How do you feel about Biden NOW?

I'm fine with Biden going to Michigan, even after his binder reader stated that he would not get involved with the labor dispute. After all, it is all about votes and union contributions. He could have, and should have, gone to East Palestine long ago, maybe giving up one of his Rehoboth weekends.
Sorry to see that you still gloss over the border crisis. Even Democratic mayors are screaming about the situation, declaring states of emergency (Eagle Pass & El Paso), but it all falls on deaf ears at the White House. They keep saying that the border is under control, a blatant lie. Biden has the power to stop this madness immediately if he wanted to, but that is not on his agenda. I am not , as you say, scapegoating the people coming across, hell they are only taking advantage of the wide open opportunity the open border presents. I am, instead, directing my, as you call it, "demonizing" at the people behind the curtain at the White House who are pushing this open border policy. Can't blame Joe, as he is a mere talking head for them. How many do we take in before the country finally buckles? Can you answer that? Maybe you can, because every Democrat that is asked that question can't (or won't) answer the question. Deflection is the usual response.
Maybe you need a Reality Latte.
Reality Check, Bubba:

If we somehow could wave a magic wand and magically deport everyone you wanted deported, then you'd be screaming at the soaring prices, REALLY soaring prices, of nigh everything you buy that would follow. It's a no-win situation with you people, you just want to complain without offering any realistic fix or alternatives to the situation. 100% complaints, 0% real world solutions.

The real reason there's so many illegal immigrants in America is because they keep prices down and MOST importantly, they keep the wealthy even wealthier with their cheaper labor, paying taxes and not receiving many benefits. And it's not just the "Liberal Elites" who employ these people as you think. eg Trump himself hires illegal immigrants for his businesses and construction projects, because it saves him money.

It's not the nonsense and racist "they want to replace us!", "Obama globalist image" or any of the other nutty commentary Rightist conspiracy spins. No one wants to replace you with an illegal immigrant. No one.
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Not me... who wants to make a "gentleman's bet" the migrants end up working in the auto plants.

And the next time there are negotiations... the migrants work during the strike.

One thing people don't about... is that there are no enforced safety regulations in the auto plants South of the border.

Accidents and deaths DO happen down there.

Yeah, you would.

Yeah, not going to happen.
And as far as the Auto strike... news is saying that the workers are only getting $500 a week, and also health coverage.

They also get unemployment compensation too.

Typical auto plant yearly income is $70k, depending on job type and position.
We have migrants that work the fields. One of my neighbors grows flowers that are sold at a farmers market in Detroit.

A neighbor girl used to work with the migrants, with no problems.

At one point there was a small influx of migrant workers, and one of the migrants tried to stab my neighbor in the groin.

Fortunately the knife hit my neighbors cell phone, and the migrant took off.

So now the guy that does the flowers only has one loyal employee.
And I see migrants "Union busting" in a few years.
You're right... I don't see Pelosi doing it.
That's because most are spoiled brats.
I don't see you doing it either. You might break a nail.:)

Wow, four unhinged replies to my one little post. Oh my.

Anyhow, the point you're dodging is that, that work is something that needs to get done for the country to operate and Americans won't do it, not because of the wages, because they don't want to do it. American's out of jobs won't do it. I've been gainfully employed and paying taxes since I was 15.

So while you and people like you sh!t all over illegal working immigrants, you simultaneously take advantage of it in the form of goods and lower prices :)

Massive reform does need to happen though, some of those working conditions are horrible and greedy corporations are taking advantage of poor people.
Reality Check, Bubba:

If we somehow could wave a magic wand and magically deport everyone you wanted deported, then you'd be screaming at the soaring prices, REALLY soaring prices, of nigh everything you buy that would follow. It's a no-win situation with you people, you just want to complain without offering any realistic fix or alternatives to the situation. 100% complaints, 0% real world solutions.

The real reason there's so many illegal immigrants in America is because they keep prices down and MOST importantly, they keep the wealthy even wealthier with their cheaper labor, paying taxes and not receiving many benefits. And it's not just the "Liberal Elites" who employ these people as you think. eg Trump himself hires illegal immigrants for his businesses and construction projects, because it saves him money.

It's not the nonsense and racist "they want to replace us!", "Obama globalist image" or any of the other nutty commentary Rightist conspiracy spins. No one wants to replace you with an illegal immigrant. No one.
Disinformation Check, Dude:

I don't think I ever called for the deportation of all illegals- that would be utterly impossible- you are using a DNC talking point. I also never used the phrase "Replace Us". But consider this- for all of your blather about how they keep prices down, how does that balance with the cost of feeding, housing, educating and providing medical care balance out. Inflation is the real culprit for soaring prices, but Bidenomics is not under discussion here.

A solution? How about first STOPPING the influx as completely as we can until we can figure out how to implement the favorite Democratic Party's term Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Then resume sensible, controlled immigration.

You still avoided answering the question- how many uncontrolled migrants are enough? Is there a limit as to how many we can handle??????

As is typical for the leftists, any views that disagree with the Democratic Party mantra are scorned.
Disinformation Check, Dude:

I don't think I ever called for the deportation of all illegals- that would be utterly impossible- you are using a DNC talking point. I also never used the phrase "Replace Us". But consider this- for all of your blather about how they keep prices down, how does that balance with the cost of feeding, housing, educating and providing medical care balance out. Inflation is the real culprit for soaring prices, but Bidenomics is not under discussion here.

A solution? How about first STOPPING the influx as completely as we can until we can figure out how to implement the favorite Democratic Party's term Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Then resume sensible, controlled immigration.

You still avoided answering the question- how many uncontrolled migrants are enough? Is there a limit as to how many we can handle??????

As is typical for the leftists, any views that disagree with the Democratic Party mantra are scorned.


You've showed your deplorable hand. So you're okay with "X" amount of illegal immigrants/workers, whatever that number keeps the flow of industry and the prices down for you.

We both know what all your talks of "invasions" is about.

Is there a limit? I don't know. I do know Americans benefit more from illegal immigrants and the labor they provide, than they have drawbacks. Corporations make billions of profit from them. Even small business and small scale contractors take advantage of the situation.

eg I know a contractor who is Trumper, who employs illegal day laborers to keep his overhead down. He picks them up on the corner for whatever house remodel he's working on to do the grunt work. Ah, capitalism.

Wrong again, Rightist. Only your scornful views are scorned.
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You've showed your deplorable hand. So you're okay with "X" amount of illegal immigrants/workers, whatever that number keeps the flow of industry and the prices down for you.

We both know what all your talks of "invasions" is about.

Is there a limit? I don't know. I do know Americans benefit more from illegal immigrants and the labor they provide, than they have drawbacks. Corporations make billions of profit from them. Even small business and small scale contractors take advantage of the situation.

eg I know a contractor who is Trumper, who employs illegal day laborers to keep his overhead down. He picks them up on the corner for whatever house remodel he's working on to do the grunt work. Ah, capitalism.

Wrong again, Rightist. Only your scornful views are scorned.
Wrong again Lib:

I am not OK with the vast amount of illegals in this country, just resigned to the reality that they are here and this administration ain't doing jack to remove any of them. The definition of "invasion" is an incursion of a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity (Oxford Dictionary). I think that fits this situation, but I don't know what you are trying to imply. Ask the Democratic mayors of Eagle Pass or El Paso if the definition fits their situation. You are so very blind (or ignorant, or brainwashed, or both) to even care about the US citizens living along the border who are paying the price. Is a country without any borders even a country?

What is scornful is the fact that your party has been taken over by the far left faction and moderate members are too afraid to speak up, those who do take a different tack (RFK Jr.) are shunned and frozen out of the primary process. What are they afraid of?
I don't see being a Liberal as a bad thing. Liberals stand for freedom and equality for all. So thanks for the compliment :)

Yes, you just want enough illegal workers to to pick your fruits and clean your hotel room toilet. Whatever that number is, not one more or less.

So you're not really against illegal immigrants, you just want it a certain way that benefits you.

Bingo, Bubba, big effing Bingo. RFK Jrs is shunned by the Left because he speaks the truth and not because he's an unhinged nutter with nutty ideas and claims. (that was sarcasm) The fact you believe this is hilarious.

How's your MAGA Rightist cult doing? Trying to crash the government so they can then blame it on Biden, the fact that our military and citizens will suffer from a shiutdown be damned. Trump said this quiet part out loud already on his Truth Social: Trump Tells Republicans To Embrace A Government Shutdown To Place Blame On Biden
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So you're anti-union and anti worker rights. No surprise.
Actually.....I have worked union for the last 30 years. I have worked in auto plants, oil refineries, wind farms, bridge construction, steel mills, and many other types of construction projects.

IF... I go to full retirement... I will have 42 years in union construction.

The auto plants are a "different animal".

All that being said.... Unions do have some drawbacks, and their own "politics".

"Side show Joe" is just trying to get votes because typically Unions vote Democrat.

Unions also have a "Socialist" side to them... where the "good workers"... carry the "slugs".

And FYI... when my wife and I got married decades ago, we had a baby on the way.

I swallowed my pride and went to the welfare office (just to get medical bills covered).

When I later got my Union Job... I called up the welfare office, and told them to cancel everything.

The lady on the other end of the phone told me to keep the welfare card (just in case). I told her no, and that I was going to cut up the card.

At that point she told me to mail the card back to her.

I did... and never looked back since.

Socialism puts a person "under the thumb" of the government.

I believe in a "hand up"... not a "hand out".

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