How do you feel about Biden NOW?

And when and where did I not accept Trump's verdict??? I certainly never stomped my feet... or cried "foul".
I HAVE... said this before. Trump will be Trump.

Don't attack me because YOU were wrong. I even gave Hunter some sympathetic understanding... Instead of "I told you so".

Retaliatory arrogant Ass!!! Grow up!!!

Somebody needs to pop that balloon between your shoulders.

I think I confused you with Bubba 14's whinging about Trump's trial being rigged, you're both usually very similar, so understandable mistake. You defended Trump on trial via your deflections, whataboutisms and faulty comparisons to Clinton, then must have done your usual 'pretending it's not happening' when Trump was found guilty on 34 felonies.

Sympathy? LoL. You've been praying for Hunter Biden to be found guilty for years now. Don't pretend different now, it's silly.
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I think I confused you with Bubba 14
No... you just flat out can't handle reality.

Truth be told... my son struggled with drugs and alcohol for a number of years, after his very dear girlfriend committed suicide. She is sadly missed.

BUT... I made it very clear with him that the charges against him would prevent him from owning a firearm.

He can actually appeal if he wants to, because he did not try to buy a gun... or LIE on the form 4473... like Hunter did.

At this time my son has no interest in firearms.
For YEARS??? The trial didn't even last a month.

But I realize in your "never never land" that Hunter can do no wrong.

Correct, years. The Hunter Biden investigation started under Trump in 2018 when Trump weaponized the DOJ to attack Joe Biden, his most likely 2020 rival. You've been praying for Hunter to go down for a long time. Now you got it, but it's not panning out like you thought, so you're mad.

You're lying again, as I am the one who said I would accept the verdict no matter how it landed from the start and I did. He's guilty, period.

Sept of 2023:
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You're lying again, as I am the one who said I would accept the verdict no matter how it landed from the start and I did. He's guilty, period.
More lies on your part. Obviously you couldn't handle the truth.

Typical lying Lefty Liberal.

Hunter will serve his time (if he has even been sentenced yet). I haven't been paying attention, so I don't even know what is going on with Hunter at this point.
Sympathy? LoL. You've been praying for Hunter Biden to be found guilty for years now. Don't pretend different now, it's silly.
Yes... sympathy. But you ruined that for him just by opening your Liberal yap.

I wonder what "Uncle Joe" would say if he read what you are saying on here. (the lies)

IF your memory wasn't so short (and in denial) you would remember I suggested Hunter doing some sort of community service, to commute his sentence.

You stupid ignorant f*ck !!!
IF you remember... I shared a few posts back that my son had lost a very dear girlfriend years ago to suicide.

The anniversary of her death will coming up soon.

When I mentioned this tragic event.. YOU expressed no sympathy.

So you just showed your true Liberal colors. All you care about is YOU. (f*ck everybody else right???)

As long as you get what you want... everything is fine.

But when you don't get what you want... everybody else pays... and you lie and twist the truth.

A typical Lefty Elite Liberal trait. And you wonder why I express disdain towards (self centered) liberals.
Wrong again. My "beef" with Hunter was the possibility of getting away with LYING on the form 4473... and getting away with it. (elite privilege).

Seems YOU can't handle the truth of reality.

You're still lying. You also wanted Hunter to go down because you thought it would hurt his father's reelection chances. You posted articles claiming as much.

You're projecting your own shortcomings again. The Rightist way.
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NotFunFact: The jurors from Hunter Biden's criminal trial are out doing media interviews, as is normal and they're free to do. The jurors from Trump's criminal trial are hiding and hoping not to get doxxed out of fear for their and their family's lives.

This is the America Trumpers want.
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Yes... sympathy. But you ruined that for him just by opening your Liberal yap.

I wonder what "Uncle Joe" would say if he read what you are saying on here. (the lies)

IF your memory wasn't so short (and in denial) you would remember I suggested Hunter doing some sort of community service, to commute his sentence.

You stupid ignorant f*ck !!!

This you, kiddo?

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Stand behind whatever you like, the point is you're saying contradicting statements, while accusing and attacking me.
Think whatever you want. I'll bet Hunter gets off with a slap on the wrist.

Like I already said... it's pretty bad when Hunters own family says he was using drugs when he purchased a firearm (illegally).

Your the one with delusion and denial.
Think whatever you want. I'll bet Hunter gets off with a slap on the wrist.

Like I already said... it's pretty bad when Hunters own family says he was using drugs when he purchased a firearm (illegally).

Your the one with delusion and denial.
I don't know what Hunter will end up with, but it's his first felony and it was a non-violent one at that, so that will come into consideration. What we do know is his father (The President) will not be pardoning him. If this were Donnie Junior or Ivanka on trial and Trump was still president, Trump would have intervened. We both know it.

Nothing's changed on my end, I've been consistent from the start of this as shown, unlike your flop-flopping. So you're deflecting again as usual.

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