

Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 4, 2005
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Geno, where can I get a hood like the 1 on your car, I have a Mark VIII, I mistakenly posted this question in the VII forum......oops
Cubster said:
Geno, where can I get a hood like the 1 on your car, I have a Mark VIII, I mistakenly posted this question in the VII forum......oops

His hood is completely custom....it is a stock Mark hood with a Camaro style scoop grafted onto it, then smoothed out underneath....completely custom. Not available anywhere.....unless you have it custom built.

There is/was a person making hoods for the Gen 1's, not sure if he still is, but his name is Larry, and his company name is FastGlas and his number is 1-800-346-2426 just leave a message.


Ok, I just called, and his NEW company name is Custom Creations. He is still there, but you have to leave a message since he does not have the overhead to have a secretary to answer the phone. He is usually in the back workin, so just leave a detailed message and he will get back to you. :Beer
Jibit said:
anyone ever find someone to make them for the Gen 2's?

Not that I know of, but the problem with the Gen 2's vice the Gen 1's is that the Gen 2's hood is aluminum whereas the Gen 1's is fiberglas. The fiberglas lends itself better for custom touches. IF you can find someone that will custom build you one, I might have a person that can make the mold for you and you can be the one to sell custom Gen 2 hoods..... :Beer
1wykdmk8 said:
Ok, I just called, and his NEW company name is Custom Creations. He is still there, but you have to leave a message since he does not have the overhead to have a secretary to answer the phone. He is usually in the back workin, so just leave a detailed message and he will get back to you. :Beer

I called him & got his answering machine, he hasn't called me back yet. I did go see a friend of mine who does body work & mentioned it to him, he'll install it prime & paint it for 650.00, I'm online now looking for a "cowl clip" ( hood scoop ) I think I've got 1 at Americansportscar.com for 125.00, so it looks like I'm looking @ 775.00 for the hood. Oh btw I'm having the new suspension installed tomorrow!!! I'll let you know how it comes out.

Joeychgo said:
Try to get a website for this guy please

He does not have one.

He was at Carlisle last year, maybe he will be there this year too....maybe we can talk to him then....
StraDog said:
I believe he is saying the stock Gen 1 hoods are not fiberglass.

Here is a shot of mine.

Hmmmmm....the factory one on my green car was fiberglas....or some sort of composite material, because when I cut it up it splintered like fiberglas. And, the wrecked Mark VIII that I had the factory hood was fiberglas....again or some sort of composite, because it too splintered like fiberglas. :Beer
pro-five-oh said:
Its plastic.

I have never seen plastic splinter like fiberglas does....but like I said....it was some composite (or something of the like) because of the splintering. :Beer
The '93 brochure says:

"The hood is of a formed synthetic resin material that's utterly impervious to rust and corrosion. And also staunchly resistant to life's dings and dents."
driller said:
The '93 brochure says:

"The hood is of a formed synthetic resin material that's utterly impervious to rust and corrosion. And also staunchly resistant to life's dings and dents."

That is just some eggheads definition of fiberglas so that they could add about $1000 or more to the price of the car.....LOL! :Beer
JP...Ray is right... I'll snap a photo of the hood on our old 95...it looks like it het with a very dull chainsaw...fibers everywhere(kid hit a pole). it is DEFINATELY "composite glass"...aka fiberglass. Ever remove one?

Ray...thanks for the input here...I am going to start saving....after seeing THIS:

I MUST have one.......and will not rest until I do!

HOWEVER... I have been toying with the idea of a Mach1 intake and shaker assembly. But, I cannot find anyone to photoshop a shaker onto my stock gen 1 hood.....any volunteers? The idea sounds awesome to me, but like all ideas, until you actually see it, it always sounds good.
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Hey! I'm just a dumb :q driller - but there are composite resin materials that are NOT fiberglass. This is NOT a 'glass body panel corvette. No, it's NOT one of those plastic clad 'rubber maid' vehicle panels either(Avalanche and others). Good grief. :Bang
Ummm...plastic is a composite resin if you wanna get technical. There are about a bazillion different types of plastic, and some of them behave like fiberglass when broken.

So is adobe brick, carbon fiber and fiberglass, but neither of which are used on a Mark VIII.

I'll look in my 1993 Mark VIII sales book (that hardbound book) to see what it says.
no man...its Lincoln... they used the good :q:q:q:q....if word got out that they used fiberglass, rich bastards wouldbt buy it!

heh heh

anyway... a dumb driller you aint....a car nut, you is, yo!
Chalk it up to a bad day at the office. :Beer

True, plastics are a composite resin, Pro. If you find the exact composition, it would be interesting. Whatever it is, Lincoln apparently found out too late that certain problems existed with the composite resin and the adhesives utilized along with surface preparation techniques which later surfaced(literally) on the paint quality afterwards.

I think what the engineers were trying to accomplish was a lighter weight and a tougher 'skin' to cover the expanse of the hood.
Ok, does it really matter what the hell the hood is made out of. I know for a fact that what ever it is made out of acts like fiberglas. I have molded a scoop onto it in the past, and it cuts, and acts like fiberglas. I do not really care what the technical term is.

Like I said in one my posts that it is either fiberglas, or some sort of composite. The reason I said it was fiberglas is that it works like fiberglas, and someone had told me that is basically what it is. Who really cares, it is a composite material that is just like fiberglas.

Geezz......what, are we all freakin composite scientists or something. Christ!
:Beer :Bang
I have bought many wrecks and the top "skin" IS FIBERGLASS and the undershell is composite, like the Fiero plastic body panel type of material.

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