God is Only a Theory

Besides you taking things way out of context... I have saved someone from committing suicide. I'd tell you the whole story, but you would just continue to mock me... and wouldn't believe what I would tell you.
blah blah blah, always out of context.
you people are hilarious in your responses.
i've saved a few friends in my life.
it doesn't mean i follow or need an imaginary friend to believe in myself.
should give this guy an arguement 04.
he's a biblical scholar.
mans a biblical scholar and religious studies scholar. 04.
more qualified than anybody you can find.
it's amazing when you point things out to them they are just incredulous at you for stating what's in their belief.
like pointing out to male you could rape his daughter, give him a few scheckles of silver and have her to abuse her for the rest of your life.
but i'd have to drag her out in front of daddies house to stone her to death for not being a virgin on her wedding day. ;)
them good ol' christians.
mormons defended ted bundy in his first trial.
couldn't be guilty because he was one of them. :D
another one.

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