How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Here's my opinion. If you like and support biden after all he's already done, you either are not paying attention or you are just blind to it. Gonna avoid calling you a moron.

Thank you for being courteous.

I disagree with your sentiment of course due to facts and reality, Biden's also done a lot of good with the disaster he walked into, which Republicans take advantage of but never give credit. eg millions into Red states from the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which is helping states like Florida:

“I am awarding more than $28 million to expand Florida’s semiconductor and chip manufacturing through the Job Growth Grant Fund,” he said. “These awards will create high-paying jobs for Floridians in growing, high-demand fields while also supporting our state’s economic future.” -Ron DeSantis 11/21/23 (this was made possible due to Biden admin policy)

I still think he's too old to run again, but that's an age issue, not policy.

Did I ask you before, how did you vote in 2016 and 2020? I voted Clinton and Biden
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Yup... but you (Dude) fail to see that during the election debates... Kamala gave Biden a bunch of grief.

That's probably why Kamala ended up being VP. Biden knew Kamala would bury him on the "race" issue.
Yup... but you (Dude) fail to see that during the election debates... Kamala gave Biden a bunch of grief.

That's probably why Kamala ended up being VP. Biden knew Kamala would bury him on the "race" issue.
Nah. Biden was VP for the first Black president, or did you forget.
^Classic Biden Derangement Syndrome (aka BDS) is causing this fellow to actually argue against the removal of lead pipes from our drinking water because it's a Biden initiative.

Boy you twisted that. :rolleyes:

I did not argue about/against removing the lead pipes, but gave you a simple, truthful explanation of the how and why of things going on in Flint, Benton Harbor... AND D.C.

Since you don't understand what water "scale" is, I will repeat myself.

Scale is a calcium build up caused by minerals in the water, that cause the water lines to constrict ,(get internally smaller)

The "powers that be" ... in Flint and Benton Harbor... used a chemical to flush the scale out of the (lead) water pipes.

When they did that... the lead in the pipes leached into the water... contaminating the water.

Again... this went on for years.

I can't "dumb this down" into any simpler explanation for you.

Again... the Flint/Benton Harbor issue has been going on for a long time.

Same with Detroit.

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If a person owns a house from the 1940's to 1950's... there is a good chance that the water pipes are lead.

In the 1950's... Copper pipe started being used (which is much safer).

Dude... you are clueless.
What did I say many posts above about the lead pipe issue in Flint/Benton Harbor???

I said this all started in 2014Screenshot_20231201-124933.png

Did I lie???????? (middle finger to you)

Keep arguing about things you know NOTHING about. It's working well for you.:rolleyes:
Boy you twisted that. :rolleyes:

I did not argue about/against removing the lead pipes, but gave you a simple, truthful explanation of the how and why of things going on in Flint, Benton Harbor... AND D.C.

Since you don't understand what water "scale" is, I will repeat myself.

Scale is a calcium build up caused by minerals in the water, that cause the water lines to constrict ,(get internally smaller)

The "powers that be" ... in Flint and Benton Harbor... used a chemical to flush the scale out of the (lead) water pipes.

When they did that... the lead in the pipes leached into the water... contaminating the water.

Again... this went on for years.

I can't "dumb this down" into any simpler explanation for you.

Again... the Flint/Benton Harbor issue has been going on for a long time.

Same with Detroit.

View attachment 828578317

I'm not arguing what caused the problem, never was, you scarecrow. But lead pipes are a problem regardless of sediment coatings, you get that right? Lead ingesting = bad.

Something needed to be done going back a VERY long time ago, Biden's the one finally doing something about it. So instead of trying to side-argue nonsense, point fingers and scrape the barrel for negatives, just be happy our kids are going to be ingesting less lead going forward because of Biden's initiative. Progress = good.
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If a person owns a house from the 1940's to 1950's... there is a good chance that the water pipes are lead.

In the 1950's... Copper pipe started being used (which is much safer).

Dude... you are clueless.

^Literally something I never argued. This kid sure does love his Straw Man Fallacies.

Anyhow. I just want to know that you do finally understand that lead pipes are bad regardless of sediment buildup, they're still lead and it's a ticking bomb waiting to lead poison people. Lead = bad.

Removing lead pipes and replacing them is the smart thing to do. Progress = good.
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My parents built there own house in the 1950's Dad used copper pipes.

Many years later (decades) I had a house built, and did all of the "mechanical" work myself. I used PVC pipe for the water and sewer lines.

I also did the majority of the electrical work.

I passed inspection on everything. Even the gas lines (which is iron black pipe).

You are totally clueless, and "sounding the alarm" a decade too late.
But lead pipes are a problem regardless of sediment coatings, you get that right? Lead ingesting = bad
No shit Sherlock. Point is that "sediment coatings" protected from the lead.

When the pipes were chemically "flushed" it exposed the lead.

Like I said... you are a decade too late. So stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.

It never should have happened, and can't be taken back.

My ex father-in-law lived in a house that had lead water pipes. He had low water flow, due to the scale build up.

He had 2 choices. Leave everything alone and don't disturb the pipes... or completely replace the water lines with PVC pipe.... which with parts and labor, would be expensive.

Guess what he did. Nothing.

It's kinda like the issue of asbestos tiles and insulation. If it's not damaged... leave it alone.
My parents built there own house in the 1950's Dad used copper pipes.

Many years later (decades) I had a house built, and did all of the "mechanical" work myself. I used PVC pipe for the water and sewer lines.

I also did the majority of the electrical work.

I passed inspection on everything. Even the gas lines (which is iron black pipe).

You are totally clueless, and "sounding the alarm" a decade too late.

Seems like you just want to argue for the sake of arguing, which was set off by your BDS. But lets see:

Good for your dad, his forward thinking doesn't magically change the fact that US cities have a lead pipe problem and lead = bad

PVC is a cheaper alternative and prone to cracking compared to copper, you should have used copper. But that doesn't magically change the fact that US cities have a lead pipe problem either.

So it's too late to remove the lead popes? *laughs profusely* No, it's a good thing that within 10 years most lead water pipes will be replaced. Thanks, Biden.
PVC is a cheaper alternative and prone to cracking compared to copper, you should have used copper.
FYI... my PVC water lines are 25 years old... with no issues. Unless they get damaged, they will probably last another 25 years.

I could have done copper, but I was under a deadline.

I have soldered copper pipe before. It's not that hard. It just takes a little more measuring, and "dry fitting". :)
No, it's a good thing that within 10 years most lead water pipes will be replaced.

:rolleyes: That's about 20 years too late.
And the only reason PVC pipe would split... is if it froze.

Kinda like when Texas had that cold snap a few years back. Everything was bursting. Even copper pipes.
No... that's you... because you don't know what you are talking about.
Did I say it wasn't an issue??? You can stop beating your drum... because Biden is waaay too late on this.

This has been "the stone kicked down the road" for a long while now.

And once again you show your classic BDS, it's not "waaay too late" to fix, it's a on ongoing problem that can be remedied and will be remedied under Biden's initiative.

If Trump had done this, you'd be cheering that lead pipes were going to be gone in the not so distant future, and I'd be cheering with you, because lead = bad and a good initiative is good regardless of the POTUS.
FYI... my PVC water lines are 25 years old... with no issues. Unless they get damaged, they will probably last another 25 years.

I could have done copper, but I was under a deadline.

I have soldered copper pipe before. It's not that hard. It just takes a little more measuring, and "dry fitting". :)

:rolleyes: That's about 20 years too late.

You should have found the time and done the copper. Rushing a job is never a good idea for contractor work. That's a Protip.

Curb that BDS as once again it's not too late to do something about the lead pipes now, it's a problem that can still be fixed and have positive results for the future. Less lead poisoning = higher intelligence quotients in children, higher IQ = less potential Trumper types.
it's not too late to do something about the lead pipes now, it's a problem that can still be fixed and have positive results
No shit Sherlock. But you weren't even aware of the problem until Biden said something.

Then I had to explain to you what was going on... and how long it has been going on.
No shit Sherlock. But you weren't even aware of the problem until Biden said something.

Then I had to explain to you what was going on... and how long it has been going on.

Another painfully obvious lie and false accusation out of you. The Flint story alone made national news. Then the decades long stories about lead poisoning and the the effects it has on children, which I mentioned at the start.

Um, you're the one that kept claiming it's "too late" to fix the problem and that the lead pipes should be left in place, it's all above, kiddo. Now you're backpedaling. Nice.

Maybe that other poster was correct and you are legitimately dense. Denser than the lead in those poisonous lead pipes the Biden initiative will be eradicating soon. :0
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Less lead poisoning = higher intelligence quotients in children, higher IQ
Unfortunately It's too late for the current generation. and maybe even the next. Lead takes a long time to get out of the body.

It's for the same reason that lead paint was banned a few decades ago.
Listen, I'm just glad I was able to change your mind about it not being too late to do something now; that the best course of action is to remove those lead pipes in every city, as the Biden initiative dictates. YW.

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