quietls you still cant fckin read... i have never ever said i disconnect the battery on my car constantly. go back and read bubbie.
you're the fukc stick that said
my ls's kam <and shift strategies> get fcked up by any changes in fuel. switching octanes, summer blend vs winter blend, running it with the fuel light on, not running a bottle of injector cleaner every couple thousand miles.
so I don't know what sh!tty school you came from, but it doesn't take much reading comprehension to see that you have a lot of reasons listed that you KAM is getting "fcked up"... and the only way to fix it (according to your dumb ass) is to reset the PCM... also doesn't take a lot of reading comprehension to understand that switches from summer gas to winter gas happens at least twice a year... so then by your own words and advise, you are at least reseting your car every 6mo at the minimum, and since time doesn't stop, you are
continuing to do something that is not needed on a regular basis
im a 'poor ass' for switching between 93 and 92? funny..
i do occasionally put a shot of 87 in it...
pretty much sums that up... that makes so much more sense, you can afford the good gas, but you CHOOSE to put in substandard fuel... now I know why that sticker under the gas door is more of a picture instead of just all words... some engineer at ford knew that one day you would own one of these cars, and they wanted to give you a fighting chance at not making a mistake at the pump... but as history as shown, if you try to make something idiot proof, Jrands mother will just make a bigger idiot.
and yeah the car starts to shift like crap. try it out for yourself. pcm tries to 'adapt to it' and usually begins fcking up shifts, if not 'missing' as well.
why would I want to try running sub standard fuel in my engine? do I want a fuel mix that is easier to pre-ignite? no, do I want the PCM pulling gout timing to keep from blowing the motor and reducing power? no
as far as trying different premium grades, do it all the fukcing time, with no problems at all, car never hesitates, car never misses... also dont have to keep running fuel system cleaner through my car every couple of thousand miles just top keep it running right...
maybe its because you're such an ass hat in your day to day life as well that your neighbors just cant take it any more and is poring sugar or pissing in your gas tank?
it does the same thing when it get to the end of the tank where theres probably sht in the bottom of the tank. same deal with an old fuel filter changing the pressure slightly
stop being an ass hat and maybe your neighbors would stop putting that sh!t in there...
'but jrand is an 'asshats' for not replacing expensive parts that aints even broken..
no, you're an ass hat because you're an ass hat low birth weight piece of sh!t that seems to think every problem is caused by needing to reset the PCM all the time. you're an ass hat because you have your head up your own ass all the time, I'm guessing its either because you like the taste of butthole in and around you mouth area, or maybe its just because you think asses make great hats... regardless, I could not care less why you are so useless
BTW, you really got me good with that QuietLS bit lol, congrats! I bet you're still giggling like a little girl about it!