God is Only a Theory

it wasn't written in christs day, and is from stories. it was written a century after his death, and is hardly something proving actual existence. where are all the other scholars ACTUALLY IN christs time who have written about the wonder child of god doing miracles?
(no copies of tacitus annals exist before the 11th century either. and no one relates to it before the 15 century.)
there are writings of john the baptist from his day, but nothing of your imaginary friend.

the apostles supposedly wrote of jesus before tacitus. the story comes from the existing myth. tacitus didn't write in jesus's time.
but you keep trying. it was a good effort.
or you are a heretic of your own faith.
atheism isn't a faith. nor is it a belief.
that's you bunch that have that to irrationally hold onto your imaginary friends.

about those times hadrian also wrote.(about134ce.)
"The worshippers of Serapis are Christians, and those are devoted to the God Serapis, who call themselves the bishops of Christ. There is no ruler of a Jewish synagogue, no Samaritan, no Presbyter of the Christians, who is not either an astrologer, a soothsayer, or a minister to obscene pleasures. The very Patriarch himself, should he come into Egypt, would be required by some to worship Serapis, and by others to worship Christ. They have, however, but one God, and it is one and the self-same whom Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike adore, i.e., money."
serapis was a deity created by the priesthood in the 3rd century.
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this is what atheism is and isn't.




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atheism isn't a faith. nor is it a belief.

Then you are lying... because you BELIVE God doesn't exist,,, which is also contrary to what atheists say... so you are also a heretic of your own beliefs. Technically... you also have "faith" that God doesn't exist... and because of that you have faith in your own abilities and morals... and in yourself. So in all actuality,,, you practice atheism as a faith.


"Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god".......

You keep SAYING God doesn't exist, and Jesus never existed... thereby expressing an "affirmative belief there is no god".... which goes against what atheists supposedly believe. So if you go against what atheists normally believe... then you are not a true atheist. I agree that atheism is not a belief SYSTEM,,, but there are still "beliefs... and by the website I found,,, you don't believe properly.

As far as the Tacitus article...

Boy you like to skip the facts and focus on ANYTHING that you think will disprove proof. Obviously you skipped certain parts of the article.

History shows that Nero burned Rome in A.D. 64, (roughly 31 years after Jesus was crucified),,,, and Tacitus was 7 years old at the time rome burned. Tacitus wrote his "Annals" in 116 A.D. ,,, so Tacitus was 59 at the time. What you CHOOSE to IGNORE,,, is that Tacitus grew up during a time when the history of Jesus was fresh in Roman minds, (about the same as people where I live talking about the "blizzard of '78" every winter,,, even though its been 40 years).

There was a girl that lived in a nearby town... that went to a prominent college in the area. A few months back she disappeared while riding her bike near her home. After about a week of searching... they found her body in a farm field. Not too long after that... they found the person responsible. He had a hidden room in his house. Don't know if it made national news in the U.S. or not. The story probably never made it to Canada, (if that's actually where you live). This girls story will probably be mentioned at times,,, for the next 50 years or longer,,, because it was something that happened locally. There are probably several newspaper articles about her. A couple larger ones,,, and a few smaller ones. There may even be a couple newsparer articles written about her 10... or maybe even 20 years from now.

Now tell me... did she exist??? Even though there was very little ever recorded about her??? Yes,,,, her memory will live on through the people that were closest to her... and through other people that knew the story second hand. Other than that,,, she will remain rather obscure.

What about 2000 years from now??? Keep in mind that we live in the "information age" these days... with everything just a "click" away. Even with that... will much be known about her 2000 years from now??? Some family member or close friend might even write a book about her story. But 2000 years from now will there still be much known or recorded about her???

I hope you get my point.
there is no difference between you and a muslim, hindu, or buddhist

THAT has to be the most ignorant statement I have ever read on this thread!

but i have gaps in MY thinking?

YES!!! Severe ones. Especially pointed out by some of what I have quoted you on in my last few posts.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

John Heywood- circa 1546

Running around on this 50 meter short track with you is getting tiresome. It's about time for me to climb out of this "rabbit hole".

You don't want to think things over,,, or take anything into reasonable consideration. You just blindly reject... and come up with half assed lame reasoning that is full of holes,

I'm done. Have fun talking to yourself. Unsubscribing.

(I can hear it now... "JFC, I thought he'd never leave")
I, too, have gotten tired of trying to wade through your antiChristianity gibberings and re-postings. I'm out.

Ok,,,,, one LAST post:

"The worshippers of Serapis are Christians, and those are devoted to the God Serapis, who call themselves the bishops of Christ.

serapis was a deity created by the priesthood in the 3rd century.

You are either misinformed, ignorant, intentionally twisting, (like Don-O),,, or a LIAR.

Assuming I found the same source about serapsis that you used,,, it's obvious that you cherry picked what you wanted, (in a poor attempt to support your views), and ignored what would prove you wrong.

Serapis (Sarapis)

Here's a couple excerpts from the web page. One from the beginning,,, and one from the end... both of which you INTENTIONALLY ignored.

"Simply put, Serapis (Sarapis, Zaparrus) was an invented god. He was a composite of several Egyptian and Hellenistic deities who was introduced to the world at the beginning of the Ptolemaic (Greek) Period in Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I, though his legacy lasted well into the Roman period. Thus, he was meant to form a bridge between the Greek and Egyptian religion in a new age in which their respective gods were bought face to face with each other, so that both Egyptians and Greeks could find union in a specific supreme entity."

Greek and Roman people worshipped many pagan gods,,, and while it may have had SOME influence on certain Christian groups, (through Hellenism), the serapsis followers were basically a cult that MAY have considered themselves Christian, (like the Jehovah Witnesses do now).

However... that the followers of serapsis were Christian,,, may be a severe misnomer,,, as the second excerpt in the web page points out.

"Serapis may have finally had certain ties with the early Christian community. There were certainly some similarities between Serapis and the Hebrew God. Serapis was a supreme god, and it seems that some early worshippers of Christ amongst the Gentiles could have possibly worshipped Serapis either purposefully, or confusing him with Christ, though the confusion seems more likely to have been one of language."


"In fact, it appears that some followers of Serapis were eventually expelled from Rome when, in 19 AD, Tiberius also expelled the Jews.

Nevertheless, how great confusion between Serapis and Christ could have existed is really somewhat questionable. In 68 AD, a mob of pagans is said to have formed at the Serapis Temple in Alexandria, who then descended on the Christians who were celebrating Easter at Baucalis. There, they sized St. Mark, dragging him through the streets, before throwing him in prison. Clearly those worshippers of Serapis and Christ were aware of each other and the differences within their religions, though perhaps at a later date, some amongst the worshippers of either may have chosen to cover all of their options.

On the other hand, some have pointed out that Chrestus (Christus) was another name for the Egyptian god, Serapis. Chrestus may be translated as "Messiah", though the term need not apply to any specific Messiah, such as Jesus. It therefore could have simply been applied to "Lord Serapis", so that in fact, there was never any connection at all between the early Christians and the worshippers of Serapis."

BOTH parts in quotes " ", were pulled directly from the web page.

So your "twist" on serapsis... is one sided BULLSHIT!!!

Keep up with the LIES and DECEPTIONS. I'm not gonna be around,,, and I think most people that have left this thread a long time ago,,, are smart enough to see through you rhetoric... as will be anyone else that comes along to engage you at this point. I only stuck around this long... in an attempt to educate you,,, and give you an understanding of Christianity. THAT obviopusly went nowhere... except for your derogatory and defaming comments.

Enjoy talking to yourself.

Goodbye Wormtongue/Wormwood.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"
and you don't see how that applies to you.
because you BELEVE God doesn't exist
no, i KNOW your god doesn't exist.
if there was a god, there would be one belief and we'd all know he was real. bullshit book uneccessary.

your tacitus story is irrelevnt. as i said, NO COPIES EXIST before the 11th century. and it was never refered to before the 15. if it was there before, like from the 2nd or 3rd centuries, why did no early church fathers refer to it for proof?
(edit i didn't write about serapis. read again. it was a quote from hadrian about the same time as tactus writes)

as i said before, find something tangible. CONCRETE evidence. like somebody who wrote FIRST PERSON of jesus. there is no evidence for him IN HIS DAY. and virtually non existent out side of his day and the bible. a few christian forgeries, but nothing else.
you're trying to sell me a bridge, and i'd like to see the thing before i buy. :oops:

as to me being a liar.:D what do i have to lie about? i'm not defending an imaginary friend. i'm not the one trying to convince you of anything.
you are the one telling me your figment is real. the one you have no evidence or proof of. i give you all the chances.
you're the one blowing smoke up my ass. think about that.
as i said before. pray to him to come see me. i'll sit down and we'll have dinner, and i'll phone you when it's over.
don't worry, he'll have your number.:rolleyes:

and, an atheist is whatever an atheist is. some are humanists, and some aren't. some just run around and don't really give a shit.
and some are tired of the asault on human and civil rights that those who follow imaginary friends think their entitled to do because of their imaginary friends rights.
prove him, and you can have gods law. i won't hold my breath. :)


and, in case you missed it in the trump thread.

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well, some more drivel then.
since you seem to be lost on what things are there ks.



There are many (actually not-so-many) nitwits in the world. You seem to be able to quote at least some of them ad infinitum.


There are many (actually not-so-many) nitwits in the world.
actually, i see billions of them ks.:)
all enamored by imaginary friends. spewing drivel about them. :eek:
like trump says. SAD.
all to be saved from what they THINK will happen when they die.
you still don't comprehend that have to be TOLD this.

inspired by god, but no 2 stories are the same. so, who has the problem keeping the stories straight?
the PERFECT entity is incapable of the SAME story to all? :D can't even give the same story to 2. :rolleyes:

sorry ks, it's factual. maybe you'll learn the difference some day. facts from just really wanting it to be true. because that's what you're told. by the book of your imaginary friend. :D
which would be drivel.
probably why you can't make the distinction between WHAT IS drivel. you think a bunch of ancient drivel is factual. bunch of iron age superstitious drivel. :eek:
Your agonized fervor to try to prove someone else wrong, so strong that you run around (figuratively) on the internet to tell people how wrong they are, tells us all we need to know about you.

Go play in the corner.

i'm not here to prove you wrong ks, just point out the improbability of your imaginary man. to accept bullshit over truth is up to you.
i can only lay out the true facts.
you know, the ones NOT from the book of myth. after all, i can't prove anybodies imaginary friend isn't real. schizophrenics have many of them. :rolleyes:
just like they tell you. as long as YOU believe. and tinkerbell will come back to life. :D
i can only lay out the true facts.


All you have ever done is lay out someone elses supposed facts.... through copy and paste plagiarism,,, along with a bunch of rhetoric based atheistic memes that are nothing but hyperbole.

Regardless of your own delusional ideas about what you think you have done,,, you have NOT proven that God is only a theory.

All you have done... is show how low you will stoop to push/promote atheism... by twisting, lying, avoiding, and denying facts you can't/don't want to admit/face.

You have been proven wrong so many times... and all you can do is default bak to "prove it". Great argument/debate point. ;):rolleyes:

Still waiting for your response to my question in the "Bible" thread you started.

Both Josephus and Tacitus mention Jesus in their writings. Your blanket statements, as your other drivel is simply incorrect, worm.

forgeries that don't stand up. read josephus without the line. it reads right without it. tacitus wasn't quoted until the 15 century by church leaders. funny it's about 13 or 14 centuries after it was written. think of it what you like.
but i'm sure you can find all those other volumes of writings that were written about jesus. or, maybe just crickets chirping.
john the baptist actually has more written about him. apparently everyone upstaged jesus.

All you have ever done is lay out someone elses supposed facts.... through copy and paste plagiarism

and your arguements just flow out of your head and nothing comes from your book of myths. :eek:
oh wait. your a copy/paste plagiarist. :rolleyes:
and you're here, touting someone elses supposed facts. wow. deja vu.

You have been proven wrong so many times
specifically, where? remember, you can't use the bible to prove the bible and god. that's just ludicrous. or i can open any book and prove it real and it's contents factual because it exists.
and face it, my memes and arguements make sense and you just can't handle it.

as i said, and the above meme i posted as well. if god was real, religion wouldn't exist. because faith would be replaced with fact, and god would speak for himself.
and i haven't heard a thing. o_O
forgeries that don't stand up. read josephus without the line. it reads right without it. tacitus wasn't quoted until the 15 century by church leaders. funny it's about 13 or 14 centuries after it was written. think of it what you like.
but i'm sure you can find all those other volumes of writings that were written about jesus. or, maybe just crickets chirping.
john the baptist actually has more written about him. apparently everyone upstaged jesus.

and your arguements just flow out of your head and nothing comes from your book of myths. :eek:
oh wait. your a copy/paste plagiarist. :rolleyes:
and you're here, touting someone elses supposed facts. wow. deja vu.

specifically, where? remember, you can't use the bible to prove the bible and god. that's just ludicrous. or i can open any book and prove it real and it's contents factual because it exists.
and face it, my memes and arguements make sense and you just can't handle it.

as i said, and the above meme i posted as well. if god was real, religion wouldn't exist. because faith would be replaced with fact, and god would speak for himself.
and i haven't heard a thing. o_O

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