How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Face the truth of the above link!!!

Virtually... EVERY President (Busch to Obama) has had a hand in building the wall... but you just want to blame Trump.

#Delusional Lefty
No... back in August of '23, we had (almost) this same discussion.

Border wall parts were being sold off for scrap... by Biden!!!

You also forget that Abbot was putting up razor wire at about the same time... and border patrol was tearing it back down... per Biden's orders.


Seems like a nonsense story being spread my nonsense people. If that were true AND there was video evidence, it would be shown and talked about on all your Far-Right news channels like Fox, One America News, Newsmax et al. Yet it's not, wonder why.

Um. The Texas Supreme Court ruled against Abbot's razor wire at the Tex-Mex border. Let me guess, the Texas Supreme Court is controlled by Biden now?
Face the truth of the above link!!!

Virtually... EVERY President (Busch to Obama) has had a hand in building the wall... but you just want to blame Trump.

#Delusional Lefty

You're just ranting here and making silly Straw Man Arguments...
STILL not fixed !!!


Trump campaign deletes ‘unified Reich’ post after widespread backlash

"The phrase “the creation of a unified reich,” which appeared multiple times in the background, drew heavy criticism. The German term “reich” means empire but is often associated with Nazi Germany. -snip

Doing the usual fascist dog whistle and then blaming the "mistake" on some unnamed "staffer". Trumpers hear it loud and clear.
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Yet the Flint Michigan water issue lingers on...

What happened Joe (and Kamala)?

Kinda swept that back under the rug...huh?

This would be your BDS flaring up again, as Flint was given the money to correct all their lead pipes under the Biden lead pipe removal initiative. It's a local government issue. In fact, just this March a judge found Flint in contempt of not acting: Federal judge finds Flint, Michigan, in contempt over lead water pipe crisis

Now, how do you feel about Trump's proposal for America to become a "Unified Reich", are you excited?
A little late to the game for the Flint lead water lines being unfinished. I already covered that in another link while your TDS was flaring.

Personally... I'm Trumped out.

Notice I have been saying very little about him.

Either way... Biden and Harris STILL don't have the Flint water issue fixed, (after you and I debating that for quite a while now).

IIRC... It's been since 2023.
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No, your blaming of Biden for Flint's water issues is what is BDS. They have the monetary means to fix their lead problem due to Biden's country wide 3-billion lead pipe imitative, but they didn't. So it's on the local authorities and a Federal Judge is holding them to task.

I've noticed long ago that when you perceive Trump's winning, you're all in, when he's blundering and failing, you distance yourself. But your thoughts on Trump using "Unified Reich" in a campaign add video?
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No, your blaming of Biden for Flint's water issues
No... I blaming Obama, Trump Biden, and Harris.

They ALL "kicked the can down the road"... you stupid fk.

So "they" get this fiasco fixed... then "they" have to deal with the lead paint issues in Michigan!!!

Smoke another one Dude.

That's "old news" too. In the mean time... my PVC pipes are holding up just fine.

Another dodge... I will accept that you're probably not an actual fascist, but also don't have a real issue with Trump saying "Unified Reich" in his recent campaign add that he posted on his personal social media account and are taking the 'pretending it didn't happen' approach to deal with the cognitive dissonance you're feeling. Bubba 14 and the other LvC Trumpers are probably doing similar.

I found it to be a deplorable thing to say, but nothing really new or surprising out of Trump. It's sad his voters/supporters support that.
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At this point I will defer to Wikipedia, you hyper sensitive Lefty brained Karen. You're never gonna get your man card back.

Reich - Wikipedia

Anybody that actually takes the time to listen to Trump (and has half a brain), realizes he sometimes just spouts off to get a reaction.

I do that at work. Some people act like WTF, thinking I'm serious... and others are laughing.

It's kinda like when Covid hit. Trump made an off the wall comment about drinking bleach. I don't think he was being serious, but I'm sure all the Lefties freaked out with that comment.
I'll ad that the word reich brings up images of Nazi Germany... and WW2. Most of the people that lived through that are not around anymore.

But I think people are over reacting, and most of those have probably never watched the movie "The sound of Music" ...or read "The Diary of Ann Frank".

I'm sure Biden can't remember either...

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