I'll take the LAW's literal definition, which is NOT gender-specific, thank you.
Another remarkably stupid statement.
Right now, the law in California says the marriage is between a man and a woman. Florida had a similar amendment on it's ballot that also passed also.
Cal, again your dishonest argument is based on some arbitrary, un-written, un-qualified, ambiguous "definition". If the LAW was based on some "societal" definition of marriage being exclusive to man-woman, then why was it NOT originally written that way to begin with?
Because in the states where that specification was omitted, the fact that marriage is a male/female union was entirely taken for granted. Because the marriage doesn't specifically EXCLUDE sheep or pets, does that mean it's technically included too?
Why do you continue to pretend that homosexuality is some 20th century phenomenon?
I never implied or stated any such thing.
Why do you pretend that anyone in the past ever even considered that marriage would be redefined to include two people of the same sex? Do you think that, in the states where they forgot to include that detail, they were doing so in an effort to be inclusive??
And WHO gets to define what a "man" and a "woman" is??
Do we need to have a talk about the birds and the bees, Johnny? I would have thought you'd learned all about that in the public school.
Does the right now want to give potential married couples physical tests to assure that the couple contains one penis and one vagina?
The right doesn't want to do anything, but keep a traditional institution unchanged. This impression you're trying to make that conservatives are trying to make any kind of fundamental change to the culture is simply untrue and demonstrates the lefts persistent pattern of deception.
What about trans-gender and trans-sexual people? What about those people born with both sex organs who had NO CHOICE over their "god-given" sexuality?
What about a Siamese twin bearded lady(ladies) that likes to bite chicken heads off? If they enter a polygamous relationship with the half man, the sword swallower, and a goat, should we call that marriage too.
There are only 2 rightious choices for the LAW, 1) remain arbitrary on the couple's sexuality, or 2) stay out of the "marriage" buisness altogether. To do anything else is to restrict the individual freedoms afforded by our constitution.
Again, this is a foolish statement.
Marriage has a recognized and understood definition.
Check the dictionary, first defintion:
The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.
You don't need to redefine it so that other people can engage in something entirely different, but share the title.
Marriage is a religious or legal union between one man and one woman. There are even some conditions associated with it. These rules, this definition of this specific union is applied fairly and uniformly throughout the population.
You don't have a "right" to get married to a person you love.
You are allowed to marry someone of the opposite gender, you don't even have to like them.
Civil Union and domestic partnerships do, and they can be made to, replicate all of the financial and legal advantages and privileges that are associated with traditional marriage.
If the wording of the LAW has to be changed to limit "marriage" to be specifically between one male and one female, then that, by definition, IS re-definition.
No, if the legal definition of marriage needs to be made more CLEAR in SOME states, then that isn't redefinition.
If the entire culture needs to be retaught what something is, that by definition IS redefining it.
If I asked your father what marriage was 40 years ago, would he have said a "civil union between two people that might be homosexual?"
Of course not. He's say the union between a man and a woman.
If I asked your grandfather that question, he'd give me the same answer. They knew the definition. I know the same definition. You're the one who's trying to CHANGE the definition to include something else.
And ultimately, in Florida and California, you saw this matter determined through the Democratic process. Are you taking issue with that?
If the people of the state overwhelmingly, and repeatedly, say in an election that they don't want to redefine the institution, why are you saying they are wrong.