God v Atheism

i listened fossten, but to me, there just isn't an arguement for. i obviously have a different view than you. sure tries some interesting logic to try and work you, but it just doesn't fly.
The Bible said the Earth was a sphere before modern science ever did. How is that unbelievable? What may seem incredible to you now may be revealed later to be true, and you will have your bubble burst.

there were also civilizations that knew the earth was round before middle ages europe figured it out(ancient greece?). where their ideal of a flat earth came from is anybody's guess. maybe a mix of some old pagan beliefs as christianity overtook europe. the bible does have some historical recorded events in it. as to whether they are prophecy or not is to figure out exactly when they were written. and some passages claimed to be prophecy are as far fetched as nostradamus interpretation. just a question for you. who was god talking to in genesis 1:26?
i was just wondering what the thought was at times when it seems like there are more than one god, like god is pluralistic rather than singular. like also in gen 3:22. differences aside, i'm not looking to find something else for arguement. i think the debate has worn itself out. there never will be a winning side against strong opposing views. i like to dabble in history of cultures. i find it fascinating about archeological findings that date man and other hominids together. my view on religion is that it is cultural to areas. explains the broad differences around the globe at various times in history. my looking into the middle eastern background seems to put abraham in a time of change from polytheism to monotheism. and as you read through the bible, it just seems that all evidence of polytheism hasn't been removed. that's why i asked your thoughts, coming from one with strong beliefs within. i'm not taking a stab at you fossten. i'm a person who doesn't believe, but it doesn't mean i don't have interest. just a different perspective. i view the bible historically, not spiritually.

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