Great Movie Quotes -

Black87LSC said:
Junior - "My hat blew off daddy!"
Buford T. - "I hope your god-damned head was in it!"
LMFAO!! I love Smokey and the Bandit.
Now that the mutual bullsh*t is over , Where are you ,you son of a :q - Smokey and The Bandit.
"You sumbitches couldn't close an umbrella"

"The fact that you are a sheriff is not germane to the situation."
"The goddamn Germans got nothin' to do with it!"

"Duck, or yo gonna be talkin outta yo a$$!"

Buford T. - "Why didn't you have your gun loaded?"
Junior - "When I put bullets in it, it gets too heavy."

Junior - "Daddy, my face is all white!"
Buford T. - "Well, put a little lipstick on and I'll drop ya off at da gay bar."

Buford T. - "You know, Junior ,when this is all over, I'm going to get you a nice lobotomy."

There are so many 1 liners in these movies!!!
"To be with another woman, that is French. To be caught, that is American."- Dirty rotten scoundrels
"You are certainly the most distinguished group of highway scofflaws and degenerates ever gathered together in one place." - cannonball run

Susana:You use me, you use Raymond, you use everybody.
Charlie:Using Raymond, Hey Raymond, am I using you, Am I using you Raymond?
Charlie:Shut up! He is answering a question from a half hour ago!

from Rainman

Charlie: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret Ray, K-mart sucks.

"I don't know what your looking for, but it's a little more to the right."-see no evil hear no evil
"Slider": Who's butt did you kiss to get in here?
Lt. Nick "Goose" Bradshaw: Well, the list is long, but distinguished.
"Slider": Yeah, well, so's my Johnson.

Top Gun

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