How do you feel about Biden NOW?

@Bubba 14

So with all the rain that fell last month, I decided to design and build a "grey water" system. A bit late now since everything is drying up again... but next time the "monsoon" comes I will be able to pump (from my sump crock) over 600 gallons of water. Good for watering plants and doing laundry.

My regret is that I didn't do this sooner.:rolleyes:
Again, this thread is about Biden, NOT Trump. Take your Trump obsession to your Trump thread, here you can dabble in your "Gotcha" questions and alarmist theories. More and more info on the lawfare is seeping out, doesn't make the FBI and DOJ look especially sharp. Oh, did I just use a "dog whistle" term. So sorry leftist elite pansy.

The question also pertains to Biden, as Biden is the one being accused by Trump of plotting Trump's assassination and using the FBI as the assassins, you know that. LoL, at "gotcha questions", it's asking your opinion, you know that and are just dodging because you don't have an answer without making Trump look bad. Very cowardly, very Trumper, very expected.
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Trump, accustomed to friendly crowds, confronts repeated booing during Libertarian convention speech

Donald Trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday night, with many in the crowd shouting insults and decrying him for things like his COVID-19 policies, running up towering federal deficits and lying about his political record.

Libertarians, who prioritize small government and individual freedoms, are often skeptical of the former president, and his invitation to address the convention has divided the party.

Trump tried to praise “fierce champions of freedom in this room” and called President Joe Biden a “tyrant” and the “worst president in the history of the United States,” prompting some in the audience to scream back: “That’s you.”

When even the nutter Libertarians won't have Trump...

The question also pertains to Biden, as Biden is the one being accused by Trump of plotting Trump's assassination and using the FBI as the assassins, you know that. LoL, at "gotcha questions", it's asking your opinion, you know that and are just dodging because you don't have an answer without making Trump look bad. Very cowardly, very Trumper, very expected.
You created the question by what you typed. YOU intentionally mentioned Biden... so you could talk about Trump.

Your argument is diversional, so you can spew more propaganda.
If you want to spew propaganda about Trump, do it in the Trump thread.

But you won't, because no one will listen to you in the Trump thread.

You hate it that no one will listen to you in the Trump thread. And people in the Biden thread are tired of you talking about Trump in the Biden thread.

So much for Roberts Rules of debate. You should have been disqualified from this forum a long time ago.

Biden Marks Memorial Day With Message About Freedom as Trump Lashes Out

President Biden paid tribute to veterans who died in America’s wars at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, hailing them as “a link in the chain of honor” who deserve recognition for protecting the nation’s democracy.

“Freedom has never been guaranteed,” Mr. Biden said in a nine-minute Memorial Day address, moments after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

“Every generation has to earn it. Fight for it. Defend it in battle between autocracy and democracy,” he said of the nation’s veterans. “Our democracy is more than just a system of government. It’s the very soul of America.”

Bingo, President Biden.

And as usual, Trump ranted like an unhinged clown, attacked and made everything about his personal grievances. He does it, because Trumpers want it:


So cringe worthy.
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I see you spent your Memorial Day exercising your BDS, twisting my posts and shit-posting. LoL.
The only one "shit posting" here is you.

I can't believe you get so riled up over something Trump says or does. I don't even read what he types (because I suspect you are modifying/editing what he says.) You hit a new low when you did that a while back

You DEFINITELY have TDS, and are in denial. You ARE gonna "lose it" before the election is over

You are like a 5 year old tattle tale....

Trump farted, Trump looked at me mean, Trump blew me a kiss, Trump unzipped his fly, Trump, Trump, Trump Trump Trump.

GROW UP!!!!!!!

YOU... are OBSESSED with Trump. What are you going to do when the election is over... Ahab?????? Who will be your "whale" then???

Your withdrawal is going to be horrible.
Our democracy is more than just a system of government. It’s the very soul of America.” -snip
And the "soul of America" is sick, crooked, and corrupt with Biden in charge.

I'm not saying Trump is any better.

A poultry farm is culling 12 million chickens due to H5N1 bird flu. There goes a large portion of of our food supply.

Wake up dumbass!!! You are an idiot, and focusing on the wrong things.

Enjoy going broke in Cali... with your taxes going up, minimum wage going up. Radioactive water in the ocean etc. You'd do better to leave now, before the 60% exit tax bites you in the ass. Newsome might not let you leave.o_O
The only one "shit posting" here is you.

I can't believe you get so riled up over something Trump says or does. I don't even read what he types (because I suspect you are modifying/editing what he says.) You hit a new low when you did that a while back

You DEFINITELY have TDS, and are in denial. You ARE gonna "lose it" before the election is over

You are like a 5 year old tattle tale....

Trump farted, Trump looked at me mean, Trump blew me a kiss, Trump unzipped his fly, Trump, Trump, Trump Trump Trump.

GROW UP!!!!!!!

YOU... are OBSESSED with Trump. What are you going to do when the election is over... Ahab?????? Who will be your "whale" then???

Your withdrawal is going to be horrible.
And the "soul of America" is sick, crooked, and corrupt with Biden in charge.

I'm not saying Trump is any better.

A poultry farm is culling 12 million chickens due to H5N1 bird flu. There goes a large portion of of our food supply.

Wake up dumbass!!! You are an idiot, and focusing on the wrong things.

Enjoy going broke in Cali... with your taxes going up, minimum wage going up. Radioactive water in the ocean etc. You'd do better to leave now, before the 60% exit tax bites you in the ass. Newsome might not let you leave.o_O
You mean President Bozo.

More ranting, lying, projecting and shit-posting out of you.
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"Today’s launch of the Black Voters for Biden-Harris coalition is yet another example of our campaign working diligently to earn every single vote. This coalition and the newly announced summer outreach and engagement programming serve as the next phase of our campaign’s ongoing historic investments in outreach to the backbone of the Biden-Harris coalition – Black voters.

While we are busy putting in the work to earn Black America’s support — Donald Trump continues to show just how ignorant he is. Hosting janky rap concerts to hide the fact that he lacks the resources and competence to genuinely engage our community."
-Quentin Fulks

Quentin's not wrong:

"Former President Donald Trump, at his rally this week in the Bronx, invited two rappers on stage who have been charged in a sweeping gang case, with one of them facing attempted murder charges. - snip

Oh Trumpers...

Indian capital of Delhi breaks all-time heat record, as authorities impose water rationing -snip​

The "Chinese hoax" strikes again. Weird.

Dinesh D'Souza, publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology

The conservative media company behind the book and film “2,000 Mules,” which alleged a widespread conspiracy by Democrats to steal the 2020 election and was embraced by former president Donald Trump, has issued an apology and said it would halt distribution of the film and remove both the film and book from its platforms.

In a statement posted to their website, Salem Media Group, Inc. apologized specifically to Mark Andrews, a voter from Georgia falsely depicted illegally voting in “2,000 Mules.”

Though “2,000 Mules” has been widely debunked by law enforcement officials and the media, including NPR, the film and book developed a widespread following among supporters of the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen.

Trumper election lies continue to hurt the country as a whole and individuals directly as the poor man above. Deplorables will be deplorable.
Hopefully that Far-Right trash bag Netanyahu accepts the peace deal and the hostages get to come home. The majority of Israelis want that to happen.
middle east.
supposedly all the religions of peace.
instead it's the home of the greatest hate ever.
god isn't protecting any of them or at least 1 side wouldn't need weapons.
good the world court is going after netted yahoo.
and america after trump.
just need the russians to remove putin and maybe we could get a bit of peace.
Unfortunately, Putin has a cult-like gripe on that country, as we've seen time and time again, anyone who speaks out and is even a small threat to his control, ends up poisoned or falling out of a window.

Now with the help of people like Tucker Carlson and other Rightist talking-heads, the American Right is being fed a romanticized version of Putin, Russia and they're gobbling it up.
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Biden is limiting asylum seeing border crossings, doing exactly what Republicans wanted, and they're attacking him over it now. eg Speaker Mike Johnson said this would make it worse. Yet another example of why you can never deal in good faith with Republicans, because they have none. LoL.

This is also the result of Democrats and Republicans coming to a border bill agreement and Republicans backing out at the last minute because Trump told them too via social media threats: U.S. House votes down border bill favored by conservatives • Idaho Capital Sun Trump before country, party before country.
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