Rights are natural - the government protects them... The government also protects the rights of the few against the many.
Yes, that's called the tyranny of the majority.
That's why our government was set up as a representative republic and NOT a direct democracy.
However, people that you have aligned yourself with have historically worked to undermine that critical distinction.
What aren't we being allowed to produce, ala car, that we should be allowed to produce?
Just like this thread was never really about the hummer, it's not specifically about the V16 that YOU introduced to the conversation. It's interesting and incredible telling to watch you now try to frantically try to reframe this subject.
Pollution spewing vehicles... Maybe you have an example Cal.
And I do. For the sake of this discussion, you seem to have forgotten your quote in post #46
we don't have the right to have that car pollute and kill others.
Those charities aren't viable in our current society Cal - that is why we came up with thing like Medicare and Medicaid.
First of all, you claim is completely with a basis in truth.
They were huge expansions of power and authority by the federal government implement under the corrupt LBJ administration. It has nothing to do with the "viability of charity" in this country.
But expansions of power and responsibility like this DO undermine a person's sense of social responsibility and charity.
People weren't willing any longer to look after aging relatives. Church populations have dwindled, local means very little to a constantly mobile society.
This was simply not true, but the expansion of federal responsibility often
LEADS to these things.
There just isn't enough charitable dollars to make up the difference in the cost of medical care, along with the stretching of the donated dollar across many more charities then there use to be.
There aren't enough dollars left for the charity, but there are enough dollars available for us to pay the taxes necessary to finance the bureaucracy that then redistributes what's left of those dollars to pay for the healthcare?
Do you realize how ridiculous what you just said is.
If the individual wasn't subject to having their earnings seized by the federal government, there'd be more money available for people to donate and spend as THEY felt appropriate.
No, because we paid for her hospitalization. Correct?
Incorrect. She was neither insured or enrolled by Medicaid at the time of her collapse.
Is that fair? Are my rights being infringed upon here? My money is being spent on someone who may have made a personal choice to never pay into any type of health care plan. Who made the choice not to save a nickel for future health care needs. But, now, I have to pay for her poor choices.
I don't think you should be forced to pay for her choices at all.
You're the authoritarian who supports forced redistribution of wealth, not me.
Just like before SS - many people didn't save for their retirement. In the past, families were 'expected' to care for their aging relatives... this society doesn't expect that.
Before social security, family members were expected to take care of each other. And now, they don't. Now, people are comfortable expecting "society" and the government to assume that responsibility.
And with that, people feel as though they are absolved of the personal responsibility that they previously had passing off their families to the state. This weakens the family and strengthens the government.
You say that the society doesn't "expect" that responsibility, but you fail to note that the expectation has been taught. It's the result of bad, unsustainable federal policy.
we now force you to save for retirement.
force me to save for retirement. And the federal government is granted that power WHERE in the constitution? You tell me. It's not a very long document, you should be able to find it if it exists. It's not like the Obamacare bill..
Well, first of all, you have no right to force me to prepare for anything. But more importantly, social security IS NOT a retirement program. It was sold as an insurance program INCASE you outlived you're money, you'd have some ability to subside. That's not the case anymore.
Furthermore, because the life expectancy is so much higher now, people on SSI take out much, much more than they ever put in.
And lastly, it's a vote buying, dependency creating, government expanding, liberty stealing pyramid scheme.
Do I like this - nope - I am responsible and I save for my retirement, with a far better ROI than SS. But, would I want to support those people who would just decide not to save for retirement if we didn't have SS.
But you are.
Just in an incredibly inefficient, wealth destroying, liberty stealing, government empowering way.
How much did the state and federal government reimburse the Cleveland Clinic in 2008 under medicaid?
According to the article, she wasn't enrolled in medicaid.
But again, nice try.
The largest church charity in the country -
Catholic Charities USA even acknowledges that we have to have Medicaid - they understand the safety net that Medicaid provides, that charity can no longer handle...
- United Way
- Salvation Army
- Feed the Children
- American Cancer Society
- Gifts in Kind International
- AmeriCares
- YMCAs in the United States
- American National Red Cross
These charities are all larger than the Catholic Charities USA.
And the CCUSA is extremely "liberal" in their political and lobbying activities. They endorse Medicare and Medicaid, but they also endorse Comprehensive
Immigration Reform, they endorse the
Medical Reform, and other hard left, socially liberal, big government policies.
Here's an interesting story,
Catholic Charities’ affiliate faces possible legal charges for helping teenager obtain abortion.
So this is a group with a clear, political agenda, and I don't accept them as a valid authority on this issue.
And if there isn't charity, which believe me Cal, there won't be enough money to help, we let them die, if we don't have government assistance.
And when the federal government runs out of money, will you deny the death panels?
And you would pay their 1/2 million dollar medical bill - correct?
So who's paying it when the government picks up the tab?
If we were responsible Cal - that would work. I however live in a 'real' world where I know we aren't 'responsible'. Whether we have brought it on ourselves, or whether our society has evolved to this point, I don't know.
Why do you presume we are not responsible?
And if our broader culture is no longer responsible, what do you think that is in response to? What do you think would be the contributing factor taking a culture that was define for it's rugged independence and self-reliance to one that you think is dependent upon the government to support them through forced redistribution of wealth?
We won't give large amounts to charity - that day has passed.
You're talking about your liberal friends.
Big spenders like Barrack Obama, who despite earning about $5.5 MILLION dollars last year, only donated $329,000 to charity. About 6%. Of course, that's only now that he's a highly public figure, for most of the last decade, he and Michelle rarely donated more than 1% of their income.
Vice-President Biden donated just
$4,820 last year.
We aren't involved enough in our community, our church, our family. Societal evolution?
That's not societal evolution, it's the consequence of abandoning our obligations and a culture turning it's responsibilities over to the federal government.
And the statistics verify this. Conservatives donate a considerably higher percentage of their incomes to charity than do liberals. Why? Perhaps it's a greater sense of responsibility, maybe it's because they feel they have an obligation to do so because of religion.
However, those that support big government, progressives like Obama and Biden often donate very little. They have passed that direct social responsibility off upon the federal government to handle, and they often have a contempt for private or church charity.
And that contempt is demon stated by the policies they pass:
Obama's Plan to Reduce Charitable Deductions for the Wealthy
In summary, your arguments are nonsense.