How do you feel about Biden NOW?

I'm pretty sure community service... Is BENEATH HUNTER.

Maybe the Judge should make Hunter work at a food kitchen for a month or 2 (or more). Preferably more.

Learn how the "other half" lives (Seriously Joe). Maybe you could help too Dude???
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Now my goal is to find a young black (male) Pit Bull that a guy in the "hood" had in the back of his truck a month ago... along with other caged pit bulls.

I was sitting at a red light and talking to the dog. (telling him it was going to be ok). When the light turned green, the guy took off in the truck, and when the dog saw I was getting far behind... the dog jumped out of the truck (at 50mph) and "face planted" on the road.

I honked... and other people were hollering to the driver. When the driver got back to where I was (with my flashers on) the guy asked me why the dog jumped out. I told him I didn't know... but almost said "probably because he doesn't want to be with you".

This was going on as I was trying to make sure the dog wasn't injured. The dog was "belly crawling" towards me, and being very submissive to me (almost like it was saying please take me with you).

I found out that there was a bunch of dog fighting rings in a bad part of town, and the local PD had rescued a bunch of dogs, and turned them over to the Humane Society.

Might take some digging, but I have a hunch I might be a dog owner soon.
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I think you severely missed something. The truck driver was putting my WIFE and I at risk.

You evidently have a reading comprehension issue.

Pity??? If YOU wanna phrase it that way that's YOUR (antagonistic) "spin" on the circumstances... But the local Judge was well aware of what the trucks were doing on that very dangerous highway.

When I gave the probation officer my audio deposition, I'm sure the Judge understood the seriousness of the matter when he heard the truthful facts.

There was no special treatment. I went "above and beyond" the courts requirements... all without professional legal counsel.:)

Hunter would NEVER do THAT.:rolleyes:

I literally said: "I sympathize with what you did, as I've been in similar situations with morons acting like morons while driving and putting others at risk" -TheDude

So it seems like you're the one one with the reading comprehension issue and looking to pick a fight.
I'm pretty sure community service... Is BENEATH HUNTER.

Maybe the Judge should make Hunter work at a food kitchen for a month or 2 (or more). Preferably more.

Learn how the "other half" lives (Seriously Joe). Maybe you could help too Dude???

We'll see with Hunter, he has to be found guilty first, then comes the talks of punishment. He'd do community service if that's what the court orders.

Speaking of though, is your boy Trump above doing community service? Considering he'll be sentenced in less than a month.
We'll see with Hunter, he has to be found guilty first, then comes the talks of punishment. He'd do community service if that's what the court orders.

Speaking of though, is your boy Trump above doing community service? Considering he'll be sentenced in less than a month.
Maybe you should ask Kushner
I literally said: "I sympathize with what you did, as I've been in similar situations with morons acting like morons while driving and putting others at risk" -TheDude

So it seems like you're the one one with the reading comprehension issue and looking to pick a fight.

I don't want or need your sympathy. Things worked out the way they were supposed to. (ordained)
If you truly want to express sympathy to someone... go buy food for the homeless, or donate your time to a soup kitchen.

While your at it... make sure you are looking them straight in the eye while "serving" them.

Hint: There's only one and his last name rhymes with "Rump".
You're really insecure.
Actually... I'm very secure. So much so I gave a homeless couple some $$$ to get them through the night tonight.

When was the last time you gave someone a "helping hand up" ???

I do it on a regular basis. Not blowing my own horn.... just saying.

"There but for the Grace of God... go I".
Giving that $$$ to the homeless couple cleaned me out... except for a couple dollars for gas money.

Oh no!!! What do I do now?

Trust in Jesus sounds like a good answer.

Once again I left my truck running and door open in the "hood" ... just so I could give them the cash to go find a place to crash for the night.
What have you done lately... to give back to anyone. I'll bet you NEVER go to a bad part of town.

Again... go serve at a food kitchen, and look those people in the eye. You wouldn't see anything, with your nose so high up in the air.

Here we are AGAIN!!!

You're a clown you constantly makes weird and desperate negative false claims about me. LoL
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"Sean Hannity suggested Donald Trump should wait to debate Joe Biden until he has formally secured the Republican presidential nomination." -snip

Hannity wouldn't wipe his own ass without Trump's permission, so this is Trump trying to back out of the debate with Biden. What's Trump scared of? LoL.
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I will accept their verdict either way, you won't unless Hunter is found guilty.
So do you honestly accept the verdict?

Don't get me wrong. The truth is probably that Joe and Jill were not there for Hunter through his struggle. (elite curse)

Speaking from experience, my son found out the hard way that parents aren't perfect.

You may figure that out one day when you have kids of your own.
So do you honestly accept the verdict?

Don't get me wrong. The truth is probably that Joe and Jill were not there for Hunter through his struggle. (elite curse)

Speaking from experience, my son found out the hard way that parents aren't perfect.

You may figure that out one day when you have kids of your own.

I said I would and I do accept the verdict. 12 jurors looked at the evidence and found Hunter guilty, so that's that.

Hunter Biden has said both his parents were there for him, but he rejected their help to overcome his addictions.

You sure do love to assume a whole lot when it comes to me Lol.

Question: Why do you accept Hunter's guilty verdict, but not Trump's?
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Hunter Biden conviction could boost father against Trump, experts suggest

Analysts say guilty verdict undermines Trump's claim that a weaponised justice department is unfairly pursuing him

Hunter Biden’s conviction on gun-ownership charges may have handed his father, Joe, a boost in the forthcoming presidential election, analysts say, because it undermines the image of a president weaponising the US justice system to pursue Donald Trump. -snip

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Question: Why do you accept Hunter's guilty verdict, but not Trump's?
And when and where did I not accept Trump's verdict??? I certainly never stomped my feet... or cried "foul".
I HAVE... said this before. Trump will be Trump.

Don't attack me because YOU were wrong. I even gave Hunter some sympathetic understanding... Instead of "I told you so".

Retaliatory arrogant Ass!!! Grow up!!!

Somebody needs to pop that balloon between your shoulders.
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