Gop To Launch 'white Flag'

MonsterMark said:
The real irony is the left whines and cries about the Patriot Act and then makes comments like you did about the borders not being secure. Let me clue you in. They will NEVER EVER EVER NEVER be secure. Period. Isn't possible.

Stomping out the a-holes where they live is the best defense. The left doesn't get it. I am so frustrated I am ready for a ultra liberal to become President so we can get nuked a time or two before we surrender.

Relax man; this is just a debate forum..... I don't want some jelly spine far lefty either. I'd be happy with someone closer to the middle with a leaning to the left, but I would accept a leaner to the right if he would do the better job..
95DevilleNS said:
Did I say that? Come on now, if we do get attacked again while Bush is in office, you wouldn't hold him accountable at all. It would be someone else's fault, faulty information given, Clinton's fault etc. etc.

Ok, smart guy, answer this question:

The Democrats in Congress (and a few Republicans) just filibustered the Patriot Act, effectively putting the "Gorelick Wall" back up and putting our national security back to where it was before 9/11. President Bush opposes this move, saying we need the Patriot Act to keep our intelligence channels open.

If we get hit by terrorists again in light of this information, who would YOU hold accountable?
fossten said:
The Democrats in Congress (and a few Republicans) just filibustered the Patriot Act, effectively putting the "Gorelick Wall" back up and putting our national security back to where it was before 9/11.

Watch the news tomorrow.

All the headlines will read:

Bush goes down in defeat of the Patriot Act.


Bush signs secret legislation that spies on US citizens. The guy that leaked this crap has a book out on 10 days. What a surprise. Will wind up on 60 Minutes next week.

Where is the news on the HUGELY successful Iraq election? US Today couldn't even put 1 ARTICLE on Page 1. Had to bury it. Why? Because it was good news for all Americans and the Administration.

Today our national security was damaged and it will be hailed as a great day for the Country. We are less secure now.

I AM GOING HELL BENT FOR LEATHER TO DEFEAT OUR ENEMY. THE ENEMY WITHIN! THE DEMOCRATS AND THE LIBERAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA THAT SEEKS TO DESTROY THIS GREAT COUNTRY. Forget Iraq. We have our own war that needs to be fought right here in our own Country. The people on the left in this country are more dangerous than the nutcases in the middle east.

Sorry. No more mister nice guy. Happy Holidays, hillary, torture, terrorism, etc; the left can kiss my behind. Here, I'll even drop trou for you.:mad:
MonsterMark said:
Watch the news tomorrow.

All the headlines will read:

Bush goes down in defeat of the Patriot Act.


Bush signs secret legislation that spies on US citizens. The guy that leaked this crap has a book out on 10 days. What a surprise. Will wind up on 60 Minutes next week.

Where is the news on the HUGELY successful Iraq election? US Today couldn't even put 1 ARTICLE on Page 1. Had to bury it. Why? Because it was good news for all Americans and the Administration.

Today our national security was damaged and it will be hailed as a great day for the Country. We are less secure now.

I AM GOING HELL BENT FOR LEATHER TO DEFEAT OUR ENEMY. THE ENEMY WITHIN! THE DEMOCRATS AND THE LIBERAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA THAT SEEKS TO DESTROY THIS GREAT COUNTRY. Forget Iraq. We have our own war that needs to be fought right here in our own Country. The people on the left in this country are more dangerous than the nutcases in the middle east.

Sorry. No more mister nice guy. Happy Holidays, hillary, torture, terrorism, etc; the left can kiss my behind. Here, I'll even drop trou for you.:mad:

I'm right here with ya. :F
MonsterMark said:
Simply pathetic.

Since September 11, 2001, NOT ONE ATTACK ON ANY UNITED STATES CITIZEN, IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! [not counting Iraq.] Pretty fantastic track record if you ask me. Is getting 100% on this test an 'A' or an 'F' in your book?

Totally illogical argument.

Leave your sunroof open one night. If it doesn't rain in that night and nothing inside gets wet, it does NOT mean you can leave the sunroof open all the time.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Totally illogical argument.

Leave your sunroof open one night. If it doesn't rain in that night and nothing inside gets wet, it does NOT mean you can leave the sunroof open all the time.
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: Whatever. We need to get attacked again and again for some of America to get it. Let's pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan, in fact, let's pull them out from all over the world and let the blood start spilling on US streets. Let's do it. I can't put up with this crap anymore to be honest. Let freedom lose and terrorists win.

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