Dedicated LVC Member
Still waiting for foxpaws to acknowledge anything remotely resembling liberty.
Yes, that's called the tyranny of the majority.
That's why our government was set up as a representative republic and NOT a direct democracy.
However, people that you have aligned yourself with have historically worked to undermine that critical distinction.
But if any part of the Hummer going belly-up are those government rules we're putting in on miles per gallon, or us taking over of GM, then I'm not just sad, I'm also angry.
First of all, you claim is completely with a basis in truth.
They were huge expansions of power and authority by the federal government implement under the corrupt LBJ administration. It has nothing to do with the "viability of charity" in this country.
But expansions of power and responsibility like this DO undermine a person's sense of social responsibility and charity.
This was simply not true, but the expansion of federal responsibility often LEADS to these things.
There aren't enough dollars left for the charity, but there are enough dollars available for us to pay the taxes necessary to finance the bureaucracy that then redistributes what's left of those dollars to pay for the healthcare?
Do you realize how ridiculous what you just said is.
If the individual wasn't subject to having their earnings seized by the federal government, there'd be more money available for people to donate and spend as THEY felt appropriate.
Incorrect. She was neither insured or enrolled by Medicaid at the time of her collapse.
I don't think you should be forced to pay for her choices at all.
You're the authoritarian who supports forced redistribution of wealth, not me.
Before social security, family members were expected to take care of each other. And now, they don't. Now, people are comfortable expecting "society" and the government to assume that responsibility.
And with that, people feel as though they are absolved of the personal responsibility that they previously had passing off their families to the state. This weakens the family and strengthens the government.
You say that the society doesn't "expect" that responsibility, but you fail to note that the expectation has been taught. It's the result of bad, unsustainable federal policy. force me to save for retirement. And the federal government is granted that power WHERE in the constitution? You tell me. It's not a very long document, you should be able to find it if it exists. It's not like the Obamacare bill..
Well, first of all, you have no right to force me to prepare for anything. But more importantly, social security IS NOT a retirement program. It was sold as an insurance program INCASE you outlived you're money, you'd have some ability to subside. That's not the case anymore.
Furthermore, because the life expectancy is so much higher now, people on SSI take out much, much more than they ever put in.
And lastly, it's a vote buying, dependency creating, government expanding, liberty stealing pyramid scheme.
According to the article, she wasn't enrolled in medicaid.
But again, nice try.
I didn't say that Catholic Charities was the largest charity - I said it was the largest 'church' charity - you listed the church as one of the charities that should absorb the costs of helping people. So, what do other church charities (maybe ones that pass the cal barometer of political correctness) say...These charities are all larger than the Catholic Charities USA.
So who's paying it when the government picks up the tab?
Why do you presume we are not responsible?
And if our broader culture is no longer responsible, what do you think that is in response to? What do you think would be the contributing factor taking a culture that was define for it's rugged independence and self-reliance to one that you think is dependent upon the government to support them through forced redistribution of wealth?
Big spenders like Barrack Obama, who despite earning about $5.5 MILLION dollars last year, only donated $329,000 to charity. About 6%. Of course, that's only now that he's a highly public figure, for most of the last decade, he and Michelle rarely donated more than 1% of their income.
Vice-President Biden donated just $4,820 last year.
And the statistics verify this. Conservatives donate a considerably higher percentage of their incomes to charity than do liberals. Why? Perhaps it's a greater sense of responsibility, maybe it's because they feel they have an obligation to do so because of religion.
However, those that support big government, progressives like Obama and Biden often donate very little. They have passed that direct social responsibility off upon the federal government to handle, and they often have a contempt for private or church charity.
In summary, your arguments are nonsense.
Charitable giving in this country tends to be about 2.0% of GDP, not 0.2% of net earning. Nothing you say can be trusted.There would be money 'available' but that is speculation that it would go to charity. It has been shown we pretty much give the same, no matter what our 'take home pay' is. 2% isn't enough to take care of all the problems that charities would have foisted on them.
Again, you absolutely can't be trusted to to tell the truth or discuss this stuff in good faith. The example I provided was very specific and was even linked.She doesn't have to be - all states/cities/counties set aside tax money that hospitals pull from for patients that can't pay. Denver General here in Denver is a huge part of the City and County of Denver's budget. Taxes pay for those who can't.
Would you care to provide some evidence or information to support this claim? You've said it several times, but it simply isn't true.That is partially true-but as society was changing in the early part of the 20th century - people weren't taking care of their aging family members.
So, according to you, there was an epidemic of old people being abandoned in the between 1930 and 1934. A problem so severe that FDR had to establish SSI in 1935- a program that only offered payment to seniors over the age of 62, despite the fact the average life expectancy of men was only 58 for men and 61 for women??That was before SS. Many older American were basically abandoned by their families
As I stated, SSI was passed in 1935.In the 30s America was abandoning the elderly, people couldn't take care of their aging parents... people weren't saving for retirement.
You refuse to answer this point.Once again Cal - we could slash taxes entirely, and we just wouldn't give enough. That is because we give only x amount of money - and x won't cut it any more - there are too many demands on charities.
Again, you presume the necesssary charity won't take place if people have free will. Instead, we need authoritarians like you to demand and force us to fund the causes YOU think are important and necessary.Me - and you. Because if it isn't done this way it would just be me. And 'me' can't do it alone. (hypothetically).
No "we" wouldn't.And then we would decry that the government is letting people die anyway.
I disagree.I think we aren't anything like our 'rugged individualist' forefathers. People change. We aren't like our serf ancestors on the European plain either.
That's according to you.We won't give enough to charity to close the gap.
I provided the link of Obama and Biden's charitable giving.Obama gave 1.4 million at least this year...
I think Buffett gives quite a bit - Gates gives quite a bit - they are pretty liberal, however not my friends...
--Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
-- Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.
-- Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.
-- Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.
-- In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.
-- People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.
Why do I have to explain your claim about Ronald Reagan's charitable spending? I have nothing to confirm it, nor anything to base an opinion on. Based on your history, I certainly won't be taking your word for it.So, how do explain that Reagan gave very little to charity - and most of his contributions went to his alma mater, Illinois' Eureka College.
No, it's based on personal responsibility.And yours cal are based in some fairytale world where we will all give to charity and we will all help our fellow man....
If only you had that same passion for liberty, freedom, and the constitution.And I thought I was the one who liked science fiction.
The opposition was so intense, LBJ engaged in incredibly deceptive, dishonest, and unconscionable maneuvers to foist it upon the population. For example, he completely and deliberately lied to the public about it's cost. Had the public been told the truth, they bill would never have been passed.
I know- I was the one that gave you that figure Cal - it was late - I mistyped...Charitable giving in this country tends to be about 2.0% of GDP, not 0.2% of net earning. Nothing you say can be trusted.
My use of her as an example demonstated
1. The dishonesty of Obama and his representation of healthcare in this country.
2. The dishonesty of your claim that people without insurance or on medicaid are left without transportation to the hospital or to die infront of the door. She received excellent care and recovered despite having neither insurance or having enrolled in medicaid.
3. And the claim that she'd lose her house paying for the care AFTERWARDS was a lie too. The hospital has a private, charitable fund available for individuals with economic needs. She met those requirements.
Would you care to provide some evidence or information to support this claim? You've said it several times, but it simply isn't true.
You also fail to address how social security was passed in the THIRTIES. So when were all of these aging family people being abandoned?
Once again Cal - SS was a reaction to society, not the other way around. In the 30s America was abandoning the elderly, people couldn't take care of their aging parents... people weren't saving for retirement.
So, according to you, there was an epidemic of old people being abandoned in the between 1930 and 1934. A problem so severe that FDR had to establish SSI in 1935- a program that only offered payment to seniors over the age of 62, despite the fact the average life expectancy of men was only 58 for men and 61 for women??
As stated, foxpaws, you simply can't be trusted for the truth.
Either your a liar, or you've been led and believe the deconstructionist bullcrap and leftist propaganda you repeat here.
Factual history tells a different story then the one you've constructed.
As I stated, SSI was passed in 1935.
You're simply not telling the truth here.
You endorse the theft of my liberty and life in order to fund programs that YOU think are necessary.
That's not freedom.
The reality is, private charity can do the work of the federal government for a tiny fraction of the cost. The waste, corruption, fraud, and bureaucracy of government makes it criminally inefficient at addressing small issues of need.
I provided the link of Obama and Biden's charitable giving.
The $1.4M you reference was the award for his worthless nobel peace prize. He never received the money so it doesn't count.
Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published the book"Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." Some of his finding:
Why do I have to explain your claim about Ronald Reagan's charitable spending? I have nothing to confirm it, nor anything to base an opinion on. Based on your history, I certainly won't be taking your word for it.
Here's a website with all of the Presidential tax histories posted.
No, it's based on personal responsibility.
We ALL won't give to charity. And we ALL won't give equally.
But it's my RIGHT to decide where my life's work goes.
I have a finite number of days on this Earth. I spend them working to earn money.
It is unconscionable when you, or your proxy in the government, robs me of that wealth, in order to pursue some social agenda against my will.
If only you had that same passion for liberty, freedom, and the constitution.
Your playing fast and loose with the facts again, foxpaws.You act as though it was an LBJ program - it was a JFK program. LBJ just ran with Kennedy's agenda, as he did with most things.
Johnson maneuvered every step of the way getting this bill through Congress, and one of the things he did — and this is a little dicey in today's climate — was suppress the costs. So this young kid gets elected from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, in 1962, and Johnson is explaining to him [over the phone] how you get a health bill through. And what he tells him is don't let them get the costs projected too far out because it will scare other people:
"A health program yesterday runs $300 million, but the fools had to go to projecting it down the road five or six years, and when you project it the first year, it runs $900 million. Now I don't know whether I would approve $900 million second year or not. I might approve 450 or 500. But the first thing Dick Russell comes running in saying, 'My God, you've got a billion-dollar program for next year on health, therefore I'm against any of it now.' Do you follow me?"
We believe, after looking at the evidence, my co-author [David Blumenthal] and I, that if the true cost of Medicare had been known — if Johnson hadn't basically hidden them — the program would never have passed. America's second-most beloved program would never have happened, if we had had genuine cost estimates.
Your right, back then the AMA started "Operation Coffeecup" a marketing campaign with Ronald Reagan rightly identifying medicare as a socialist plan.And at the time of Kennedy the AMA was against it. The AMA has wavered back and forth on this issue since the beginning of the 20th century. Now of course, they like it.
You didn't provide me anything, foxpaws.I know- I was the one that gave you that figure Cal - it was late - I mistyped... don't know much about it, but you sure have been willing to argue about it....So, since I really don't know much about this case - as I stated earlier - do you have a link.
I've already explained this.What you do Cal, is say that we will fix this problem with private funds.
You didn't provide me anything, foxpaws.
Pardon me if I can't differentiate one of your lies from your typos.
I will decide what problems I support and work to fix. I will do it alone, with friends, through the church, with organizations, or if necessary through local and state government.
I don't desire to live in a false utopia that robs me of my identify, my individualism, and my liberty in pursuit of YOUR greater good. And I don't live in a country that was founded on those false principles that you insist must be forced upon me at the gunpoint of a federal officer.....
Talk about demonization...and you will watch people die because they can't afford health care... you will watch the old die in poverty... because we do not take care of our weak, our infirm and our elderly.
Talk about demonization...
Every once in a while, in the midst of your boring, wordy walls of text, your true nature reveals itself. Your personal attacks are disgusting. This is such a lame talking point because we all know you don't believe a word of it. It's simply a logically flawed appeal to emotion designed to garner guilt for the purpose of justifying more legalized government generational theft.
If you truly cared so much about the elderly, weak, and infirm, you'd do something about it YOURSELF instead of buying overly expensive and pretentious shoes. Personal responsibility, my ass. You just want to force others to pay for your conscience. You're a pathetic hypocrite.
I am unmoved by your pathetic smears, statist.
It's incredible how you marginalize this.I am sure you are moved by Cal's impassioned plea 'don't take my liberty, don't take my money'...
No one said anything about greed, I spoke about freedom and charity.Just as Cal said - don't take my money - it is mine, I earned it. I am greedy...
On the contrary, Cal's appeal is to logic and common sense. Yours is toward guilt and emotion.I am sure you are moved by Cal's impassioned plea 'don't take my liberty, don't take my money'...
You should read "The Cheating Culture" a really great book by David Callahan, and a good look into why we will never give enough charitable funds to support the needy in this country... Greed. We will do anything - cheat, lie, steal to get money, and we aren't giving any of it away.
On the contrary, Cal's appeal is to logic and common sense. Yours is toward guilt and emotion.
And you should read Atlas Shrugged. I don't believe you ever cracked it open.
And although you just admitted that you will cheat, lie, and steal to get money, I will not do those things. You're a liberal - I expect that from you. Your fellow liberals in Congress do that every day, after all.
First of all, I take offense at your repeated claim that people in our country are so cruel that those people who genuinely need and ask for our help will be ignored.
There are selfish people, there are generous people. You keep talking about how our country has changed. The only thing that has changed is that the our culture has been conditioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to expect it to perform these roles in our society. If addressed now, that gradual change can be turned back.
No one gives me my money, my wealth, my properties. I trade my life for my income. I have a finite amount of each. And I will decide how it is spent or redistributed, NOT you. Not according to YOUR priorities.
This so-called benevolent interest in helping the downtrodden not only robs me off my liberty through the forced redistribution of my property.
But it gives authoritarian, progressives, like you foxpaws, a justification for dictating every other aspect of my life.
If we are all tied together, as you desire, then we have NO independence. We operate as a collective, not as individuals.
I am then not allowed to "be stupid" as the Penn article spoke or to simply fail on my own.
But we still have core American values, we are still closer in spirit to the frontiersmen and women who braved the oceans or participated in the wagon drive out west than the serfs of Europe answer to a ruling class. I'm sure foxpaws thinks she'll be in that ruling class, the politburo if you will. And that's why you're seeing TeaParties, 9/12 Groups, and the increased push back from the public towards her creeping tyranny.
What would be the cause of that?Part of the reason I know that we won't support charity, is because I see it all the time. I head fundraising efforts for charity, and while it has always been a uphill battle, in the last few years it has become oppressive.
No, what has changed is the way SOME people view their relationship with government. And it's not that it won't change back, it's that you don't want it to change back.That is what has changed - and it won't change back.....Those days are gone forever Cal - we no longer live in that type of society.
I chose an example that came before the dark, regrettable, Progressive era.You even had to go back to 1887 to find your example...
How much money did the public raise to help rescue Haiti?People are too isolated to know that their next door neighbor needs help - let alone the poor in the inner city, or the old in slum like apartments.
You say that, but I've demonstrated that all of these massive federal social programs are always passed through political trickery and lies.It isn't according to me - and it isn't according to my priorities - it is what we voted in
No, you've relied on incrementalism.These policies didn't just rise up and overtake us in the middle of the night.
Who lie and cheat and hold the public and the constitution in contempt.We voted in politicians
This is your fall back position now. Not arguing the merit, but an attempt to close the debate saying it's already over.Your side lost.
And then you fall back into the classic, Democrat scare tactics of old people choosing catfood or is OK that seniors are dying in poverty, eating catfood, somehow charity should take care of them.
You're still wrong.We are individuals functioning within a society, a society that effects all individuals. If we don't make sure the society flourishes, the individual will fail. Especially now. We aren't independent 'frontiersmen' any longer. We are a part of a complex and interwoven society, one that has risen after the movement away from an agricultural based society.
We aren't rugged individualists any longer Cal. Society has dictated that change. The number of people, the finite relationship of resources to population, all dictate a change in how we view our relationship between 'haves' and 'havenots', between young and old, between successful and needy.
No it hasn't.We do have core American values, those haven't changed. What has changed is the role of the individual within society.
So you think we will evolve, or PROGRESS, towards socialism.Not because government has enacted change, but because of how society evolved and how the individual interacts with other individuals in that society.
Your very wrong.Your old west days that Reagan portrayed on the silver screen have passed us by, and we won't be going back, no matter how nostalgic you are for them.
You said it, not me.Really - how do I lie, cheat and steal to get my money...
I don't have to do any such thing. And the way you worship at the altar of Marx is stunning.And how you continue to bow at the altar of Rand is amazing - to make her society work, you have to get rid of God foss - it doesn't work any other way. Insert God into Atlas Shrugged and it falls apart.
Don't care. Your desire to steal from me to feed your conscience is evil. Suck on that.And your charity comment of earlier. You have no idea of how many non-profit, charitable boards I sit on, you have no idea of how much time I give to charity, you have no idea of how I monetarily support charity.
We got it, you hate America.Part of the reason I know that we won't support charity, is because I see it all the time. I head fundraising efforts for charity, and while it has always been a uphill battle, in the last few years it has become oppressive. No one gives anymore, because of the economy, and the greed that our country glorifies. Now, when there are more people than ever that need our help - the funds have dried up.
People don't have money BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT. Get that through your thick, Stalinist skull.Cal doesn't understand that the safetynet of government programs are at their most important during difficult times. Without government grants many charities would be turning away people. And the difference wouldn't be made up in individual contributions - those have dried up because people don't have money - and those that do are holding on to it because of fear.
You can thank Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, both government Democrat thugs, for that situation. Physician, heal thyself.People's own retirement accounts have taken a beating - and they aren't opening their wallets to help out those people who have retired who have almost nothing now. They are saving as much as they can for themselves. Plus - they now have to give to 'Save the Pandas'.
Cry me a freaking river, fox. You still haven't made your case that the same organization that bankrupted medicare can deliver a viable solution. :bowrofl:Fine, you don't work in inner city charities and you don't see people who really need our help, who ask for it and are turned away. I do. And it isn't cruelty- it is not knowing the problem exists, turning away from the problem, and being more concerned with your problems and your wealth and your position in society.
Forcing people to give up their property for your bleeding heart causes won't fix the problem either.We have moved from a agricultural, small town society to a big city industrial/technological based society. We don't see our neighbor who needs help. Because we have isolated ourselves. That is what has changed - and it won't change back.
Rant rant rant. Dear God, you are delusional. You really believe the government should solve all problems.We no longer go to our little church in town. We no longer see that the Millers need our help because John lost his job. We no longer go over to their house with a casserole, and maybe slip some money to Mrs. Miller, because we know John is too proud to take our money. We no longer pack an extra lunch for Tom Miller, because we know he will only have a butter sandwich.
It isn't because we wouldn't - it is because we no longer know the Millers...
Now we drive through the slums of Detroit which look like burned out war zones, and the problem is overwhelming... It no longer is personal - it is societal.
Those days are gone forever Cal - we no longer live in that type of society.
You even had to go back to 1887 to find your example... People are too isolated to know that their next door neighbor needs help - and when they see the poor in the inner city, or the old in slum like apartments, the problem is too massive. We understood the Millers-we don't understand west side Detroit.
Plus, now we have far more charities competing for those few dollars - do we give to the local food bank, or do we give to save the snail darter?
Government was answering societal needs - not the other way around. Society wasn't giving enough - so government stepped in. This lack of giving wasn't caused by the government - it was caused by the shift in our society from small town argicultural to big city industrial. Social apathy, mostly caused by the inability to see the problem because of how our culture has changed, and the sheer scope of the number of people in need has altered the way we deal with the problems of the poor, needy, infirm, sick and aged.
No, the American people lost. That's the reality. And you just revealed that you supported Obamacare, you duplicitous little twit.Your side lost. There weren't enough people that said - it is OK that seniors are dying in poverty, eating catfood, somehow charity should take care of them. There weren't enough people that said - I'll take care of grandma and her $250,000 medical bill this year. Maybe if there were - your side would have won.
And yet you demand that we shift to a collective society in order to solve the problem. How ironic.We are individuals functioning within a society, a society that effects all individuals. If we don't make sure the society flourishes, the individual will fail. Especially now. We aren't independent 'frontiersmen' any longer. We are a part of a complex and interwoven society, one that has risen after the movement away from an argicultural based society.
Nobody's buying this crap either. The only thing stopping this country right now is your bunch of thugs in Washington.The society has a vested interest in educating the poor - because an educated workforce is more profitable for the individual within society. There are many examples like this -
We aren't rugged individualists any longer Cal. Society has dictated that change. The number of people, the finite relationship of resources to population, all dictate a change in how we view our relationship between 'haves' and 'havenots', between young and old, between successful and needy.
Yeah, people can't be trusted to deal with their own problems, right? So let's throw the baby out with the bathwater and just take over everyone's lives. After all, it's the elites like you who know best. And we'll just let the most inefficient, corrupt, inexperienced, irresponsible, unaccountable organization in history run things.We do have core American values, those haven't changed. What has changed is the role of the individual within society. Not because government has enacted change, but because of how society evolved and how the individual interacts with other individuals in that society.
300 million people. How you deal with the problems of 300 million people is quite different than how you deal with the problems of 2.5 million people.
Your old west days that Reagan portrayed on the silver screen have passed us by, and we won't be going back, no matter how nostalgic you are for them.
Yeah right. High gas prices, the left wing media, and the Sierra Club had nothing to do with it.
Unions killed Saturn. Pontiac was a casualty of this current GM situation.So Hummer was killed because of those things? So why did Saturn and Pontiac 2 brands that sold considerably more units a year die?
Foxpaws, the social systems you embrace fail when viewed through the context of personal liberty.
They fail when considered in terms of their economic impact, their efficiency, and their effectiveness.
So to perpetuate this system any farther is either a misguided and ignorant desire to use help people, or an evil and calculated effort to control people's lives and buy political influence through government dependency.
It's an often repeated line, but it's a serious question, how charitable did you feel on April 15th?
Obama Budget Proposal Likely to Decrease Charitable Contribution by Billions
Why would the government propose something like?
To continue to weaken charitable institutions and strengthen the role of government. To squeeze charity out of the picture.
Americans donated $528,000,000 to Haiti through charity.
So this repeated indictment of the charitably of Americans is offense.
As I posted earlier, LBJ lied and mislead about the cost of the program while exploiting an emotional appeal.
Obama, despite the public opposition to Obamacare, has also engaged in a very active campaign of lies, dishonest emotional appeals, and accounting and finance fraud to mislead the public on the cost.
But that's how progressive authoritarians work.
Look at yourself. You're completely unwilling to have an open and honest debate about the viability of the programs you support, and you come from a political culture that embraces it.
This is your fall back position now. Not arguing the merit, but an attempt to close the debate saying it's already over.
Will your next post be an effort to play the victim card or to exploit your gender in an attempt for sympathy?
And then you fall back into the classic, democrat scare tactics of old people choosing catfood or medicine.
And the teaparties are just the first sign of that. As people become aware of what you and your travelers are doing to our country, they reject it. And it's only going to become more intense and loud.
But you think the individual is subordinate to the collective. That's an concept that diminishes the individual profoundly unamerican.
So you think we will evolve, or PROGRESS, towards socialism.
And the marixist prison that you hope to control this population with is dangerous and it's being exposed. And once regular people, people who might not spend as much time or energy involved in these issues as I do, see what is happening they will reject it. And they will be pissed that you've been stealing their freedom.
Given enough time, even someone like you can't keep up the charade indefinitely.... eventually you slip up and exposure yourself for what you really are.. Just like you have in this thread.
I've said this repeatedly.Cal – why can’t you address the points I made –
Don't care. Your desire to steal from me to feed your conscience is evil. Suck on that.
We got it, you hate America.
Get that through your thick, Stalinist skull.
Suck on that.
Cry me a freaking river, fox.
Rant rant rant. Dear God, you are delusional.
You duplicitous little twit.
You're just full of FAIL today.
Brevity is the soul of wit, fox. Your long, whiny rants are tiresome and uninteresting to read. You're repetitive and pedantic. Take your own advice: Take Creative Writing 101 and learn to say something in less than a Galactic Standard Century.
Hell, you could sum up all your posts in this thread with "I, foxpaws, am a Marxist."
You're the only senior citizen here, fox...If you can't post without getting your wittle feewings hurt, maybe you should leave.Foss - I would rather discuss this with adults if you don't mind. But I do appreciate the fact that you do read my posts - obviously in their entirety - contrary to your critique of them...
However, I never realized how close to home my 'creative writing 101' comment really hit...
Even Cal thinks I am one of the better propagandist he has seen...
You don't acquire stature like that unless you know how to communicate to the masses....
(since you don't seem to understand sarcasm, even when it hits you on the side of the head Foss - this entire response to you is...)
jealous much?
You're the only senior citizen here, fox...If you can't post without getting your wittle feewings hurt, maybe you should leave.
Proverbs 12:15.
If you don't like what I say to you, don't whine about it, just don't respond. After all, it's what you're good at. Of course, it's more likely that you just don't have a response.
And now you admit you're a propagandist.
Today is becoming a watershed...and a waterloo for you.![]()