How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Everybody slips up from time to time, but when it's continuous, It's a problem.

I get tongue tied and forget names every now and then. I work with so many different people... sometimes I have to apologize and ask them who they are, (when clearly they know who I am).

You'll get there at some point in your life.
So... during one of Biden's speeches... Biden said that he wouldn't step down unless "The Almighty" told him to.

During another speech (Michigan?) He called Kamala Trump... and Zelenski Putin.

He was also defiant about stepping down... and at one point he leaned over the podium and said "not gonna happen". I'm not going anywhere.

So today... It appears that ''THE Almighty" protected Trump. I guess Joe isn't getting the hint.
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So Schumer was just on TV talking about Harris being the nominee.

When he stopped talking there was a long pause, and when that happened he said... Applause???

Nada, Nothing... Crickets!!!
So Schumer was just on TV talking about Harris being the nominee.

When he stopped talking there was a long pause, and when that happened he said... Applause???

Nada, Nothing... Crickets!!!

*source required*

Because it sounds like another of your made-up stories you like to do.
Looked more like a funeral. Nobody was asking questions.

I guess nowadays people at press conferences don't ask questions.

If it's a Q&A press conference, they do. Not all are. I see you're trying really, really hard right now.

BTW, now I know you watch MSNBC :)
MSNBC has actually gone left leaning. No thanks. Never used MSNBC as a news source.

My "free TV" works perfectly.

Never did care for MSNBC.

I'll stick with Scripps. ;)

At least they do fair, honest, reporting.
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Never used MSNBC you say? This is literally an MSNBC link you posted above:
I lost the original link from Scripps and couldn't find it again.

MSNBC popped up when I did a Google search, since I couldn't find the original website where Schumer was giggling like a school girl.

Same exact conference footage as Scripps. Big deal. :rolleyes:
You realize that I couldn't care less if you attack Schumer, right?

As far as Schumer being happy with Kamala Harris now running for office, that was expected as he wanted Biden to not run for a second term due to his age.

Now you guys have the "too old to run", "mixes up people's names" and "mumbles nonsense" candidate. Kamala is 20 years younger than Trump. Funny how things can flip :)
So thanks to you... I have been watching MSNBC. Evidently you think it is Right leaning???

But after watching some of the news feeds, MSNBC appears to be moving to the Left.

C'est la vie.

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