What Really Matters
December 21 2012 okay check it out make your own decision as to the truth but think about this...
The Mayans predicted a catastrophic event of earthquakes and volcanoes along with a mass change in our "consciousness" as a species.
Revelation Is pretty much a play by play of this same series of events.
Mayans weren't Christians...
Okay I was raised Christian, but also by wannabe "hippies" so I think pretty deeply about what else makes sense. This correlation makes sense.
So what really matters, and what no one can FULLY deny is the extreme state of despair the planet and her people are in. We are on the edge of something BIG! I can feel it deep down inside, !!!!THE SAME PLACE INSIDE ME THAT USED TO BE AFRAID OF THE DARK!!!!. I have felt it since I was a little kid, and I bet so can some of you, Atheists feel it in their head Spirituals feel it in their hearts and souls. So what to do eh? Well I suggest becoming closer with your friends and speaking to them about and deep dark fears of destruction and death and any other strange dreams you may be having. If not only to become closer to them but to see that you and I are not alone in our fears for the survival of the people of earth. And also to get groups of people together who you trust to help yourselves survive this event. "Now come on" you say... JUST LOOK AT THE WORLD NEWS, LOCAL NEWS, AND SCHOOLS! We are not trending towards good, by any stretch of the meaning. deny it as trends of fluctuation all you want but deep down some of you really feel the anxiety of something huge looming over the horizon, and what it is may be a mystery, maybe not.
Look into what all the native cultures of the planet built in prominent locations. Structures to line up with the winter solstice. WHY!? planting crops I think not... Research, theory, and history show evidence of a great change to come. THE OLD NATIVES BELIEVED IT WOULD COME ON THE WINTER SOLSTICE OF 2012, thus the need for accurate time keeping devices to identify the solstice.
(corroborating evidence)
Mayans say "x" will happen
Bible describe actual event (plus some serious fantasy sci-fi)
Maybe not eh? well okay cool!, we keep on trucking in this direction for who knows how long but eventually something has to give. The people of this planet are less nice, less happy, less content, and less GOOD, overall than they were just 5-10-15 years ago, and its only getting worse. The weather is doing weird stuff, maybe a fluke of trends alone, but in concert with societal changes trending to the worse, I'll be on guard for any signs of impending danger.
Hey I like Barack Obama, but come on other than that we have a woman associated with more conspiracy and generally fishy stuff than Al Capone (no seriously look it up she has a conspiracy sheet pretty long) Our other option is a guy who is having "senior moments" on the campaign trail... well he's using that excuse anyways, still nice guy maybe but I just don't want more of the same. And the man of change himself (Barack) is inexperienced (so who knows what would actually come of his presidency) and although he would probably push for more change for the better than either of the other two, he'll probably be assassinated like JFK for his dissention from the ranks (or just not be elected by the electoral college). So the prospects for our country as of now don't look too good.
America as a measure of the world is not exactly what I am trying to say here but look at other regions. Iraq and the surrounding countries, in or out we are not looking at a nice trouble free region. North Korea alone makes me want to build a bomb shelter in Canada or northern Minnesota. China would love to "Fuzz with our Jive" but thanks to Sam Walton we really don't have to worry about that cuz If they messed with us now they'd really only be shooting themselves in the foot (wal mart imports nearly everything from china) but then again I still worry about the recent military buildups in china. The Russians are rumored to have "misplaced" I believe 80 yes! eighty suitcase sized nukes, powerful enough to destroy a medium city, creepy huh?
I cannot immediately think of any other foreign threats, but it is the cumulative effect of all these things compounded by evidence from mayan sites that point towards a mass change in our consciousness coinciding with a mass destruction of life and land. I guess when 1/3 to 1/2 or more of all the people on the planet are dead within a few days, the rest of us couldn't help putting aside our differences crying a bit, and then hugging our remaining neighbors whilst VOWING never to allow the societies we rebuild to return to any semblance of their former vile states.
Most unfortunate is that I believe a catastrophic event is the only thing could effect these changes!
If the people who witnessed Jesus' crucifixion could speak to us I bet they didn't know what they were witnessing. I'd like to think that since his time we have EVOLVED enough to see and feel the imminent danger we are in!
(I have a very unique belief system, that combines quite a few different thought schools into one creed (read "theory"), email me for further info if you are curious)
Rant Rant Rant....
Blah Blah Blah....
It doesn't matter what you believe or have faith in just that you can see what is going on all around us and see and feel the signs that "times are changing" and get ready for whatever may come.
this is...
What Really Matters...
P.S. It's late and I am tired so I probably missed a few points I'd like to have covered, so for more info on my theory of our destiny, please feel free to contact me for info or just to rant about my "Crazed Apocolyptic Dream"
"I am just a man who might be a Prophet"
I hope all are moved to research the correlation between 12/21/2012 and the book of Revelation, because that alone is enough to also make me want to take extreme cautionary measures in the next few years.
Check out
http://www.theveildprophet.com for a good start on 12/21/2012
also you can goto
Please give this some thought, I might be wrong...