio :)^I
When discussion descends into a pissing contest, no one wins. And I fear I'm one who is guilty, as well.

Satan the devil has convinced people like you, whether you are aware of it or not, that God is cruel.
you'd have to prove satan too. another part of your mythology that is seriously lacking in believability. you can blame satan all you want, doesn't make him true.

problem is both you and cammerfe believe in a myth that YOU BOTH take as being real with out it being a universal truth. to believe yours, you must believe all. they are all just as probable.
so, i'll try this again. what can you point out about yours that makes it more believable than the flying spaghetti monster?
absolutely nothing.
sorry for getting on to the snide side, but this arguement keeps going and you haven't shown any reality on which to base your ideas.
you spew the bible without proving it's reality.
it's another mythology people like you are forcing on others. all you crazies who believe the bible is truth is a big part of what's wrong with society.
middle east being a good example of this crazy bs called religion and all it's inherent problems.

as for making sense, well, your biblical spewings are absolute nonsense to me and many others in the world. you seem to fail to realize you are a worldly minority.
talking of satan and god to me have the same sense of doom as talking of santa and the easter bunny to anybody but a child.
like saying if i'm wrong, may god strike me dead has absolutlely no instilment of fear. because i know it'll never happen.
i have no worry of where i'm goin the "afterlife" because it doesn't exist.
and this is the truth you fear most.
Quote by Harm:`like saying if i'm wrong, may god strike me dead has absolutlely no instilment of fear. because i know it'll never happen.'

Nice to be sure everything came from nothing,Harm.LOL! When you see that eclipse of the sun that's coming up,ask yourself about the odds against the distance, weight, orbit, and SIZE that makes it possible for it to occlude all but the sun's corona.
Little things like that. don-ohio :)^)
When you see that eclipse of the sun that's coming up,ask yourself about the odds against the distance, weight, orbit, and SIZE that makes it possible for it to occlude all but the sun's corona.
Little things like that. don-ohio :)^)
i've dealt with this already don-o. it wasn't always that way, and won't be in the future. it happens only by coincidence that it's in our time.
the moon is moving away from the earth.
at the time of the dinosaurs, it would have shadowed MORE than the sun, and in the future will fail to cover the sun.
Nice to be sure everything came from nothing,Harm.
and your god came from?
Get this,Harm. Here's an undeniable truth for you to ponder. SOMETHING had to have existed forever. YOU say it's a bunch of stuff that magically created the harmony of the universe.
I`m telling you it was an ALMIGHTY force,God,who had no beginning just as that undeniable truth I just stated.
He has made it known that QUOTE...`He is the abundance of dynamic energy' and `Due to Him being vigorous in power,not one of them is missing'.(the stars above)
You wanna fight against THAT force? I sure wouldn't. don-ohio :)^)
Get this,Harm. Here's an undeniable truth for you to ponder. SOMETHING had to have existed forever.
then prove god if it's a truth. i've asked him to strike me dead on many occasions if i'm wrong, yet here i am still posting.
so, the undeniable truth is your god doesn't exist. or i'm right.
which is the same thing.
come back when you have something truthful or substantial. like maybe a definite date for the end.
maybe you can get some credibilty yet.
God's desire is that none be destroyed and all can attain repentance. That include you Harm,so why would he destroy you in your ignorance? Now if I asked God to kill ME,I would be very culpable in His eyes,since I know He exists and is totally righteous in all His ways.
You're like a little a little parrot,biting the Master's hand. You do not believe the Master could kill you.But the REASON the Master hasn't killed the lttle bird is that he loves it.
You are loved and have been given total ransom from Adamic sin and death if you will only look into it. don-ohio :)^)

then prove god if it's a truth. i've asked him to strike me dead on many occasions if i'm wrong, yet here i am still posting.
so, the undeniable truth is your god doesn't exist. or i'm right.
which is the same thing.
come back when you have something truthful or substantial. like maybe a definite date for the end.
maybe you can get some credibilty yet.
It's highly unlikely that a small malignant imp such as the worm will suddenly wake up and recognize the truth you present.

You are doing the equivalent of talking to the wall.

Love him, wish him well, and be done with it. He is not only not receptive, your attempts simply give him a chance to spout. You're better off simply thumbing your nose at his invective and giving him a good laugh as you walk away.

He's undoubtedly smart enough to recognize the holes in his postings but he does it to get you stirred up. Don't give him the satisfaction.

Think about that little parrot,Harm. It's why you are still alive. don-ohio :)^)

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